Childhood One fine summer day, namely, June 10, 1989 I was born in the family of high-altitude adjuster and master sewing clothing. I was a wonderful healthy baby. Much ate a lot of crying and hated to sleep at night, like most kids. In general, I enjoyed life! But my parents did not give up. In addition, I have a big family and came to the aid of my many uncles, aunts, grandparents and my brother Oleg. So, step by step, year after year, I was growing up and went to school.

School At first there was an elementary school № 5 Makeyevka. Then - Lyceum № 1, where I spent eight happy years. The school was for me not only the place where I received knowledge (though I did it regularly and in this field has reached some success), but also a place where I got good friends, and experience gained in the classroom is invaluable and will help in throughout their lives. In addition to lessons in math, science and physical education, classes in the section I was interested in boxing organization and participation in various shows, concerts, contests and competitions, participated actively in the development of the school parliament. From this experience the pleasure conveyed to activists from other schools. Suddenly I appeared acting, singing inclinations, abilities, showmanship. The rays of glory touched my heart and soul, but not overshadowed by the mind. In grade 11, most had forgotten hobbies, I opted for their future profession ... Began to attend preparatory training courses in computer science. My task was to supply a course on "Economic Cybernetics", but there was active involvement of teachers courses - Teplinskii S. V.. And so, in May 2006 on the results of the ratings, I was recommended for admission to the specialty "System programming" ...

University The entire 1st year I spent learning, not all was easy and simple. The result was the average score - 4.78 and the recommendation to move into the "German" group. Then I showed stubbornness and despite the persistent advice of others remained in their native SP-06b. This was probably the last year, which was entirely devoted to study, then I managed to try out in all directions, the student and just an active life. In the summer of 2010 I realized that student life is not eternal and it is time to be determined by the direction in programming. My choice fell on the WEB, and in December was the first work not only in their specialty, but in this industry. Further, most of the time I devoted myself improving as a specialist, not missing school.

Now and in the future ... At the moment I write the master's work. I found myself in this life and I can confidently move forward without worrying about the job and becoming, as a specialist. In the near future - the protection of master's work and receiving the title of master. A study in front of the rapidly developing technology it-and I hope to write your own.

To be continued ...