
Specialized computer system rail diagnosis development


1. Introduction

2. Rail diagnosis

3. Bypassing damaged areas

4. Expert problem areas diagnosis

5. Conclusions

6. Literature


Currently, there are a number of problems traffic safety associated with the rails technical condition diagnosis. The Ukrainian railway sector provides transportation of more than 300 million tons cargo and 500 million passengers per year. And that it accounts for 85.1% of freight (excluding pipeline transportation), and 54.5% passenger traffic. For better working, particulary to increase the capacity and speed of traffic in the XXI century with a particularly acute problem overall improvement in rail transport, in particular by increasing the quality of the path.


Optimal scheduling control means inspection and design the best defective parts route inspection will partly meet the challenge of diagnosing the rails, as maximize sites diagnosis time and reduce the time of diagnosis path.

Aims and objectives

The purpose of master's work is to develop a specialized computer system, which will include the following modules:

  • Decision Support System for the rails diagnosis to produce the optimal diagnosis frequency;
  • Crawling given diagnoses of items for route optimization and quality control to reduce the time the damaged areas.
  • Scientific innovation

    Project novelty is to solve the testing rails problem as the special case of the traveling salesman problem with additional constraints on the direction of the route and the number of sites inspected, as well as to develop a new algorithm for route optimization in required areas.

    Rail diagnosis

    Rail crack detector diagnostics cars (fig.1a.) schedules organized, approved by the chief of the path, and inspection (Fig. 1b.) - On schedules, approved by the chief permanent way.

    Car-tester         Crack detector cart
    а)         b)

    Figure 1 - а) Detector diagnostics cars; b) Inspection

    Rail crack detector frequency test cars and the flaw is determined by the condition of tracks, burn them for defects, defects of character development, a state road, operating conditions and other local features. Rails checking produce flaw and visually with a hammer, mirror, probe, magnifier. By visual inspection of signs of deficiency may include: local broadening or decrease in the head (fig.2a.) brokens (Fig. 2b). and dark stripes on the running surface, redness under the head, thin cracks on the top or side face of head, rusty or dark bands in the conjugation of the cervix with soles (fig.2c.).

    Reduction of the rail head         Hole on the rail head         Rusty band in the conjugation of the cervix with sole
    а)                                            b)                                            c)

    Figure 2 - а) Local broadening or decrease in the head ; b) Brokens; c)Rusty bands in the conjugation of the cervix with soles

    Schedule and frequency of audits take into account the operating conditions, the condition of rails, as well as the nature of the defects, the frequency of their occurrence, etc. The chief permanent way, his deputy, senior road master systematically check the quality of the flaw, and Chief of the way, his deputy or chief engineer at least once a quarter - the work wagon flaw.

    When checking the rail flaw detector should be aware that when you pass ski searchingly device over the bolt holes and gap junction in the phones could be heard sounds of a certain duration. These signals NDT inspectors should be well distinguished from the sound of long duration and a different tone when a crack in the seam zone. Required re-hit a place where there was light, and inspection of the rail at this location. Be aware that sounds are sometimes false due to hit the sand and dirt under the skis and when re-run over, they can not be repeated. If the roll surface is contaminated, it is purified before re-checking the sandpaper. Holes for the butt connectors can also cause a signal, but tightly clogged the plug signal is received. Sinks, the defects on the rolling rail foot give stable readings flaw. In recent years, to test the rails increasingly commonplace rail flaw types. The science requires a special system to monitor rail management: at low temperatures, more frequent inspections of the rails, including by reducing the time between inspections rail crack detector means.

    Each found the rail - a defective or broken - mechanic writes in the working register and reports about him a receipt for road master or foreman, and after checking the rails at the department sends the results to the distance path.

    Bypassing damaged areas

    Under modern rail development conditions, one of the most important tasks is to reduce operating costs while ensuring safety. In the travel sector focuses on the current contents of the path and directly non-destructive testing of rails and turnouts, which are periodically checked by means of crack detector (mobile and removable). At present the work of removable crack detector means and route control of rails and turnouts are specialists in permanent way, so the human factor is very large and not always made up the route is optimal. To make efficient use of working time there is need to implement an automated system making the route bypassing the specified defective parts or paragraphs.

    This problem can be solved using a modified algorithm of a Salesman, where you can set the direction of the route and the number of inspected sites (the specific items) (Figure 3).

    Figure 3 - Modified algorithm of a Salesman (animation: volume – 4 КБ, size – 550x400, amount of shots – 14, amount of repeated cycles – 7)

    The traveling salesman problem [6] is a classical problem of genetic algorithms. It is as follows: traveler (or a salesman) to visit each of the core set of cities and return to the starting point. There is the cost of tickets from one city to another. Necessary to plan trips to the amount of money spent was minimal. Search space for the TSP is the set of N cities. Any combination of N cities, where cities are not repeated, is the solution. Optimal solution - a combination that cost (the sum of the cost of travel between each of the cities combined) is minimal.

    The traveling salesman problem - old enough, it was formulated back in 1759 (under another name). The term "traveling salesman problem" was used in 1932. In the German book «The traveling salesman, how and what he should to get commissions and be successful in his business», written by an old salesman.

    The traveling salesman problem was attributed to the NP-hard problems.There are strict restrictions on the sequence and number of cities can be very large (there are tests involving several thousands of cities).

