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Master of Donetsk National Technical University Ira Zaharchenya

Master of DonNTU
Ira Zaharchenya

Faculty: Management

Department: Personnel Management and Labour Economics

Speciality: Personnel Management and Labour Economics

Theme of Master's Work: « Staff motivation »

Scientific Supervisor: Ph. D., senior lecturer of the department PMLE Elena Chumachenko


of the qualification master’s work
«Staff motivation»




Motivation is a leader in the structure of personality and is one of the basic concepts that are used to explain the driving forces behind the behavior. In the role of the motif can serve the needs, interests, desires, emotions, attitudes, ideals. In the works of local psychologists motive is understood as a recognized need, and as a matter of needs, and identified with the need.

Motives can be internal and external, past due to the desire people have some objects do not belong to him or vice versa - to avoid such possession. Internal motives associated with obtaining satisfaction from the already available to the person object, which he wishes to retain, or inconvenience that brings possession, and hence the desire to get rid of him. For instance, interesting work brings people pleasure and it is often prepared to work almost for free, otherwise he agrees to do anything to get rid of this work.

In content, incentives can be economic and noneconomic. In turn, the latter are divided into organizational and moral. However, a clear distinction between them does not exist, in practice they are closely intertwined, interdependent, and often vzaimoperehodyaschi, so that they simply can not be divided. For example, promotions and related monetary reward offer to acquire not only some additional wealth, but fame, respect, honor.


Improving the existing mechanism to stimulate labor in particular the Ukrainian enterprises.


Qualification master’s work was carried out during 2009-2010 years according to scientific directions of the chair «Personnel Management and Labour Economics» of Donetsk National Technical University.


To identify the structure of motivation to work the various categories of company personnel and on this basis of evidence-based approaches to promote their work activity. :

  1. To analyze the various theoretical concepts of motivation to work and choose a basic model to be used in this study, particularly at Ukrainian enterprises.
  2. To study the structure and characteristics of work motivation of different groups of staff selected enterprises.
  3. Consider the well-known scientific approaches to research with incentives for both management behavior of employees labor organizations.
  4. To analyze the features of various types and forms of incentive to study plants and to examine the attitudes towards them workers of different occupational groups of officers.
  5. Develop a set of evidence-based approaches to promote the employees' company, taking into account the actual structure of their work motivation, especially performed job functions, the targets of the organization.
  6. Ability to implement a pilot approaches developed to improve labor stimulation in the selected unit investigated the company and evaluate their performance in terms of impact summary indicators of employment behavior of the cost-effectiveness of the organization.

Object of researches consider the employees of different professional groups working in the Ukrainian enterprises.

Subject of researches structure and characteristics of work motivation of different groups of staff, as well as opportunities to promote their work to improve the functioning of economic institutions in the emerging market environment in Ukraine.

Methods of researches served as the works of leading domestic and foreign economics, sociologists, psychologists, dealing with the theory of motivation and stimulation of labor behavior, personnel management, strategies of corporate governance. Some data conducted surveys, expert interviews with the Ukrainian enterprises. Depending on the tasks at each stage of dissertation research used as a logical and scientific methods of system analysis and synthesis, and special methods: economic and statistical methods of data collection and processing, sociological methods of collecting primary data, the methods of economic analysis.


scientific generalization and developed a theoretical model for studying the effect of the structure of motivations and incentives for economic performance of the enterprises.

tested and refined tools and methods of investigation typological structure of labor motivation of staff (on the model B. Gerchikov) and motivational preferences of managers and specialists of the company (on the model of F. Herzberg).

The method of assessing the impact of policies to encourage work on indicators of economic performance of the company and its units.


The practical importance of work consists that conclusions containing in it, the recommendations, systems of a payment concerning a choice, can be used at the enterprises.


