Theme of Master's Work:

Financial provision of innovative activity of the enterprise

Scientific adviser:

Oksana Fishenko

Faculty of Economics

Department of Economics of Enterprise

Speciality:«Management of Innovative Activity»


Let's Get It Started

I am pleased to welcome you to my personal page. Now I will briefly tell you about myself. As befits all starts from childhood.


My childhood began many, many years ago, namely 28 March 1988 in Makeyevka. On the day I first saw the light and naturally my parents. About my memories of childhood is nothing i can not say, but i'm happy to show you them, because in those days were distributed cameras, and in our family was one camera. Therefore, all the memories are represented in the form of photographs. From childhood memories, I remember only trip to kindergarten, which took 4 years of my life. The time spent in the kindergarten was quite interesting, informative, entertaining and fun. After a kindergarten my grandmother is usual took away me home because parents at that time were on work. Before arrival of parents we played with the grandmother in various board games. "Monopoly" was one of my favourite games owing to what I has understood that I want to become the banker.


After the termination of kindergarten and achievement of 7 years I have gone to school. The choice hasn't kept itself waiting long and parents have sent me in Makeevsky city lyceum where they studied. At school already there were some familiar faces from kindergarten. Studying went well, there were many new acquaintanceships, the part from them has outgrown in friendship and to this day, and one acquaintanceship has outgrown in strong love. As well as at any schoolboy, school days haven't done without rest and sports. At our school there was a wide choice of sections from chess and swimming before handball and fencing. But I chose basketball because of my competitive advantages (high height and weight, enough to knock the opponent). I went to the sports section about a year and then dropped - the basis of this game I got and went on to develop myself on the basketball courts with my friends. I still continue to play basketball with my friends. Rest in school passed even better than teaching because we with our classmates traveled to various parts of Ukraine. Sedovo, Sevastopol, Shchurovo, Lvov, Berdyansk etc. Good 10 years of my life, excellent preparation for institute and the further life became result of school years.


On the last year of school for all the question arises as to what college to go and to what specialty. My question did not arise, because I knew that I would go to the DPI (DonNTU), and as I wanted to become the banker that I have gone on a speciality "Finance". Four years passed quickly, during which time I acquired new knowledge, new skills and, of course, new acquaintances. After receiving the bachelor's degree has become the question of what to do next. There were three options: first - to continue their education at a specialist, the second - on the master, and a third option - to go to work. And I have accepted the second variant, but have decided to pass to other speciality «Management of innovative activity», because in financial sector there were problems, and I wanted to learn how to solve all problems through innovative, creative, non-standard approaches.

The future plan is simple enough – «I want to receive all that only I will wish.»