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Master of DonNTU
Educational and Scientific Institute « Higher School of Economics and Management » Faculty: Management Department: Personnel Management and Labour Economics Speciality: Personnel Management and Labour Economics Theme of Master's Work: « Motivation of work mine worker to complete the rule ingineerig safety» Scientific Supervisor: Ph.D. (in Economics), Professor of PMLE Department Irina Shvets |
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Formation of market relations in Ukraine needs new methodological fittings for problems of more complete use of human factor by activation of activity of workers, creation of effective reasons and stimuli in the mechanism of management. Insufficient motivation in modern conditions often becomes a limiting factor which does not allow enterprises and associations to realize the potential possibilities, in practice results public activity of executors, decline of public activity of performers, depersonalized, parasitic attitude, sluggishness of most workers. Development of effective mechanism of motivation of work, which would answer and interests of employers, and necessities of workers, is one of the most actual problems of the present. The methodological going is in-process considered near forming of motivational mechanism . The reasons of many problems of the Ukrainian enterprises – mechanical copying as old Soviet scheme of mutual relations and motivation system. Therefore it is necessary to improve system of motivation for the further prompt growth of productivity of the enterprises and economy of Ukraine. Creating the motivation concept at the enterprise, it is necessary to be defined with objects of application of certain kinds material and moral incentive. Their separate kinds can be used to all categories of employees, some - to the leading personnel. The motivation and the stimulation of work based on studying and satisfaction of requirements of workers depending on results of work, raise their labour activity and efficiency of business as a whole. To raise motivation of the worker to work it is possible through knowledge of structure of their motives and requirements, through perfection of systems of stimulation of the work, allowing first of all through payment system to co-ordinate interests and the purposes of proprietors of business to interests and the purposes of workers, through encouragements for results in work, through certain actions for expression of a recognition by it the head. Each head, being guided by creation of stimulus for an all-around development of workers, includes the most powerful natural mechanism of motivation of the person, a consequence of that will be both high efficiency, and quality of performance of the work charged to the person, and responsibility for results of the work. The major stimulus to high-efficiency work and manufacture growth are wages, and also non-material methods of motivation. Payment systems at many enterprises have lost the motivational functions, poorly stimulate labour productivity. All it means that proprietors of business and heads of the enterprises underestimate motivational possibilities of wages in achievement of the purposes planned by them. It does extremely actual a problem of increase of efficiency of factors of motivation and wages as important factor of labour motivation. For Ukraine, and in particular for Donbass, the theme motivation of work of miners is actual. One of the important directions of mines is the motivation of miners to performance of safety precautions regulations and labour safeties. The coal industry is one of the greatest areas in industrial sector of economy of Donbass. At the present stage of development for all national economy of Ukraine and in particular for the coal industry of Donbass there was a difficult economic situation. For today the situation which has developed concerning calculations with workers, explains an urgency of the chosen theme, as a wages and stimulation – one of motivational means of increase of interest working in results of the work. All aforesaid has defined a choice of a theme of the this research, his purpose and a problem. COMMUNICATION OF WORK WITH SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMS, PLANS, THEMES Qualification master’s work was carried out during 2009-2010 years according to scientific directions of the chair «Personnel Management and Labour Economics» of Donetsk National Technical University. PURPOSE AND RESEARCH TASKS, SCIENTIFIC NOVELTY The purpose of degree research is working out of theoretical and organizational bases of management by process of increase of efficiency of labour motivation, and also drawing up of new offers on increase of motivation of miners to safety precautions performance. For achievement of the put purpose was formulated and decided row of scientific tasks of research, including :
Object of researches is managerial processes by motivators of labour activity at the enterprises of mountain-extracting area . Subject of researches are the mechanism of motivation and management of labour activity of workers of the mountain-extracting enterprises on safety precautions performance. Methods of researches: Researches it was spent with application of the dialectic approach to studying of a current state of motivation of work at mountain-extracting enterprises . To theoretical and methodological bases of research the scientific workings out of domestic and foreign experts connected with management by the personnel are. Following methods of scientific knowledge were used: at a stage of gathering, ordering and processing of the information for research carrying out – inductive; in the course of theoretical judgement of a problem – deductive, analysis and synthesis methods – for association of different making economic events in uniform process. Studying process of motivation of work at a development cycle of offers concerning its improvement detailed elaboration