Shakhov Dmytro
Computer Information Technologies and Automation (CITA)
Automations and Telecommunications (AT)
Telekommunication Systems and Networks (TCS)
Theme of Master's Work:   Research and Development of Algorithms of Load-Balancing in Mobile and Stationary Telecommunication Systems
Scientific supervisor: Ph.D. (in Technical), Associate Professor of the department AT Victoria Voropaeva
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I am Dmitry Shahov and I was born on March 31st, 1989 in Moscow. At that time my parents studied at the "MISIS". My father, Sergey Shahov, is an electrical engineer with specialization in semi-conductor technology. My mother, Svetlana Shahova, is a theoretical chemist by education and an accountant by vocation.

My parents graduated in 1993. There was no job in new country for our family, so we went to father’s relatives, who lived in Livny (Orlovska region). It was the beginning of my journey through the territory of former USSR.

We were not staying at that town for a long time. In 1994 we moved to Ukraine to mother’s relatives. From 1994 to 2001 we lived with my grandmother in a private house in Mariupol. I was attending the kindergarten for a few years and then, on September 1st, 1996, I started primary school.

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I was enlisted to 1B class of Mariupol school №16 with many friends from my kindergarten. The distance to the school was long (1.5 kilometers) so I used to walk a lot. Therefore I like walking till nowadays.

Real school life started since the 5ht form with “Subor”, new friends from “old” neighborhood and WarCraft 2, of course. People who played it will understand what I mean. My form-master Lubov Livak had high opinion of me and I should thank her for my participation in science competitions. I finished 6th form with certificate of merit. At that time my father got high-paying job in Donetsk in Utel company. New movement, new school #15 in new city and new class. It was so amicable class! And at those days a great event happened. I got acquainted with the Cinema.

Oh! I almost forgot! In 1999 I became an elder brother. My best friend was born on March 31th. Yes! We were born on the same date. And the irony is that father’s birthday is on April 1. Brother is very, very important person for me. We learn a lot from each other.

Soon my family bought a flat in another district. That one was properly our Own House. The years that I spend in new school №93 were gold years of my life. Not because I graduated school with a gold medal but because there I achieved real success in scientific competitions there and found my best friends. Also I want to express my appreciation to Irina Alexsandrovna and Ludmila Andreevna for their encouragement and warmth.

In May, 2006 I entered the DonNTU with major in Telecommunication systems and networks. After graduation night in July student’s life began.

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Oh, what years there were! The triumph of our KVN-team (and great “collapse” in the educational process in the first term), social activities, interesting subjects, different travels, first love...

I have learned more than a lot and got a great experience in my profession. I participated in competition "Professionals of Future 2010” contest during the 4th course. We were a super-team and I got an essential experience from that team-work. But because of some circumstances we took only the 3rd place.

My fifth year of study was a time of particularly intense work. But one catch phrase says "Through hardships to the stars". So, I can boast of my stars a little. There are my achievements: I’m medalist of competitions of "IT-Planet Ukraine 2010/2011 (D-Link)", MTS’ "Professionals of the Future 2010" contests; winner of All Ukrainian Scientific Competition of Students works 2011 in discipline "Telecommunications", fellow of Victor Pinchuk Foundation. I am writing these lines in train, while going to Moscow to take part in the International Final IT-Planet competition in the same discipline. Let’s see what will happen…

I want to express my thanks to people who made my achievements possible. Primarily, to. Ph.D. (in Engineering) Associate Professor of the department AT Ilya Degtyarenko. Second, to my advisor Ph.D. (in Engineering) Associate Professor of the department AT Voropaeva Victoria. Third, to Assistant of the department AT Ignatenko E. Also I want to thank my close friend Denis Knercer and my girlfriend Lily. Of course, I want to thank my father, whose pieces of advice helped me very often. Special thanks to my editor – my mom.

This is autobiography of my 22 years life. What is next?

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Future Plans

Our future plans always outcome from our ambitions. Maybe my ambitions seem to be materially-minded but they are only ambitions and not dreams which guide us to unachievable destination. This is my plane for next 5 year: to buy a flat in a Donetsk (I love this city), to have 18,000 of annual revenue and to start my own family business.

I have a plan to get a job in one of leading companies of Ukraine – MTS or Kyivstar or start to do web programming. I don’t know which of these two plans I will choose. Who knows? Life will show.

P.S.: Competition in Moscow showed that I’m not the smartest among the smartest, and that there is a great scope for further growth. It is a positive result because defeats show gaps in knowledge and give an opportunity to become perfect. I still have a long way of self-improvement, with many victories and defeats on it. And I'm going to pass this way with a smile! :)