Application to human impacts on incentives for its efforts, diligence, perseverance, integrity, commitment to address the challenges facing the organization, and the inclusion of relevant motifs, called the stimulus. The concept of incentives based on the fact that any action should be subordinate to a positive, negative or neutral effects, depending on how he performs his job. To avoid negativenyh consequences that follow when a deviation from the set parameters suitable to the organization, or gain promotion, he is stable or changes its behavior in the desired direction. For the successful management of people every manager should at least in general terms to represent what they want or do not want his employees, what are the external and internal motives of their conduct, in what ratio they are, how you can influence them and what results they expected. On this basis, it creates a certain motivational structure behavior of subordinates, develops them desirable motives and weakens undesirable, or to direct promotion of their actions.

In terms of what it should be encouraged - the activities themselves, or its result, the motivation appears in two forms: the current reward (punishment) or reward (punishment) on the results. Current promotion (punishment) is intended to stabilize or adjustments necessary to continue to work, and thus refers to behavior that is already there, so in the absence of any activity which is terminated.

The remuneration must be minimal in order to constantly maintain an interest in the continuation of the necessary work and does not deplete the resources of the organization. It should be borne in mind: it is important not so much the quantity as a form, method, mode of remuneration. Thus, it can be a regular, part-time (unexpected), variable (a combination of both). Sometimes it is even advisable to promote "advance" requiring people to work better. However, always reinforcements should be timely and specific, that people knew, with what it involves, and how he should do.

The final reward (or punishment) is associated with the result, so it should reflect the true contribution to it, to be fair, to create a human desire in the future work better. Various theories of motivation are divided into two Categories : substantive and procedural. The rich theory of motivation in the first place try to identify the needs to encourage people to take action, especially in determining the scope and content of work. At the core of meaningful concepts of motivation are human needs, that is a "need for something, without which he feels discomfort, internal and external imbalance, which he wishes to overcome. Requirements can be congenital, primary (natural origin) and acquired (social). The former include the need for food, water, heat, to the second - in communication, knowledge, self-actualization. With the knowledge needs of humans have a desire to satisfy them, and, hence, the interest that would do it. However, interest is the motive for activism only if people believe that to achieve the desired him to reach. When reaching higher performance than that which was required in accordance with the quota, the workers were paid at higher rate and receive prizes, which gave them an opportunity to more fully meet their needs. At the same time, non-job entailed the payment of reduced rates, which caused most people to work at the limit of its capabilities.

Alternatively, a meaningful approach to motivation was the concept of hierarchy of needs. In line with this concept, people are constantly experiencing different needs, which can be combined into groups that are in a hierarchical relationship to each other. The need for involvement is achieved through finding and establishing good relations with others, get their support. To meet this need, the holders of its constant need extensive contacts, information and etc. Need for Power is seeking to influence people's behavior, take responsibility for their actions. However, in this case it is not only about the administratrative power, but power and authority, power and talent, etc. As we have seen, some people seek power for power itself, for the sake of commanding others, self-affirmation Thus, in his own eyes, the other must have authority to address the pressing problems of the organization, which they understand better than others and are willing to assume all associated this burden. This latter form needs McClelland believes the main problem for the manager.

So, above we found that the content theories of motivation based on needs and related factors that determine human behavior. Procedural theories consider motivation in a different plane. They analyzed how people allocate effort to achieve various goals and how to choose a particular type of behavior. Procedural theories do not dispute the existence of needs, but they believe that human behavior is determined not only by them. According to the procedural theories, individual behavior is also a function of its perceptions and expectations related to the situation, and the possible consequences of his choice of type of behavior Expectancy theory is based on the position that the presence of active demand is not the only prerequisite for motivating people to achieve a certain goal. One should also hope that the selected type of behavior will indeed lead to the satisfaction or acquire desired. Expectations can be regarded as an assessment of the individual probability of certain events. Most people expect, for example, that the end of the college will allow them to get a better job and that if the work with full dedication, it is possible to get a promotion. In analyzing the motivation to work expectations theory emphasizes the importance of the three relationships: the cost of labor - the results and the results - and reward valence (satisfaction with compensation). Expectations with regard to labor costs - the results (B-R) - the ratio between invested effort and results. For example, the salesman can about Gide, that if he phoned 10 people more per week than usual, the sales volume will increase by 15%. The manager can expect that he will receive a high evaluation of its activities, if the extra effort and write all the information and reports required by the authorities.

