1. Introduction
2. General concepts
3. Classification of RAM
        3.1 Static random access memory
        3.2 Dynamic random access memory
4. Organization of main memory
        4.1 The organization of MM that based on the block scheme
        4.2 The organization of the MM on the basis of the block interleaving scheme with a cyclic pattern
        4.3 Organization of the MM on the basis of a block design with block-cyclic scheme bundles
Important Note

1. Introduction

Computing the direction of the use of computers has always been the main engine of progress in computer technology. As the main characteristics of computers used indicators such as the performance — the value that shows how the number of arithmetic operations it can perform per unit time. That performance is most clearly demonstrates the extent of progress made in computer technology.
In any CMs, regardless of its architecture, programs and data stored in memory. Memory functions are provided by storage devices (memory), intended for fixation, storage and delivery of information in the course of the CM.
Theme analysis of the functioning of main memory with block-cyclic pattern of the bundle is relevant in our time, because the building block of memory has important advantages such as reducing the time information access and compliance to building capacity. This is possible due to the potential parallelism inherent to the block of the organization. Greater access speed can be achieved by simultaneous access to many memory banks.
The aim was to analyze the functioning of the main memory with block-cyclic pattern of the bundle.

We can distinguish the following tasks master's thesis:

  • Review of methods of analysis of the functioning of main memory
  • Construction and implementation of Markov models of main memory with block-cyclic scheme bundles
  • Analysis of main memory, based on block scheme
  • Analysis of main memory interleaving in a cyclic scheme
  • Analysis of main memory with block-cyclic scheme bundles

Expected practical results are to make recommendations on the organization of the volume of banks and blocks according to type of criteria for reliability or speed.
Scientific innovation is the development and implementation of Markov models of main memory with block-cyclic scheme of the bundle.

2. General concepts

Main memory (MM) — the only type of memory that can go directly to the CPU (except the registers of the CPU). Once the information stored on external memory to be rewritten to main memory, it becomes accessible to the processor.
MM consists of storage devices with random access. Such storage devices are organized as an array of cells. Each cell has a unique address and contains a fixed number of storage elements. Unique address allows us to distinguish cells that are accessed to perform read and write.
Appeal to any cell is one and the same time and can be performed in a random sequence (random access).

3. Classification of RAM

Main memory can include two types of devices:
• read-only memory (ROM)
• random access memory (RAM)

1) Read-Only Memory (ROM)
Smaller proportion of main memory ROM image (ROM — Read-Only Memory). Unlike RAM, they provide a readout of information, but do not admit of change (there are some cases when the information in ROM can be changed, but the process is different from reading and requires much more time).
ROM chips volatile.

2) Random Access Memory (RAM)
Larger share of the basic form of RAM memory (RAM — Random Access Memory), called operational, because they permit the same type, produced virtually the same speed, the operation of recording and reading information (via electrical signals).
But keep in mind that the RAM chip can be used only as a temporary memory, because it must be permanently connected to a power source.

There are two basic types of memory-access:
• static (SRAM — Static RAM)
• dynamic (DRAM — Dynamic RAM)
Let us examine them in detail.

3.1 Static random access memory

Static RAM — it's the fastest, though, and the most expensive type of RAM. Allocated a number of different variants of SRAM, different technology, methods of organization and scope (Fig. 1).

Figure 1 — Types of Static RAM
Figure 1 — Types of Static RAM

Asynchronous static RAM.
Asynchronous static RAM used to cache the second level for many years (since the advent of the microprocessor i80386). For these ICs access time is 12-20 ns, which is not allowed to cache the second level to work in temperatures of the processor.

Synchronous static RAM.
Within this group of static RAM ICs secrete type SSRAM and PB SRAM (better).
Compared with asynchronous static RAM, a much better performance achieved in the synchronous SRAM (SSRAM). All events in SSRAM occur with the arrival of external reference clock. A distinctive feature of SSRAM are input registers, where it is fixed input.
Last modification microprocessors Pentium, starting with Pentium II, equipped with a static random access memory with pipelined packet access (PB SRAM — Pipelined Burst SRAM), instead SSRAM. Due to internal pipelining in PB SRAM, the rate of exchange of data packets increases by about half. The memory of this type works well at higher frequencies the system bus. The access time for PB SRAM ranges from 4.5 to 8 ns.

