Zubenko Juliya Olegovna
Institute: Mountain bisness and Geology
Specialization: «Geological survey, propecting and exploration»
Research adviser: Panov Yuriy Borisovich
About myself
The G.P.A. during the period of studies is 4.0. I feel at home with Russian and Ukrainian languages. I know English enough for reading and corresponding. I have experience in working with operating system Windows, such programs as MS Word 2003/2007, Excel 2003/2007, Surfer 8.0 and SPSS 15.0 for Windows. I had work practices at the mine “Yuzhno-Donbasskaya №1” and at the PD “Ukruglegeologiya”. At present time, I study in order to become Master in Geology.
Short biography
I, Zubenko Juliya Olegovna, was born on 14th of November 1987 at the village Nikolskoye. According to my parents’ words, I was calm, obedient, curious, and cheerful child. My parents and two younger brothers are the dearest people for me who still help me with everything. My father’s name is Zubenko Oleg Vasilyevich. My mother’s name is Zubenko Ludmila Albertovna. In my childhood, I attended kindergarten.
On 1st of September 1994 I went to the first form of comprehensive school at the village Nikolskoye. Since first days studies were rather easy for me, I received excellent marks. My favorite subjects at school wee Mathematics, Geography, and Chemistry. I can safely say that the school gave me not only a good education but it also prepared me for adult life.
In 2005, I entered the Donetsk National Technical University for the specialty “Economic Geology” at mining-and-geological faculty. My choice was influenced by the desire to make something useful and significant in my life. Although after entering the university I, frankly speaking, did not think about graduate school, but during the process of studying I realized that it was interesting for me and that I would like to get Master degree in Geology. In 2009, I finished Bachelor program with G.P.A. 4.0. At the same year I entered the speciality “Geological surveying, search and exploration of mineral resources” at the institute of mining and geology and I continue to study this speciality within Master program.
Te motivation for the entering graduate school was the love to since and aspiration to knowledge. My research adviser is Panov Yuriy Borisovich, assistant professor and candidate of geological sciences. The topic with which we work is “Regularities of change of coal quality characteristics at south-east part of layer c18 of mine “Yuzhno-Donbasskaya №1”.
Future plans…
Next winter I plan to graduate successfully from the Donetsk National Technical University, to get Master degree and to begin to work. In spite of many difficulties, our industry needs qualified specialists who will use their knowledge and skills in this sphere in a right way. In addition, I also want to have usual woman’s happiness – to create strong family and to be good wife and mother.