methods, grouping, generalisation, graphic, analytical, logic, economic-mathematical modelling were applied. Scientific novelty of work consists in working out of new model of a payment which will be directed on fair compensation and motivation of the administrative personnel. The given model covers some foreign systems of a payment, basic of which the grad's system is. Formation of new system of feigning and work motivation at the enterprise which meets modern requirements, will assist improvement of performance of various rules tehnic safety and work protection on sites and on mine. PRACTICAL IMPORTANCE OF THE RECEIVED RESULTS Results of research are directed on the further development of the theory and practice of the organisation of the motivational environment at the enterprise, salary to increase of their efficiency in management of labour motivation miners. The practical importance of results of research consists that conclusions and recommendations can be used heads of the enterprises, local bodies власты in a control system of efficiency of wages as the work factor, in the monitoring system behind level and quality of a life in region, and also in teaching of subject matters. SECTION 1 ESSENCE, CONCEPT, A BASIS OF THE PURPOSE AND A ROJE OF MOTIVATION OF THE PERSONNEL Dominating function of management – influence on others to induce executors to carry out work in a direction of achievement of the planned purposes. The motivation, a great interest to which caused by increase of a role of subjective factors in a social production, complication of conditions labour and out of labour activity, enrichment and development of the person is a prominent aspect of this function. The motivation is a process of prompting of the person or group of people to achievement of the purposes of the organisation and includes motives, interests, requirements, hobby, motivational installations or dispositions, ideals and other In wide understanding the motivation is sometimes defined as behaviour determination in general. [8] In the course of labour activity at people the interested relation to work иd its results as the motivation strengthens desirable behaviour of the person is purposefully formed, channelizes behaviour and is grounded on internal and external factors or on motives and stimulus. The motive is the realised incentive reason, a basis, the basis to any action or an act. The motive is the subjective phenomenon, comprehension of acts which finally turn to statement whole that induces the person to action owing to transformation external спонуковуючого the factor (stimulus) and its comprehension by the individual. To reasons belong complex of motives which operate with complete force during the long period of time, and also duty, aspiration to execute an incumbent task. Reasons can be classified after different signs. So, depending on a stimulant sphere reasons are divided by material and moral. In turn moral it is possible to divide by:
These types of reasons presented on a fig. 1. (Animation: volume - 5,42 КБ; size - 640х400; number of shots - 7; delay between shots - 2000 мс; delay between last and first shots - 2000 мс; namber of repetition cycles - infinity) At the heart of motivation of the personnel to diligent work the domestic psychology allocates following basic motives:
Basic tasks of motivation :
However, for the decision of these problems the necessary analysis of following phenomena:
Very important behaviour regulators also are. We can consider them on fig. 2. (Animation: volume - 23,7 КБ; size - 640х400; number of shots - 9; delay between shots - 2000 мс; delay between last and first shots - 2000 мс; namber of repetition cycles - infinity) Behaviour regulators induce on those or other actions of the person aspiration to self-preservation, pride, ambition, an ambition, inquisitiveness, liking, has dragged to the power, comfort, etc. Interests is a selective relation of the person to the defined object, purposeful aspiration, requirement, which caused by set of social and economic living conditions of the person, collective, a society. Efficient control is possible only under such circumstances if accurate representations about requirements, motives of activity of the executor, about its position, valuable orientation and т.п are. The Motivation arises from dissatisfied requirements and actions which impulse it if they successful and satisfy these requirements. Some requirements are satisfied only for a certain time, other requirements can be satisfied for long time. Therefore it is always important to find out, what specific requirements impulse occurrence of motivation at the given person, at present. As the motivation factor the system of stimulation of work first of all acts. Thus important, how much витримуються social justice rules and equivalence of compensations to the labour contribution, and also compulsion of indemnification of the material inputs admitted by the worker due to negligence. Very considerable role of individual measures material and moral incentive to high-efficiency work: an establishment of level of monetary compensation, tariff rates, surcharges, awards, increase of the professional category, the commission of difficult and responsible problems, business trip on training at the expense of the enterprise. In the conditions of an economic crisis and instability, the great value gets the organizational factor of motivation: maintenance of an order, discipline of work and responsibility. The motivation plays a main role in maintenance of highly effective activity of the person in any sphere. Therefore creation and introduction of scientifically well-founded system of motivation can be considered as the important condition of activization of the human factor.[2] It is possible to allocate 15 signs of system мотививации the personnel to work:
SECTION 2 IS STANDART-LEGAL BASE OF STIMULATION OF WORKS ON A LABOUR SAFETY Stimulation of works on a labour safety are regulated «by Position about stimulation of works on a labour safety in coal industry Ministersva of fuel and power of Ukraine». These are positions intended for use at the organisation of payment and stimulation of results of positive work on improvement of a condition of a labour safety at the enterprise. Safety of work from manufacture also is estimated in a complex in association with high-efficiency and effective work. Stimulation of works in a control system of a labour safety unites forms material and moral incentive with a complex of actions of economic, disciplinary and administrative influence on workers of mine. Moral incentive provided by the Code of laws on work of Ukraine and the Mountain Law of Ukraine, therefore Position defines material stimulation of works on a labour safety. Material stimulation of works on work protection includes material encouragement and material sanctions (responsibility). Material encouragement for achievement in maintenance of a positive condition of protection of work здійснються in forms:
Material sanctions for failures, a traumatism, an occupational disease, infringement (neediness) of norms and labour safety requirements, marriage in work and other actions are applied by a way:
Single encouragements in the form of awards, gifts, permits and other compensations can become for performance in particular the important actions from work protection, prevention or liquidation of failures, rescue of people during failures and accidents. Single sanctions in the form of deprivations (reduction) of awards or refusal in their charge, decrease in extra charges are, etc. applied for numerous or single rough infringements of Safety rules. It is necessary to understand infringement which has resulted as rough infringements of safety rules or could lead to failures 1 ї and 2 ї a category or accident. Material stimulation of protection of work should be mainly individual. In case of application of collective forms awarding of the sum of awards should be distributed taking into account direct participation of each worker of collective in achievements (omissions, infringements) in protection sphere of work. an auxiliary role in the organisations which cleverly use this tool of economic policy. They can raise interest of workers and serving in work protection, simultaneously stimulating performances of workers in the protection. The control system of work protection, according to item 17 of the Law of Ukraine «About a labour safety», is created at the enterprise for the purpose of maintenance of safe and healthy working conditions, accident precaution, to accidents and occupational diseases. The control system of work protection is a set of the actions, which actions the lives directed on preservation and health working and which connected between itself an overall aim, problems and functions. The primary goal of system – the organisation of safe and harmless production by regular performance of regulatory legal acts, scientific and technical and organizational-preventive actions from work protection at each enterprise, in subsection and on a workplace. Management of a labour safety is under construction behind principles of the complex decision of safety issues, precautionary actions in sphere of protection of work and economic interest of workers. Safety of work integral from manufacture also is provided at all its stages. Is standard-legal basis of system management of work protection is the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine «About work protection», the Mountain Law of Ukraine, the Code of laws on work of Ukraine and the Code of Ukraine on bowels; the Law of Ukraine «About fire safety»; the Law of Ukraine «About maintenance of sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population», Rules of technical operation coal and mines, the Safety rule for collieries, Uniform safety rules at blasting robots, decrees of the President of Ukraine, Decide Council and the Cabinet of Ukraine. SECTION 3 MODELS OF INCREASE OF SAFETY OF WORK AND STIMULATION PROTECTION OF WORK In the literature on questions protection of works and tehnic safety are taught various theories and metods protection the works based on interaction of motivating factors. From them two models have proved the ability to improve indicators in роботі on work protection. One model - organizational actions of management by behaviour (OAMB), concentrates attention to laws of changes in behaviour and application of the quality monitoring developed by B.F.SkInner. Other model - metods total quality assurance (МТQA) - puts forward a problem of change of processes and application of principles the quality management offered by U.E.Demming. Application of stimulus for motivation of workers and employees - the standard practice all over the world. Among scientists and experts disputes concerning value which is represented by stimulation programs go. Stimulus are primary factors which cause reaction to surrounding conditions. Thoughts on utility of programs of stimulation of a labour safety and public health services disperse. In some organisations, for example, the management reluctantly goes on additional stimulation of a labour safety as this requirement the constant already a component of industrial indicators and has no requirement in special to itself to attention. According to other point of view, stimulation of additional efforts on work protection reduces real cost of well-being of the concrete worker which and is the most important motive of increase of efficiency of a labour safety. For successful realisation of the program the criteria of selection put in bonus system of payment of work have crucial importance. Stimulation programs have also the weak places caused:
Criteria of a traumatism are not sensitive mechanism. The success of realisation of the program is measured by change of negative consequences: reduction of number of traumas or their total absence. As accidents and failures occur seldom enough, can pass a lot of time before considerable changes to the best will come. On such indicators it is possible to judge not a labour safety, but only about the account of accidents at the enterprise of numerous circumstances which occur under the influence of stimulation which do not depend on participants of the program. Employers often resort to stimulation programs to hide absence at the enterprise of a control system of a labour safety and public health services, or to solve long-term problems of manufacture which demand more fundamental approach. At level of the worker, as serves as the basic form of abusing there can be an attempt to hide a failure or traumatism case through fear that the material award will he is deprived or its brigade. The success of the program stimulation in the big degree depends on character of participation of workers both serving in operation of business and correct perception them this phenomenon. If the purposes too high or working and serving do not do the remark of influence of the efforts to results, the program will be inefficient. The большее time passes after an establishment of high indicators of a labour safety and reception of material compensation, the smaller authority, the incentive system of a payment will use. Difficulties in a certain measure explain, why many organisations have not dared to use yet the stimulation program as means labour safety encouragement. There are many proofs and effective examples which confirm influence of incentive motives on successful realisation of programs on a labour safety and increase of a system effectiveness of public health services. Use of incentive motives, awards and a recognition of merits to interest workers and safety precautions regulations serving in observance, - a common feature of procedure the OAMB and models МТQA. In procedure the OAMB use of incentive motives for fastening of reactions of workers and employees on surrounding conditions is a solving condition of successful performance of the program. In model МТQA material compensation, promotion and other incentive motives are applied to note a creative payment in production improvement. With that end in view at level of working brigades or within the limits of all enterprise will organise. In general, use of motives of increase of interest can have on workers and employees positive influence in understanding of change their relation to work and behaviour. When the estimation of the reached indicators in a labour safety and to public health services becomes a part of decisions on increase in wages of workers and employees, these factors become even more powerful for a presentation of new requirements on work. The quantity of the man-hours lost because of an industrial traumatism, and other circumstances connected with it represent serious problems if to recognise that is the uniform basis for additional incentive payments. Use of attractive force of positive examples in the form of industrial indicators give to actions of workers and employees of confidence and create new possibilities for their corresponding reactions and new redistribution of incentive payments. Successful motivational programs allow to solve correctly some problems connected with industrial indicators, abusings and character of participation of workers and serving in operation of business. Though research in these directions yet завершенны, collected is enough data for granting of consultations the organisations which intend to use them at creation of control systems by a labour safety and public health services. Abusings which are supposed in the work by workers and employees, basically have casual character. Use of programs increase of interest for correction of lacks of work on a labour safety allow to answer on a question, whether there can be displaced reasons of abusings in this area. If, according to a management, protection of work of workers and employees is not priority area, abusing will last, most likely, until circumstances will not force the enterprise to change the policy in this area. And, on the contrary, if the management increase of requirements favourable idea to protection of work and public health services, necessity of the complex approach to the decision of problems is correctly apprehended, and an auxiliary role of the program increase of interest among workers and employees recognised and appreciated. Near to it, attempts from outside the personnel will hide accidents on manufacture considerably smaller if to change criteria on which basis decisions on payment of incentive awards are made. Results of researches show that if the problem consists in keeping interest of workers and employees, it is necessary to pay compensations often enough and on the basis of higher indicators in work. Thereupon it is necessary to do so that prime industrial problems did not supersede other important office functions from their field of vision.[13] Exist also that proof that compensation of the worker for situation "monitoring" on a workplace and "informing" on a situation is not same. The difference between one and another, consists that the award for achievements that testify to a competence recognition, are estimated more strongly, than what simply are the response to problem performance. One of explanations of this phenomenon consists that workers and employees concern compensations which recognise personal achievements and individual способноси as to own what they can check while they treat compensations of other kind badly because their award depends on the one who appoints them or forbids depending on the reached industrial indicators. At compensation for informing on a situation in the head of a corner the worker with all positive lines and lacks, contrary to that occurs if it obtains reward simply that keeps control of a situation on a workplace is put.
1.Тейлор Ф.У. Принципи научного менеджмента. – М.: «Контролінг», 1991. – 435с. |
At writing of the given abstract a master’s work has not been finished yet. Date of the work’s final end is on December, 1st, 2010. Full text of work and materials on a theme can be received from the author or her supervisor after the named date. |
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