Porotnikov Vladimir

Faculty engineering mechanics and engineering

mining machines

''Mining equipment (Computer designing the mechanical mining equipment)''

Decline of dynamic ladening of subsystem of drive of executive branch of combine KPD

Scientific adviser:
prof., d.t.s. Gorbatov Pavel

on master's work

  1. Analysis of state issue, goal and objectives of the study.
  2. The establishment of the dynamic characteristics.
  3. Designing VPD.
  4. References.
  5. List of sources.


Optimization of dynamic properties of a new generation of shearers at the stage of their computer-aided design is an urgent scientific and technological challenge that will increase the reliability and performance of these machines. This problem involves solving many problems of scientific and practical nature. These include the task of identifying the dynamic characteristics of all the power subsystems, especially heavy-duty drive subsystems executive.

Analysis of research and scientific novelty

The techniques of experimental and calculation of the elastic characteristics of the subsystems drive executive in relation to tunnellers previous generations are shown in a number of studies scholars DonNTU, IGD im. AA Skochinskiy and other organizations. Certainly, more accurate results provide experimental studies in the presence of natural samples mashin.Vmeste in order to stage the newly created computer-aided design shearers can only be calculated determination of the characteristics. Obviously, that should take into account not only the torsional flexibility of shafting sections, but also given to torsional bending deformations of shafts and elastic deformations in the supporting nodes cases. Therefore of interest to the further development of earlier work on determining the elastic characteristics of the subsystems drive executive.


Purpose is development and testing techniques to establish the elastic characteristics of the drive sub-systems executive for tunneling machines.

The establishment of the dynamic characteristics

Finding the elastic characteristics of the subsystem PIP was carried out in two stages. In the first stage referred to a torsional elastic properties of force elements shafting subsystems and their interfaces with PIP predelyalis calculation (take into account twisting, bending and contact deformation). On the basis of structural analysis of shafting was compiled following structural formula:

Fig. 1 .

Figure 1 - Structural formula of the mechanical part of the drive subsystem executive tunnellers efficiency

Deformation spline connection defined pliability of the contacting surfaces of layers exposed to curl. Taking approximately proportional to the normal pressures and strains they cause buckling, torsional ductility splined connection is determined by the formula:

where the coefficient Kshl splined connection;
dshl-average diameter of the splined connection;
lshl-length spline connection;
hshl-active height splined connection;
Zshl the number of slots;

Compliance section of a circular shaft is determined by:

where the G-shear modulus, Pa; lâ - length of the shaft;
Dâ- outer diameter section of the shaft, m;
dâ- inner diameter section of the shaft, m.

Since the torque is distributed along the length of contact in spline shaft-hub evenly, then the estimated length of the shaft should be taken equal to the distance between the points of application of resultant torque diagram for the length of the contact slots usually for splined connection is assumed to be 0.333 of the length of splined connection.

Compliance is determined by the gear bending and contact deformation of the teeth, curved walls that are running gears and elastic deformations of the bearings.

Scientists DonNTU, IGD im. AA Skochinskiy and other organizations was to reveal that the reduced compliance of the engine to the rotor, obtained by calculation from the actual otlichaetsya received an experimental 55%. This number poluchaetsya due to the fact that compliance is not uchityvayutsya housing components, elements podshipniokv who are also involved in the dynamics of the subsystem.

From 1 shows that the unknown mass-inertial characteristics that were found with the help of modern CAD, namely, SolidWorks and KOMPAS-3D.

After a bit of change was obtained calculated equivalent circuit of electromechanical subsystems drive (Fig. 2), which was used in subsequent calculations and the choice of VPD.

Fig. 2

Figure 2 - Equivalent circuit design of electromechanical subsystems of the drive.

Designing VPD.

The general device VPD

VPD consists of the axis 7, which is available gear 3 connected helical screw teeth with tap 2. Last involute spline with compound (m = 8 mm, z = 34) is located in a wheel and can move relative to the wheel in the axial direction. In this sleeve 2 is placed on the axis 7 with radial clearance. At the end of the cylindrical gear 3 with the pin (conditionally not shown) rigidly fixed to the glass 5. Between parts 2 and 5 placed coil spring 4 and the contact ball bearing 6 (¹ 8136).

Gear 3 with the axis 7 can be related to a radial pin, located in the mouth between the teeth of parts 3 and the longitudinal groove on the axle 7. This pin will provide details of the rotation of the pinion 7 with 3. Alternatively, another connection between the twisting nature of the parts 3 and 7. It can be realized by extending the pin, providing a rigid connection of parts 3 and 5, and the implementation of the relevant longitudinal groove in the axle 7, which will include the end of the pin.

When connected to a kinematic chain torque M 1 is transmitted from the wheel splined sleeve 2 and further, with screw teeth, gear 3. With the proper direction of rotation of the wheel 1 sleeve 2 with an increase in M under the influence of effort, resulting in a helical pairing will move in the direction of the pinion 3, compressing the spring 4, and with a decrease in M - in the opposite direction.

When you move the sleeve 2 is formed damping moment due to frictional forces in the available friction pairs, which reduces the dynamic loads.

fig. 4

Figure 4 - Drive shaft with a damper.

fig.  5- ( animation )

Figure 5 - Diagram of mine seam mining.

(Animation: Volume - 18 KB, the number of staff - 20; number of cycles of repetition - 50)


In this work we proposed the use of VPD to reduce the dynamic loading podsitsemy and, consequently, uvelichivyaetsya resource machine. But on the other side of complicated gear design, by introducing new elements.

List of sources

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  7. NV Vasilenko, Theory of Oscillations, NV Vasilenko. - K.: "Highest School", 1992. - p. 429.
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In writing this abstract master's work was not completed. The final completion - December 1, 2011. Full text of the work and materials on the subject can be obtained from the author or scientific adviser after this date.

© Ïîðîòíèêîâ Â.È., ÄîíÍÒÓ, 2011