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Master of DonNTU Golubtsova Evgeniya

Golubtsova Evgeniya

Designing of virtual stands on research of systems of electric drive on basis of software package LabVIEW

Electrotechnical faculty

Chair "Electric drive and automation of plants"

Speciality "Electromechanical systems of automation and electric drive"

Supervisor of studies Cand.Tech.Sci., lecturer Chekavsky Gleb

Abstract on a theme of master's work

  1. 1.Urgency of a theme of work
  2. 2.Purposes and problems, planned practical results
  3. 3.Own results
    1. 3.1.Virtual stand on research of two-planimetric system of subordinated regulation of speed of electric drive of a direct current
    2. 3.2.Virtual stand for research of system of vector control by asynchronous engine
  4. 4.Conclusions
  5. 5.List of used literature

1. Urgency of a theme of work

Work urgency is provided with necessity of introduction of new methods and means for educational process for the purpose of improvement of quality of preparation of experts-electromechanics, especially in conditions of remote and correspondence course.

Basic feature of higher technical education is necessity for organisation and carrying out of effective laboratory practical work on is professional-focused and special disciplines. This necessity has caused creation of virtual laboratory complex which corresponds to real physical laboratory stand [1]. One of the most suitable software packages for working out of such virtual stands — software package LabVIEW having rather convenient user interface and powerful tools of graphic programming. LabVIEW (Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench) allows to develop the applied software for organisation of interaction with measuring and operating equipment, gathering, processings and information display and results of calculations, and also modelling both separate objects, and automated systems as a whole [2].

2. Purposes and problems, planned practical results

Taking into account advantages of mathematical modelling by means of package LabVІEW there was a task in view of creation of virtual laboratory on research of typical systems of electric drive which allows to spend comprehensive investigation of questions of theory of electric drive and control systems electric drives that is expedient from methodical point of view [3].

3. Own results

By working out of virtual stands experience of modelling of systems of electric drive by means of program Simulink which has been transferred in LabVIEW taking into account features of this package and in particular its library Control Design and Simulation has been applied. Basic features of working out of virtual laboratory stands consist in preservation of functional properties of the concrete labware which is applied in laboratories to all elements of control and protection which enter into the stand. It allows to apply virtual stands, first, to preliminary studying by students of the device and sequence of work with equipment before transition to a practical part on the real equipment, secondly, as methodical tool at remote learning [3].

3.1. Virtual stand on research of two-planimetric system of subordinated regulation of speed of electric drive of a direct current

Investigated skeleton diagramme of electric drive is resulted on fig. 1.

Investigated skeleton diagramme of electric drive

Figure 1 — Investigated skeleton diagramme of the electric drive

Appearance of stand is resulted on fig. 2 [4].

Appearance of laboratory stand

Figure 2 — Appearance of laboratory stand

Appearance of the forward panel of the virtual stand developed in the environment of package LabVIEW, is presented on fig. 3 (values are reflected in virtual oscillographs and stand devices and the schedules received as a result of performance of one session of modelling of a regular operation mode) [5].

Appearance of forward panel of virtual stand. Animation: 7 shots, 7 cycles of repetition, 140 KB

Figure 3 — Appearance of forward panel of virtual stand.
Animation: 7 shots, 7 cycles of repetition, 140 KB

3.2. Virtual stand for research of system of vector control by asynchronous engine

Function chart of system of vector control by asynchronous engine is presented on fig. 4.

Function chart of system of vector control by asynchronous engine

Figure 4 — Function chart of system of vector control by asynchronous engine

Synthesis of transfer functions of regulators carry out on basis of simplified skeleton diagramme (fig. 5).

Skeleton diagramme of system of vector control by asynchronous engine

Figure 5 — Skeleton diagramme of system of vector control by asynchronous engine

General view of laboratory stand is presented on fig. 6 [6].

General view of laboratory stand

Figure 6 — General view of laboratory stand

Appearance of forward panel of virtual stand developed in the environment of package LabVIEW, is presented on fig. 7 (values are reflected in virtual oscillographs and stand devices and schedules received as a result of performance of modelling of any regular operation mode). [7]

Appearance of the forward panel of the virtual stand

Figure 7 — Appearance of forward panel of virtual stand

4. Conclusions

As well as it was planned, received virtual stands keep functionality of real laboratory installations, but are more technological in respect of research of wide scale of operation modes of systems of electric drive. It is important to notice that now the given virtual stands are in a stage of continuous perfection.

5. List of used literature

  1. Евдокимов Ю.К., Кирсанов А.Ю. Организация типовой дистанционной автоматизированной лаборатории с использованием LabVIEW-технологий в техническом вузе. Сборник трудов Международной научно-практической конференции «Образовательные, научные и инженерные приложения в среде LabVIEW и технологии National Instruments». Москва, Россия. 14-15 ноября, 2003. — 15-17 c.
  2. Н.А.Виноградова, Я.И.Листратов, Е.В.Свиридов. Разработка прикладного программного обеспечения в среде LabVIEW: Учебное пособие — М.: Издательство МЭИ, 2005. — 49 с.
  3. Є.Ю. Голубцова, М.В. Гамаєва, Г.С. Чекавський. Застосування програмного пакету LabVIEW для дослідження систем електропривода. Електротехнічні та електромеханічні системи: Матеріали XVI Всеукраїнської студен. наук.-техн. конф., м. Севастополь, 18-20 квітня 2011 / М-во освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України, Севастоп. нац. тех. ун-т; наук. ред. О.М. Дегтярьов — Севастополь: СевНТУ, 2011. — 176 с., с. 41-42
  4. Исследование двухконтурной системы подчиненного регулирования. Инструкция к лабораторной работе по курсу «Системы управления электроприводами» (для студентов специальности «Электромеханические системы автоматизации и электропривод»). — Донецк: ДонГТУ, 1997. — 13 с.
  5. Голубцова Е. Ю., Чекавский Г. С.. Виртуальный стенд по исследованию двухконтурной системы подчинённого регулирования скорости электропривода постоянного тока в среде LabVIEW. Вісник кафедри «Електротехніка» за підсумками наукової діяльності студентів. — Донецьк, ДонНТУ, 2011 — 181 с., с. 25-26
  6. Исследование характеристик асинхронного двигателя при векторном управлении с косвенной ориентацией по вектору потокосцепления ротора. Инструкция к лабораторной работе по курсу «Системы векторного управления» (для студентов специальности «Электромеханические системы автоматизации и электропривод») / Cост.: Чекавский Г.С.. — Донецк: ДонНТУ, 2008. — 20 с.
  7. Голубцова Е. Ю., Чекавский Г. С.. Виртуальный стенд для исследования системы векторного управления асинхронным двигателем. Автоматизація технологічних об’єктів та процесів. Пошук молодих. Збірник наукових праць ХІ науково-технічної конференції аспірантів та студентів в м. Донецьку 17-20 травня 2011 р. — Донецьк, ДонНТУ, 2011. — 306 с., с. 251-253
At writing of given abstract master's work is not finished yet. Definitive end: December, 2011. Full text of work and materials on a theme can be received at author or supervisor after named date.