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Luzanova Yulia Vladimirovna Faculty: Computer Science and Technology Specialty: System programming Scientific adviser: Ph.D., Malcheva Raisa Viktorovna |
Abstract of the theme of master's work «SS of the dedicated computers» Theme urgency The trend of continuous improvement refresh rate of knowledge. Having trouble creating effective learning systems (including systems based on modern computer technology and computer science) as well as the creation of new forms and ways of presenting educational material, search for new pedagogical methods and teaching tools [1]. One of the ways of increasing the effectiveness of teaching, learning information and reduce the cost of the process of learning is the development and use of automated training systems. Now apply a set of terms denoting an automated learning system, which, in essence, are similar [2]. The most common are: • distance learning system; • automated system of distance learning; • computerized educational system; • training program; • educational system and a number of other, less common terms. To illustrate the generality of the above terms can result in the following definition. Computerized Educational System (CES) – a set of software and hardware, and teaching tools, providing students with the provision of study material, testing students' knowledge, online interaction of students and teachers in the learning process, as well as providing students with the possibility of self-exploration of the material under study. Usually, these systems use multi-media technologies [3]. Application of new developments computer technology (high-resolution graphics, sound, video, the use of information created in other programs, etc.) can improve the dialogue with the user training program, expand the scope of the program. According to UNESCO in audiovospriyatii absorbed 12% of information at about 25% visual, and audiovisual in up to 65% of perceived information. However, if the subjective relation to user training and computer methods to the specific program is in the range from neutral to strongly negative, then the efficiency training program significantly reduced. Today, a large number of such software products are made attempts to classify them according to various criteria, to define. Goal and tasks of the research The study aims to develop a computer education system which will increase the amount of learning and performance perception of information, as well as reduce the time to study the subject, including time spent on teacher representation information and inculcating skills among students. Main tasks of the research: 1) Analysis of the approaches to CES; 2) Development of the structure of CES; 3) Justification and implementation of computer-assisted selection; 4) The introduction of active components in the CBS (games, interactive systems, direct access to communication, for example, through Skype with the head); 5) The implementation of CES; 6) Testing the system in a group of students. Possible scientific newness Is to use active learning techniques from the field psychology and pedagogy of the psychological characteristics of today's youth. In constructing the course uses a systematic approach to learning, based on an analysis of future of the student, the generation of appropriate targets, learning objectives and selecting appropriate training and methodological material. Practical results of the work 1) Creation CES to implement a specific discipline taught at the Department of KI, the use of CES created in the learning process; 2) The development guidelines and instructions for new labs with stands EV8031/AVR (V3.2). Review of existent researches and developments about the theme To a great extent quality of distance learning is defined by quality of the software and the teaching materials used in e-learning system. The most popular e-learning systems in Russian-speaking electronic space are considered for definition of quality of a distance learning program complex: 1) «Prometheus»; 2) «WebTutor»; 3) «STELLUS»; 4) «RedClass». «Prometheus» (version 4.0) – the distance learning system which is the indisputable leader in Russian-speaking electronic space [7]. The following automated functions are realized in system: - management of educational process; - distribution of rights of access to educational resources and system controls; - interaction differentiation of participants of educational process; - conducting magazines of users activity; - training and an estimation of knowledge in the Internet, in corporate and local networksх. The user interface provides with handy access to objects of system. The list of menu commands, accessible to the user, is formed automatically - on the basis of role powers (for the listener, the tutor, the organizer or the manager). «WebTutor» represents the ready decision for creation of distance learning system and a corporate educational portal [8]. By means of software WebTutor it is possible to create distance learning systems both for the companies which employees work in a unified local network, and for the companies with the distributed network infrastructure. At the present WebTutor is realized on 2 technological platforms: - Microsoft (both relational database and format XML can be used for a data storage); - Lotus Domino. «STELLUS» - full-function, constructed on web-technologies, a modular complex of the software for support of the open education [9]. STELLUS allows: - to conduct preparation of teaching materials and tests; - to operate educational process (to make individual and group schedules); - to plan an academic load; - provides procedures of delivery of tests and examinations in an automatic and semi-automatic mode; - to receive statistical reports for the analysis. «RedClass» is a complex of soft hardware, teaching materials and training techniques which allow to be trained at a distance, raise the level of skill, to supervise knowledge in any fields of human activity [10]. In that way, the basic attention by development and introduction of distance learning systems is given questions of management by educational process, to the account of results of training and testing, integration with mechanisms of electronic dialogue and external systems. Conclusion: Using information technology to education at all levels - primary, secondary, higher. Without the introduction of information technologies in the Education is unable to provide today's students opportunities for the use of information not only in their professional sphere but also in all areas of modern life [3]. Currently, a worldwide network of Internet more intense part of our lives. Various information servers store billions of objects, such as Web-documents collection of drawings, photographs, audio and video, etc. such information resource becomes essential in today's learning process. various electronic Online library to help alleviate the problem insecurity schools contemporary literature, distance learning system to help organize operational and individual training, facilitating, or even replacing correspondence form; Internet forums are the basis for the creation of virtual communities of teachers, etc. In developing the Studies focus on independent work of students, their collective work, conducting mini-studies of different levels [12]. References 1. 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