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Alexandra Klimko

Alexandra Klimko 

Faculty: Computer Science and Technology

Speciality: Economic cybernetics

Theme of master's work:

Nonlinear methods and models for assessing the value of intellectual capital

Scientific adviser: Artem Gizatulin 

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract

About Me (short creative biography):


I was born on January 29, 1989 in Donetsk in the morning.

Since my childhood I've developed an interest in mathematics. Learned to consider before reading. In kindergarten almost didn't go because used to be sickly child. But I remember once in kindergarten we were asked to draw someone who wants to become. And I drew the two lions. They asked me if I wanted to be a lion trainer. And I'm quite surprised that conclusion and said that I wanted to draw cartoons ( the cartoon "The Lion King» was just released).

After my birth mother left her job and consecrated herself to my education and training. So I was prepared for school much better than many of my peers. Some time parents even planned to send me to school at age six, but then changed their minds and that is why I have not graduated from university yet.


In 1996 I went to the first form of school ¹9 at the Voroshilov’s district. I am grateful to my first teacher - Mrs Gritsenko - for the atmosphere of ease, she was able to create in the classroom. Hike in school was always a holiday for all pupils of the class. In spite of this, she gave us a good basic knowledge wich was useful during subsequent training. Also, she teaches us as to the accuracy and responsibility by assigning the duty of the class and tea. Yes, yes it is for tea, we could brew for a change in the classroom, using an electric samovar.I have connected the warmest memories with the early years of schooling.

When I finished elementary school and moved into fifth form, I found it very difficult as, perhaps, to many new people. Indeed, from the cozy nest we fell at the mercy of ten teachers, each of whom represented their subject and considered it to be the only important and necessary. And each year numbers of this subject was increasing.

When I was in the neighth form, our school direction decided to succumb under the inluence of fashion trends an introduce specialized classes. The problem was that not a single student to choose subjects on which he wants to focus, and the whole class choose a main subjects. Therefore, our ruther unfriendly class was facing the most difficult choice of the subject: "History" or "Chemistry." And our class chose History. As a result - seven lessons of history per week. That's was how we made our life easier.

Future years have shown, the history department was useful to only one person in the whole class.

Beginning from the tenth form, I started to think about choosing a university. My first choice fell on the Mathematics Department. All winters of 2004/2005 I attended preparatory classes in mathematics, which very much helped me both at admission and during the exams at school, and, perhaps, when i was writing some of the computational work in the university. But as these courses have shown me that working with the bare figures - not my calling, although I love math so far.

In September 2005 i realized the necessity of the right choice of my future career. Small colleges disappeared automatically. I wanted the name of my high school do sound proudly. And the choice fell on the Donetsk National Technical University. Thus I've made my choice. I went to the preparatory courses in mathematics and computer science. In the delivery of the Ukrainian language I did not see any drouble.

Then it came time to write a statement on the ratings. Then it was possible to specify three specialties which you wanted to do. Even then I had already known that wanted to study in a specialty "Economic Cybernetics", but was afraid that I wouldn't pass on the budget form of training, so I chose two more spare version of "System Programming" and "Information management systems." Imagine my joy when I passed my computer science and the Ukrainian the first time, and on the rating results in mathematics were held on the budget form of education. It really gives a feeling of superiority, when coming in May to school, you already know that you will be credited to the budget for the speciality, which you have chosen yourself.

That is why the final exams did not cause me any trouble, and were passed perfectly. I finished school in July 2006 with a gold medal.


In the first weeks at university, I realized how much I lucky was, because the class in which I was at school, never seem to be very friendly, and what my surprise was when I discovered that my groupmates were really open and friendly people. And all without exception. Perhaps these people with whom I spent 4 years - the bright and warm memories about the university, which I will carry with me throughout my whole life. If you happen to ever work or study in the same wonderful team as our group, you would certainly feel very happy.

Single word should be said about the teachers in our department -perhaps these people have done almost every thing they could. So I can prove all my friends scattered to different universities and cities that it is Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science is the best. Teachers have always maintained a keen interest in students to the subject, while have been able to give advice not only as forprofessional field, but also a simple life situation, which are often so necessary for hotheads students.

During my studies at university I tried myself to set no scientific fields, among the most serious of my hobbies include: drama school, historical fencing, KVN, photography, philosophy and, of course, AIESEC. About any of these periods of my students life one can to write a separate book. I think that any of them have brought me not only fun, but also some useful knowledge and skills.

Plans for future developments

Main direction of my development after graduation I see in creation of my own business, although so far I don't know what it will be like. In this case, I do not exclude the possibility of working in the company, and its size doesn't matter. Among the priorities which i'll bear in my mind while I'll going to look for a job are - to apply abilityprofessional knowledge, the possibility of personal and career growth, and favorable climate in the team.

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