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Master of DonNTU Ponomarenko Sergey

Ponomarenko Sergey

“Analysis of estimation methods of implementation and operational efficiency of information systems”

Faculty Computer science and technology

Department Applied mathematics and informatics

Speciality Economic Ñybernetics

Scientific adviser Cand.Tech.Sci., associate professor T. Mihaylova


Date of birth November, 5th, 1988
Birthplace Ukraine, Donetsk
Comprehensive school Comprehensive school ¹2 of Donetsk:
Donetsk lycee “College”:
High school Donetsk national technical university (DonNtU):
Bachelor degree 2006-2010;
Magistracy 2010-2011
Average Rating 3,98
Possession of languages Russian (native);
Ukrainian (native);
English (intermediate)
Hobbies Books: classical, psychology;
Music: classical, rock, r'n'b;
Sports, particularly karate and football;
Personal qualities Analytical and communication skills, ability to deal with large amounts of information
Computer skills Operating systems: Microsoft Windows 98/XP/Vista/7;
Applied directions: Microsoft Office Word/Excel/Access/PowerPoint/Visio; Mathcad, Matlab, Mathematica,Statistica; Project Expert; 3ds max; Rational Rose;
Programming languages: Visual Basic.
Plans for future To end a magistracy;
To be arranged for perspective work;
To enter postgraduate course;
To learn second foreign language.
Contact information e-mail: serge.blitz@gmail.com