3.2 Dynamic random access memory

It is used in DRAM main memory CM, therefore, a dynamic memory in a computer much more than static.
As well as SRAM, dynamic memory consists of a nucleus (solid EM) and an interface logic (buffer registers, amplifiers read data recovery circuits, etc.). Number of DRAM has already exceeded two dozen, but the kernel they have organized almost identically, the main differences are related to the interface logic (well, they are due, and the scope of chips). Classification of dynamic memory chip shown in Fig. 2.

Figure 2 — Classification of
                dynamic RAM. Chips for main memory
Figure 2 — Classification of dynamic RAM. Chips for main memory

4. Organization of main memory

To implement the main memory is used to combine several integrated circuits (ICs). The reason for the association is large capacity RAM and excess bit words BM discharge cells chip memory.
The increase in the bit memory is realized by combining address inputs merged memory ICs. Information inputs and outputs of ICs are the inputs and outputs of the module memory increasing discharge (Fig. 3).
The collection of chips is called the memory module. One or more modules to form a memory bank.

Figure 3 — The increase in the bit memory
Figure 3 — The increase in the bit memory (Animation: volume — 40.8 Kbytes, the number of frames — 6, size — 559 x 280)

To obtain the required storage capacity must be some way to combine several smaller capacity memory banks. In general, the main memory of VM is almost always has a block structure (contains some banks).
When using a block of memory, which consists of Banks, the cell address A is converted into a pair (b, w), where b — number of the bank, w — cell address inside the bank.
Distribution schemes of discharges address and between b and w:
• block (the number of bank b determines the most significant bits of address);
• cyclic (b = A mod B; w = A div B);
• block-cyclic (a combination of the two previous schemes).

4.1 The organization of MM that based on the block scheme

Consideration of the basic structures of the MM block for the example of the memory capacity of 512 words constructed from the four banks of 128 words each. The structure of memory, organized in accordance with this structure, shown in Fig. 4.

Figure 4 — Outline of main memory, based on block diagrams
Figure 4 — Outline of main memory, based on block diagrams

Memory address space is divided into groups of addresses (consecutive), each group is provided by a separate memory banks.
To access the OP uses 9-bit address. Seven LSBs (A6-A0) are fed in parallel to all memory banks and choose in each single cell. Two senior level address (A8, A7) contain a number of the bank.
Choosing a bank is provided either by multiplexing information, or using a decoder bank number.
In functional terms, this MM can be regarded as a memory, whose capacity is equal to the total capacity of components, and speed — speed of an individual bank [1].

4.2 The organization of the MM on the basis of the block interleaving scheme with a cyclic pattern

The advantages of a block of memory may include building capacity and reducing the time to access information due to potential overlap.
Access speed increases due to the simultaneous access to many memory banks. One of the techniques used for this purpose is called a bundle of memories. It is based on the so-called interleaving (address interleaving), is a change in the distribution system addresses between the memory banks.
Interleaving is provided by the cyclic decomposition address. In this case (Fig. 5) to select the bank, two junior level addresses (A1, A0), and to select the cell in the bank — 7 significant bits (A8-A2).

Figure 5 — Block interleaved memory with a cyclic pattern
Figure 5 — Block interleaved memory with a cyclic pattern

Sequential access memory is usually performed on cells that have adjacent addresses. Can be achieved in B (B — number of banks) times the speed, exchange, memory as a whole than its individual bank, if the simultaneous sequential data access in each of the banks.
If the requests to the same bank to follow one another, each subsequent request must wait for completion of previous service. This situation is called a conflict of access. With frequent occurrence of conflicts on access method becomes inefficient

4.3 Organization of the MM on the basis of a block design with block-cyclic scheme bundles

In a block-cyclic scheme bundles, each memory bank consists of several modules, addressable in a circular pattern. Addresses are distributed among the banks on the block diagram. Address of the cell is divided into three parts. High-order bits define the number of the bank, the next group of digits indicates the address of a cell in the module, and the younger address bits select a module in the bank (Fig. 6).

Figure 6 — A block-cyclic scheme of separation 
                                       of memory
Figure 6 — A block-cyclic scheme of separation of memory


The above methods of separation of memory work well in solving a problem, characterized by a locality property. In multiprocessor systems with shared memory, where requests for access to memory is independent, is considered the development of the idea of ​​separation of memory. To this end, the system includes multiple memory controllers, allowing individual banks to work completely independently. The effectiveness of this technique depends on the frequency of independent accesses to different banks.
The greater the number of banks, the less likely the successive calls to the same memory bank.


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Important Note

At the time of writing this abstract master thesis is still not complete. Expected completion date: December 1, 2011, as a consequence of the full text, as well as materials on the subject can be obtained from the author or his manager after that date.

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