Ðóññêèé Óêðà¿íñüêà DonNTU DonNTU master's portal
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Ponomarenko Sergey

“Analysis of estimation methods of implementation and operational efficiency of information systems”

Faculty Computer science and technology

Department Applied mathematics and informatics

Speciality Economic Ñybernetics

Scientific adviser Cand.Tech.Sci., associate professor T. Mihaylova



I was born on November, 5th, 1988 in Donetsk. Mum gave a lot of time to my development, constantly offered any developing pastime. The father was an example of the vigorous young man for me, and his liveliness passed on me. I was an active child, always tried to occupy myself with something, and, as consequence, I spent a lot of time walking outside. Memories about this period practically do not remain, but those that sometimes come up in my head, tell that I had a happy childhood.


In 1st class of comprehensive school ¹2 I came in 1995. Thanks to skills which I have learned before starting studying at the school, first four years were easy for me. However I wasn’t the active participant of educational process, I tried to adhere to the scheme «have asked – have answered», I didn’t really want to be among the best.

In addition to studying at school I went to study piano in Leontovich music school ¹1 which has successfully finished after 7 years of studying. Chess and sports, in particular karate, became special hobbies during the school period. Nevertheless, I have given up playing the piano after finishing music school, but I find time for practicing karate and playing chess with pleasure to this day.

In 9th class, on purpose to get better education, I have entered Donetsk lycee "College". There were exacting teachers, and it helped me much further, after all without their strictness I hardly would enter the budget on a speciality which I am now studying. Special thanks I should tell to Tchernyshov Vladimir Alekseevich and Chernuhin Roman Aleksandrovich who have shown how you can effectively use your skills.

During the same period at last there was a possibility to be fully engaged karate as I have found good trainer, Lee Andrey Din Hvanovich. Thanks to him I have learnt in the shortest terms to gather myself up, which in future, especially while studying at university, have brought a lot of advantages to me.


The choice of a higher educational institution was not a problem for me, as already in 9 class I have been focused on Donetsk national technical university, and on entrance by passing rating examinations. As a result the question with the further studying has been solved before local examinations. But it took longer than expected to choose a speciality. In the list of desirable specialities were and “the Finance and the Credit”, and “Telecommunication Systems and Networks”, and “Management”. “Economic Cybernetics” is a peculiar synthesis of my desires, and I do not regret that I finally choose it.

“Statistics”, “Econometriks”, “Economy Modelling”, “Economic Cybernetics”, “Methods of Mathematical Programming” were the most interesting disciplines to me. The knowledge received at studying of these disciplines, was very useful for me, when I passed practice in Donetsk Research Institute of Coal Mining, and then when I started working at this enterprise.

After obtaining the bachelor's degree I have entered a magistracy for the purpose of broadening and fastening received knowledge and to have possibility to enter postgraduate courses. I chose Mikhailova Tatyana as my scientific adviser because i was interested in themes of her scientific work with students. I chose theme of my master’s thesis “Analysis of estimation methods of implementation and operational efficiency of information systems” not at once as in Donetsk Research Institute of Coal Mining I have worked on problem of investment appeal of collieries, and I had some ideas about this problem. Unfortunately, shortage of knowledge in such areas, as a labour safety, coal mining processes, ecological safety, laws about usage of subsoil haven’t allowed me to implement them. Having weighed all pro and contra, I have decided to choose on that theme which has offered me my scientific adviser. Processes of globalisation of world economy cause necessity of the timely analysis of increasing volumes of the information, and, to be competitive, the management of the enterprises should optimise constantly managerial process that can be reached only by means of information technology.

Future Plans

Now the main objective for me in the near future is defence of my master’s thesis. Then when I will have a few more free time, I plan to master German language, to finish courses of financial management, to enter postgraduate courses. I think of acquisition of the second education, but question with a speciality is still opened. As I am going to enter postgraduate courses in Donetsk Research Institute of Coal Mining it would be expedient to master economy of a fuel and energy complex. Personally for myself it would be desirable to study audit, the accounting and management accounts.
