Zubenko Yulia Olegovna
Institute: Mountain bisness and Geology
Specialization: «Geological survey, propecting and exploration»
Theme of master's work:
“Regularities of change of coal quality characteristics at south-east part of layer c18 of mine “Yuzhno-Donbasskaya №1”
Research adviser: Panov Yuriy Borisovich
Topic relevance
  The problem of common and industrial usage of coal of Donetsk basin first of all is connected with quality. At different branches of industry there are its own requirements imposed to the quality of coal. The variation from the norm of some indexes influences the price and even the sphere of usage of coal. The study of this problem is rather relevant, because there is a particularly pointed question about reduction of expenses for coal washing and about the increase of coal quality parameters until necessary ones, which allow selling the product not only at national market but also at international one. The data received during performed research, can be use in future by the enterprise for composing forecast for mining operations.
  This research is carried out by order of the mining enterprise of the mine “Yuzhno-Donbasskaya №1”.
Connection of the thesis with scientific topics and plans
  Master's thesis corresponds to the state scientific program “Ukrainian coal” (order by the Cabinet of Ministers #1205 d.d.10.09.01)
Goal and tasks of the research
  The goal of this thesis is to reveal regularities of distribution of coal quality indexes at south-east part of layer c18 of mine “Yuzhno-Donbasskaya №1” which will permit to forecast coal quality at understudied districts.
The following tasks were set:
2) to evaluate the completeness of performed researches and laboratory tests of the coal concerning the content of ash and sulphur;
3) to research geological setting of the region and district of work;
4) to reveal and to explain connections of quality characteristics among themselves and each taken separately with thickness and structure of the layer;
5) to determine regularities of distribution of coal quality characteristics; to reveal geological factors which influence the distribution of different quality indexes;
6) to give a forecast of distribution of indexes and recommendations concerning the improvement for carrying our of extraction operations;
7) to carry out comparative analysis of the interrelation between coal quality indexes and wholesale prices.
Research object
  The layer c18 of the mine “Yuzhno-Donbasskaya №1”
Research subject
  The dimensional regularities of distribution of coal quality indexes, their connection with geological factors, and interrelation between coal quality indexes and wholesale prices.
Research methods
  The following methods were used during these researches:
  - analysis of graphic material (geologic map of the district, hypsometric maps, stratigraphic records etc.);
  - statistic analysis (data processing was made by means of the software SPSS 15.0 for Windows);
  - dimensional analysis (it was made by means of the software Surfer 8.0);
  - comparative evaluation of the interrelation between coal quality indexes and wholesale prices at the mine “Yuzhno-Donbasskaya №1” and mines of Donetsk-Makeevka region and Krasnoarmiysk region.
  Scientific value (novelty) of results
  The scientific value of the thesis consists in forecasting of quality characteristics of coal layers, which permits to adjust it to difficult geological conditions of Donbass region; there were revealed the regularities on how the change in layer thickness, tectonic disturbances, the presence of rocky interlayer in coal and other indexes influence quality indexes and the interrelation between coal quality indexes and wholesale prices.
  Practical meaning of the thesis
  The practical importance of the thesis consist in the fact that results can be taken into consideration during the evaluation on how the morphology of the layer c18 influences mining operations and they also can be introduced to the production at other mines of Donetsk region and whole country.

  During the research:
  - real materials, gathered during the supplementary exploration of mine field and during the development of the layer c18 were studied;
  - the completeness of performed researches and laboratory tests of the coal concerning the content of ash and sulphur was evaluated;
  - the geological setting of the region and district of work was researched;
  - the connection of quality characteristics among themselves and each taken separately with thickness and structure of the layer was revealed and explained;
  - regularities of distribution of coal quality characteristics were determined;
  - geological factors which influence the distribution of different quality indexes were revealed;
  - a forecast of distribution of indexes and recommendations concerning the improvement for carrying our of extraction operations were given;
  - the comparative analysis of the interrelation between coal quality indexes and wholesale prices at the mine “Yuzhno-Donbasskaya №1” and mines of Donetsk-Makeevka region and Central region was carried out.
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