Master DonNTU Kondratenko Andrei Vladimirovich

Kondratenko Andrei Vladimirovich

Faculty of Computer Science and Technology

Department of Computer Engineering

Speciality: Computer Systems and Networks

Theme of Master Work:

Modeling algorithms, coordinates in the display module of Logistics

Supervisor of studies: Malcheva R.V. scientific consultant: Krivosheev S.V.


Modeling algorithms, coordinates in the display module of Logistics


    In the modern conditions the operational information about layout and movement of moving objects, is an important component of safety personally for each person. Prompt development of means of data transfer, have made effective observation system and control over mobile objects in a real-time mode. From the technical point of view systems of radio of a fixing are created is to the unique scientific and technical complexes, providing now the greatest accuracy of a global temporal and coordinate binding of subscribers. Wireless signals applied now in these systems provide necessary level of limiting accuracy of carrying out of measurements of coordinates of mobile object.

Urgency subjects

    This task is actual because choice of effective algorithm for determination of coordinates of mobile object, is most important task in development of the unit of displing of logistics system.

The scientific significance of operation

    The scientific value of this operation is in the analysis of algorithms of determination coordinates, and possibilities of their modification for using in logistics systems.

The practical value of results of operation

    The most effective algorithm of determination coordinats of object was defined in the process of the research.

The review of researches on a subject in DonNTU

    Similar questions were researched:
  1. Master FKNT Parshin, on the topic: "Calculation of the coordinates of a moving object"
  2. Master FKNT Poritski A.V. on the topic: "Algorithms for generating the trajectory of a moving object"

The review of researches on a subject in Ukraine

    In Ukraine in this point in question research were engaged:
  1. Bondaruk A.B., Glukhov V.S., Yevtushenko K.S., Oliyarnyk O.B. Lviv Research Institute of Radio Engineering, * National University "Lviv Polytechnic" subject: "HARANTOZDATNA INTEGRATED SYSTEM NAVIGATION MOBILE GROUND OBJECTS "
  2. Ovsyanykova T.*, Bushanskaya V.V.*, Yhdalov I.M.** Frolov V.P.*, Popel V.M.* State Enterprise "Konstruktorskoe office" South "to them. Yangel * Dnipropetrovsk National University ** Subject: determining CONTACTS mail Country GROUND rolling Object " Department of electronic computers

The review of researches on a subject in the world

    In the world in this point in question research were engaged:
  1. Elliott Kaplan, Christopher Hegarty topic: "Understanding GPS: Principles and Applications"

The main results

    Satellite systems of navigation

    Satellite system of navigation is the complex electronically - technical system that consist of the range landscape and space equipment was created for determination of locations and prametrs of moving for land, water and air object.
    Basic elements of satellite system of navigation:
    • the orbital grouping consisted of several sattelits that radiating special wireless signals;
    • landscape system of managment and control, including units of measurement satellites current position and acquiring to them information to correcting information about orbits;
    • the receiving client equipment, using determination of coordinates;
    • optsional: an information radio system for transmission by users corrections that allow to greatly increas accuracy of coordinates determination.

    The principle of sattelite systems navigation wark based on measurement distance from antenna on object to companions location. The table oflocation of all companions is called as the almanac which should have every sattelite receiver before beginning of measurements. Receiver saves the almanac in memory from time of last shating-down and unless he got old uses it instantly. The location of object in the space can be calculated it you know in the distance to several sattelits of the system. The method of measurement the distance from sattelits to receiver antenna based on definition of radio propagation speed. To realised the oopportunity of measurement time of propagation of radio signal every sattelits of navigation system radiates signals of equred time in consistance of it is signal using atomic clock. During the wark of sattelit receiver it is clock synchronises with system time and in case of further receiver of signals calculates ping beetwen time of radiation and time of receiving signal. After geting this information sattelit receiver calculats coordinats of antenna. Additionaly accumulation and proccession of this data for certain rate of time maked possible to calculate such parametrs of moving as speed the transisted way ect.

    types of sattelite systems

    The next system of sattelite navigation is working:
    Beter know as GPS. Belong to Ministry of Defence of USA. It is the only for functional satellite navigation system.
    Belongs to the Ministry of Defence of Russia. It is at a stage of restarting of the sattelites group. It is used as the additional system that improve results of GPS positioning in areas with closed sections of the sky.
    It is European system that is on the stage of creating sattelite group.
    Beidou is subsystem of GNSS is being started in current time by China. It is aimed on using only in this country the speciality of this system the small amount the sattelites thet geosynchronous orbit.
    It is Indian navigation sattelite system is on the stage of developing.


At this point an analysis of algorithms for determining the origin and modification of the algorithm is executed for use in logistics. In writing of the abstract master thesis was in the process of development. Final completion in November 2011.


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