Work at the plant can be expected that, if it will produce high quality products with minimal waste of raw materials, this will allow him to raise his level. Of course, all these examples, people can not count on the fact that their efforts will lead to desired results. If people feel that a direct link between effort and to results do not, according to the theory of expectations, motivation will decline, lack of relationship may occur because of incorrect self-employee, because of his poor training or improper training, or because that the employee did not give enough rights to perform the task. Expectations regarding the benefits - Rewards (R-B) have a certain expectation of remuneration or reward in response to the achieved level of results. Continuing the above examples, we note that an increase in sales volume by 15% salesman can expect 10% premium. In this case, as well as in the preceding, if a person does not feel a clear link between results and desired promotion or reward, motivation, work will diminish.

risunok 1 – Motive
Picture1 1 – Motive
(animation: volume – 22 KB; size – 960x720; delay between shots - 130ms; delay between the last and first shots – 130ms; number of repetition cycles – infinity)

The third factor determining motivation theory expectations - this is the valence, or value of the promotion or reward. Valency - is the estimated degree of relative satisfaction or dissatisfaction arising as a result of obtaining certain rewards. Since different people needs and wishes in respect of remuneration is different, the specific remuneration offered in response to the results achieved, it may not be for them no value. We extend our examples. For the work done manager may receive an increase in liking for you, while he was counting on a promotion, or more interesting and challenging work, the degree of respect and recognition of his merits. If the valence is low, and value obtained compensation for people not too large, the expectations theory predicts that motivation to work and in this case will be weakened. If any of these three critical to determine the motivating factors will be small, then the motivation will be weak and the poor results of labor. Managers who seek to strengthen the motivation of the workforce, the expectations theory provides for this different possibilities. Since different people have different needs, specific rewards they value differently. Consequently, the leadership of the organization should compare the proposed fee to the needs of employees and bring them into compliance. Quite often reward offered up his assessment of the employees.

In order to effectively motivate the manager must establish a firm relationship between results and rewards. In this connection it is necessary to provide compensation only for effective work. Managers should establish high but realistic level of results expected from his subordinates, and to inspire them that they can get there if you put your strength. The way in which employees evaluate their strength, depends on what the leadership expects of them. In analyzing this problem, Sterling Livingston, known for his work in the field of management theory and practice, said: "The relationship superiors and subordinates are largely determined by what commanders expect from them. If the level of expectations of senior executives, the performance of subordinates is likely to be different. If as his expectations are not too large, then performance is likely to be low. Everything happens as if there were such a law, that the impact of labor subordinates must meet the expectations of superiors. The powerful impact that the expectations of one person and the behavior of another, has long been recognized by physiologists, and more recently, and teachers. But the idea that the expectations of management may have a significant impact on the performance of an individual or an entire group of subordinates, until recent years has supported only a narrow group of specialists. "Keep in mind that employees will be able to achieve a level of performance required to receive your valuable rewards when their delegated level of authority, their skills are sufficient for the task.

Another explanation of how people allocate and direct their efforts towards achieving the goals, a theory of justice. Equity theory postulates that people subjectively define the ratio of the compensation received for the efforts expended and then relate it to the remuneration of other people doing similar work. If the comparison shows the imbalance and injustice, and person believes that his colleague had received for the same work more pay, then he has the psychological tension. As a result of the need to motivate staff, reduce tension and to restore justice to correct the imbalance. People can restore balance and sense of justice, either by changing the level of effort, or trying to change the level of compensation. Thus, those employees who believe they are underpaid compared with other, can either start to work less intensively, or seek to improve the remuneration. Those employees who believe they are overpaid, will strive to maintain the intensity of labor at the same level or even increase it. Studies show that typically, when people feel that they are underpaid, they begin to work less intensively. If they think they are overpaid, they are less inclined to change their behavior and activities.