    It seems natural that the idea of the tour - a sequence (i1, i2, ..., in), where (i1, i2, ..., in) - number of sets (1 ... n), representing a certain city. The binary representation of cities is inefficient, because requires special repaired algorithm: change a single bit may cause irregularity of the tour.

    Currently, there are three main ways to view: Neighbours, ordinal and track.Each of these views has its own completely different recombination operators.

    Expert problem areas diagnosis

    In general we can say that scheduling track control is based on analysis of statistical data about their actual condition, research on experimental plots and development on the basis of their algorithm for determining the timing of diagnostics of rails in different parts of the railways (with different specifications).

    The development of periodicity is currently performed manually by experts of the railway. It does not take into account a number of important factors that directly affect the rate of development of defects in the rails and, therefore, be considered when optimizing the intervals between checks the state of the rails and minimizing the cost of diagnosis. These data will add to the calculation of frequency, providing more accurate test period diagnosed plot ultrasonic flaw detectors.

    Object of study is diagnosed part of the path, namely, its two components: the base metal rails and welded joints.

    Rails [8] - a special section of steel beams, are laid on sleepers or other supports for education, as Typically, path that moves the rolling stock of railway transport, urban railways, a specialized structure in mines, quarries, cranes (Figure 4a).

    Welded joint (Fig. 4b.) [9] - Compound of metal elements, carried out by welding. All that does not relate to the rail to the weld joint, is considered to be the main metal rail. That it produced the largest number of severe defects, so the base metal should be checked more frequently than the welded joint.

    Rail         Welded joint
    а)         b)

    Figure 4 - а)Rails; b) Welded joint

    There is also a notion of welded rail (velvet path) (Fig. 5.) [10]- A track with a completely welded joints. The advantages of this path are that it reduces wear and tear of rolling stock, exposed in the joints of the shock (dynamic) effects, prevents the breakdown of the permanent way, usually occurring in the joints, reducing the ground resistance of the train, reducing the costs of the road.

    Velvet path
    Figure 5 - Velvet path

    We need to install the base and recommended frequency of testing diagnosed stretch of track on the basis of factors specified in the program.

    Factors influencing the frequency of monitoring are given below:

  • information about the exit (withdrawal of the way) broken (to be replaced immediately on the day of detection) of rails for a certain statistical period (usually for 12 months in the past);
  • traffic density controlled the railway section on the results over the past year (measured in millions of tonnes transported by rail cargo area per kilometer per year);
  • Missed the total tonnage on the tracks (measured in millions of tonnes gross weight);
  • train speed at the site (the higher the speed, the higher the yield broken rails);
  • presence of surface defects and damage in operated the way;
  • The status of the path based on measurements of travel (actual assessment of a number of dynamic parameters of the path, such as track width (pattern), the level of yarn path (distortions and subsidence), the nonlinear acceleration due to changes in the stability of the path);
  • Type of rail (light or heavy).
  • Using the parameters of speed of trains, evaluation railmeter and availability of surface defects is impractical because their influence is minimal. Preferably use the reference of the facts. But the inclusion of these parameters in the development of diagnostic frequency of the base metal rails will give a more precise value, unlike the base frequency.

    Can be used in ways and distances in the laboratory inspection, and further developed in the drafting of the optimal schedule of inspection sites and the way the required number of ultrasonic flaw and crack detector operators of trucks.

    One type of structuring rules and facts is to provide information in the form of a decision tree.

    Method of decision tree (decision trees) [3] is one of the most popular methods for solving the job classification and prediction. Sometimes this method of Data Mining is also called tree of decision rules, classification and regression trees. As can be seen from the last name, using this method solves the problem of classification and prediction. If the dependent, ie target variable takes a discrete value, then using the decision tree classification problems are solved. If the dependent variable takes continuous values, the decision tree determines the dependence of this variable on the independent variables, ie solves the problem of numerical prediction.

    Thus, decision trees - this is a way of representing the rules in a hierarchical, coherent structure, where each object corresponds to a single site that provides solutions. Under the rule refers to a logical construct that is represented in the form of "if ... then ...". The first time, decision trees were proposed Hovilendlom and Hunt (Hoveland, Hunt) in the late 50's of last century. The first and most famous work (Hunt, EB), Merina (Marin J.) and Stone (Stone, PJ), which deals with the essence of the decision tree - "Experiments in Induction» («Experiments in Induction») - was published in 1966.

    A decision tree consists of the following:

  • the root of the tree;
  • branches of a tree;
  • internal nodes (nodes check);
  • tree nodes (decision nodes).
  • As a result of the passage from the root to its top (leaves) solves the problem of classification, ie select one of the classes. In our case, we choose not a class, and the solution for a given rule (runs through every level of decision tree from root to tip).


    In the course of research work has been studied object computing, and the ways of its automation, reviewed and analyzed the system for planning the route of freight traffic, formulated their deficiencies and the necessity of developing a new system, analyzed the methods for finding optimal routes.Formulated a mathematical formulation of the problem of determining the optimal frequency of testing sites diagnosed using an algorithm of decision tree.


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    6. Обобщённая задача коммивояжёра для определения рациональных маршрутов поставки.
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    * The master's work is not completed yet. Final completion is oin December 1, 2011. Full work text and subject materials can be obtained from the author or his master after this date.