The main conclusion of the theory of justice for the practice of management is that, as long as people ne will assume that they receive fair compensation, they will seek to reduce the intensity of labor. Note, however, that the perception and evaluation of justice are relative and not absolute. People compare themselves with other members of the same organization or with members of other organizations doing similar work. Since labor productivity among the staff, to assess their remuneration as unfair (because of the fact that other people doing similar work, gets more), would fall, they need to explain why there is such a difference. We must explain, for example, that more highly paid colleagues receive more because he has great experience, allowing him to produce more. If the margin is due to different efficiency of labor, it is necessary to clarify the staff earn less than that, when their performance reaches the level of their colleagues, they will receive the same pay increase.


The essence of economic motives is that people as a result of the requirements related organizations receive some tangible benefits that improve their welfare. They may be direct (cash income) or indirect, facilitating the acquisition of direct (additional free time will earn elsewhere). The main forms of cash income, work-related, is wages, business profits, various payments and benefits. Typically, wages depend on the position, qualifications, work experience, quality and quantity of labor expended. In form it may be time-based, depending on the amount of time spent, and piece-rate determined by the volume of work performed. In turn, in the form of allocated payroll system. The use of a photon my or the wage system in order to generate depends on the scope of employees, the nature of labor operations, processes, etc.

Time-form wage applies to managers, professionals and employees, as well as those workers whose performance is not underestimated and do not require any measurement of it at all, for example, the repairmen. Depending on the method of calculating time based wages may be hourly, daily wage, monthly.

Motivational moments under time wages are: its value and availability of appropriate awards. By the conditions that ensure the effectiveness of its use include: accurate records of hours worked actually, there are reasonable rules and regulations governing the volume of production, staffing, production targets, etc.; rational distribution of work between the performers, taking into account their experience, profession, qualifications . Piece-rate form of remuneration is mainly used in relation to the workers, the concrete results of which are easily measurable, and their growth should be encouraged. In direct (individual and collective) piecework wage, its value is determined depending on the volume of work performed by a single quote for the unit. This individual piece rates used where people are either working independently or jointly perform the same skills to work, for example, with a team of masons. Collect the piece is used where the person with different skills and specialties individually or working together of complex object and associated end result.

Piecework-bonus wage system combines the piecework pay a premium for the qualitative and quantitative results, such as increased productivity, reduced costs, development of new technology, etc.

In addition to basic salary, an important role in stimulation of productive labor, plays an additional, in various forms of extra pay for the professionalism, skills, business skills of a mainly compensatory. The level of basic and supplementary wages gives a formal assessment of the contribution of worker outcomes, diligence, professionalism, skill, and therefore must grow with them. However, a more effective means of challenging it becomes with the addition of another equally important element of economic motivation - rewards system outcome. In addition, the effectiveness of bonuses predicated the right choice of indicators, their differentiation depending on the role and nature of the units, the level of posts; oriented real contribution to outcomes, effectiveness and quality of work, the overall results of the organization, specific, fair, flexible criteria for assessing progress employees.

The general principle is to reward bonuses for any, even the smallest success, timeliness, potentially unlimited quantities, regularly review its criteria in connection with the change in the organization, and its economic situation. Cash payments are used as instruments of incentive can be, depending on the specific situation and its goals, proportionate and disproportionate to the results achieved. In the latter case, the so-called highlights and leveling payments, and sometimes fines. When accentuating them grow faster results, while leveling - slowly. In practice, there are a variety of combinations.

Thus, within the negative incentive leveled foremost, and stresses the lagging, which makes it possible to tighten them up to the required level. With the positive incentives are the opposite - accented foremost, that allows you to organize on the highest level of activity. In addition to salary and bonuses over the last time employees of commercial organizations be gaining another form of monetary compensation - participation in the profits. First, it refers to the additional revenue, up 75% of which may accrue to the staff. Ongoing payments are usually monthly, so that people can clearly see the concrete results of their efforts. The whole system of cash payments designed to provide the majority of employees desired level of income subject to a conscientious attitude to work and fulfill their duties. Satisfaction with material rewards, it just levels the initiative stimulates people, provides them with a commitment to the organization, to attract new members. In conclusion we consider the indirect economic motivation, ie motivation spare time. Its concrete forms are: a shorter working day or holiday increased to offset the increased physical and neuro-emotional cost of the organism (eg, transportation, mining, education, etc.), or sliding a flexible schedule, making the operation more convenient for Rights, that allows him to further engage in other activities, provision of compensatory time off for part of the savings in carrying out the work time, until you get in the national practice of sufficient distribution.


In addressing the problem by improving the incentive system in the enterprise should develop a sound evaluation system, which should be taken by such factors as professional knowledge, experience and expertise, intellectual and physical capabilities, the conditions and quality of work, the employee contribution to the outcome of the enterprise. When asked allocated if both - the director of the best workers, the majority responded negatively. I would like to add that if the boss does not produce the best employees, it is de-motivating subordinates. Guidelines are usually so busy everydayevnymi cares what he sees as the most powerful members lose their "appetite" to work, finding no real interest in it. The best employees for the achievement of high results must be declared thanks, write award, placing pictures on the board of honor. All this will motivate the result.

As mentioned earlier in this company there is great potential for growth through the ranks. And if our organization does not have sufficient capacity to meet human needs in the growth, then, disappointed, he may have an increased interest in the need to switch context (involvement in the team, recognition, self-assertion, authority). In this case, the organization will be able to provide him with opportunities to meet this need, thereby increasing its capacity to motivate the employee. Satisfying the requirements, so the company "Base construction materials" will open additional opportunities to motivate people, so you need to find effective forms of motivation, correlated with lower levels of need, if you can not create the conditions to meet the needs of higher level. It is also recommended greater use of information about your own organization, should talk more about the team, everyone involved in it, pay more attention to corporate traditions of the organization, to create not only not only a comfortable working environment, but also a good psychological atmosphere in the team.

All these actions will contribute to the consolidation of staff and create a focus on achieving production goals. In this organization we are seeing a significant information gap between managers and staff. I would like to add that for high-level employees, namely, managers should be present at what - the share of uncertainty and challenge, but most importantly, in achieving the desired result, the employee will be morally satisfyingbroadening, self-assertion, self-improvement, which in future will be significantly motivate him to perform work of the organization. For such a person is important to achieve results, be the first and the content of the work plays an important role. A good motivation for the staff member will be a challenge, competitive conditions and relations, which is very important at this moment, when the market of construction materials stiffer competition. They need to give more autonomy, so they were able to make up the path that will lead to high results.

To date, the company has such a wage system, in which all employees wages depend on profits. It is formed so that salary + bonus, which in turn depends on the profits from the company. To motivating function of money to work, the employee should know that there is a clear correlation between its performance and wages. None of these methods of stimulation that could be relevant to all employees. Each employee - is individual who - then pay more attention to material rewards, but for whom - it is important to be isolated, attention from management. At the heart of the motivation system in the enterprise should be based on attention to the employee and praise, not a system of fines. The system of motivation should be directed to the fact that people feel it necessary in the organization, part of it.

For better impact of incentives for staff to enter a more differentiated system of allowances to basic pay for all employees. Those components that have a significant impact on increasing productivity in the existing system, continue to use the newly created system of motivation. In management there are two basic forms of wages - piece and wait. In the first case, the amount of remuneration shall be proportional to the volume of work performed. Inthe second - the level of payment is associated with the duration of time spent. On the basis of these forms are constructed various options and combinations of wages. Modern systems of remuneration are based on choosing one or another form of wages and establishing relationships between different components of remuneration.

There are dozens of different pay systems: time-bonus, piecework bonuses, to postpone the normalized task, chord, etc. The main task of any modern system of remuneration is to ensure that the motivational potential of wages - the relationship between the efficiency of labor and reward for him. In corporations in developed countries are often used several pay systems, which reflect its specificity in different units and their role in achieving the results. The current system of payment for work have a number of shortcomings. The main drawback is that wages are bad, but it is also often not connected with the end results of labor. The results of the work collectively, and pay - individual. To overcome it, to do one of two things: either to personalize results or collectivized system of payment. The first way is excluded, since in principle, impossible to separate the results of their collective nature. How, for example, companies that tried to break up the collective interest in a variety of private, lost stability and is now forging some form of association.

Among the executives to a growing understanding that the prospect is associated with a collective system to encourage labor. With regard to the wage system can distinguish such defects: the growth of wages is not associated with an increase in efficiency; current system is not aimed at cooperation. Saying that the current system is not oriented towards collective cooperation, it is assumed known divisions of workers and, above all - managed and managers. For a modern economy more suited systemy of remuneration, based on profit sharing and income distribution. The essence of a flexible wage system, "Participation in the profits" in the fact that due to a pre-determined share of the profits generated bonus pool from which workers receive regular payments. The amount of payment depends on the level of profit, the overall results of business enterprises. In the system of "profit sharing" bonuses paid for achieving specific performance of the company. Prize awarded in proportion to the salary of each based on personal and employment characteristics of the performer: Experience, Lack of tardiness and absenteeism, Loyalty to the company, etc. But this system has several shortcomings.

The amount received by the company profits, therefore, the value of prizes depends on many external factors that often do not depend directly on the company's employees. For employees often difficult to assess what impact they have had their work on the profit margin. Using this system, you must remember that the increase in profits may depend on market factors and have a short-term. Therefore, the rate of return is not always the best basis for increasing salaries. The system also involves participation in the risk of incurring financial losses, because on the company operates numerous external, uncontrollable, factors. The system of income distribution requires that bonuses depend on such factors as productivity, quality, material savings, reliable performance.

As a result, the employee may feel the close relationship between the results of their work and the amount of profit. The first system has a positive impact on attracting employees, and the other to a greater degree of influence to promote productivity, quality, reducing costs. There is an advantage of participation in earnings. So, we can conclude: the shortcomings are due to the current system of payment of its individual characteristics. They overcometion means nothing more than a fundamental change in the system. Given all the shortcomings of the organization pay to restore the basic functions of wages: Reproductional, Catalytic, Regulating.

From the standpoint of protecting the interests of workers deserves attention shift to a guaranteed amount of time the minimum wage. Even if the basis for its establishment will be put to much higher than it is now operating, the monthly state rate, it does not mean a similar increase in the employee's salary. When employment in full-time and working a month is not guaranteed, employees may be more vulnerable to the arbitrariness of the employer. Guaranteed to be a salary in accordance with the balance of hours actually worked per pay period, even those currently rule: idle through no fault of the employee pays 2 / 3, tariff rate. The employer during the transition to time guaranteed wage will be required to pay only the actual hours of work. Addressing a big differentiation in employment based on categories of workers - the second step towards the restoration of the second of its most important function - stimulation (efficiency) labor. Necessary to overcome the increasing differentiation in wages by establishing and maintaining rational proportions in accordance payment of simple and complex work, work requiring skill level. With specific regard to the existing pay systems, they should be so designed as to ensure the union, rather than dividing the workers within the firm, to encourage cooperation rather than conflict between employees. For managers in the new wage system to reduce the level of basic pay, which was caused by work experience, and increase the amount of payment proportional to labor input.

You must use the most advanced technologies, tools, and metodes. Personnel policy should maintain a favorable climate, stability of personnel, an opportunity for their growth. You need to select the three most important issues of quality: - Quality of work: management of performance and quality. - The quality of working life: managing culture, productive contributions from employees. - Quality control: the role of advanced management organizations, the extent to which leadership achieves better results through the quality of working life.


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At writing of the given abstract a master’s work has not been finished yet. Date of the work’s final end is on December, 1st, 2010. Full text of work and materials on a theme can be received from the author or her supervisor after the named date.


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