Faculty: Computer Science and Technology
Department: Applied mathematics and information technology
Speciality: Economic Cybernetics
Theme of master's work:
"The process of adapting a company's functioning to the market environment conditions"
Scientific adviser: Dmitrieva Olga Anatolievna


The childhood

     Ìó name is Tykhonenko Olga Aleksandrovna. I was born in Donetsk on 17th August 1989. My parents and elder sister were extremely glad about my birth. Although the birth of another girl in the family was a disappointment for my grandfather who hoped to continue the generation and the surname of Tykhonenko.
     As well as many other children, I went to the kindergarten. It had the amusing name "Penguin". I do not know why such name has been chosen, but I had never seen there any real penguins. However, I remember the kindergarten due to eating there a tasteless dish "Rose" (The recipe of this meal is still a riddle for me and my relatives), and walking in the yard where there were a lot of maple trees. It was a fantastic place in the autumn.
     I started preliminary courses at school and my grandmothers were actively engaged in my training. They were teaching me to read, write, count and answer different questions in English.


     Their efforts didn’t pass in vain. A school commission checked my knowledge and appointed me to first À form. New friends, conditions, different subjects, the first teacher – everything was so unusual and interesting. Every day at school was like a holiday. Then I completed the third form. It was the last festive concert in honor of elementary school graduation. My first teacher presented me the letter of commendation for excellent marks during the studies and the big envelope where there were my first exercise books for reading, writing, mathematics together with my first scratch from drawing lessons. Now after 12 years I am looking at these things with a smile and my memory brings me back spacious rooms of my beloved school where some years of my carefree life had passed.
     In the seventh form I took my first real examination in mathematics. It was connected with adding a new status to my school - diversified lyceum ¹ 37. On the basis of its results a new class had been formed and from the first of September my schoolmates and I started to be lyceum students.
     Study was not difficult for me. Participation in numerous regional contests, competitions, brain-rings, performances … there was not any free time to be bored. My favorite subjects were physics and biology. I was turning over the pages of various manuals, encyclopedias of anatomy and I imagined that I would be a good doctor as my grandmother. For sure, I will treat people and help them to remain healthy.
     However, my dreams did not come true.
     In the eleventh form I started preliminary courses at Training center for college entrants and accidentally visited the third building of Donetsk National Technical University. I was impressed by fanciful architecture of this building and the quantity of students walking along corridors. So I decided to study here.
     It was very difficult to choose the university major. While filling in documents for ratings, my list of majors for which I planned to apply was changed several times. Finally, my doubts disappeared after the third rating. I wanted to get an interesting modern profession which implies excellent computer skills, the knowledge of economy and creative approach the work. Therefore I decided to study in the department of «Economic cybernetics».


     It was the first of September 2006 when I first time met my group EKI-06a. I liked the students of my group at once and the university became a real discovery for me. First two months I was on cloud nine. Then the change-of-lifestyle euphoria began to pass little by little.  I understood what it means “unforgettable student years”.
     There were lectures and workshops, sleepless nights before exams and a great joy after passing them successfully, meetings with classmates and drinking tea at the university canteens, conferences, different competitions, great parties, meeting new interesting people, summer practices and dog days of holidays. I can refer a lot of pleasant memories under the word "the students".
     Here, in my first year of study, I seriously began to learn English.
     It became clear from the first moments at an English class that the basic school knowledge, alas, is not enough. I started to learn the language yourself. By the end of the first course I had enjoyed reading belles-letters books in the original, a few years later passed FCE and began preparations for sitting CAE. I also plan to get an international certificate in business English and go on an internship abroad. My hobby helped me to get acquainted with a lot of interesting people around the world, learn new things, gain valuable life experience, and though strange might it seem, begin to learn the Polish language at the Department of Polish Language at DonNTU under the leadership of Mrs. Byata. A year learning the Polish language at the 4 th year ended up with passing the examination and with a trip to Poland for trial practice.
      However, the time has flown by. Now there are only vivid impressions from the trip, a lot of photos, souvenirs, and a desire to return once more to those incredibly beautiful Polish cities. Since the beginning of the fifth year I have started work on my master's thesis under the guidance of Dmitrieva O.A. The theme of the project is "The process of adapting a company's functioning to the market environment conditions". I am confident that the development of effective adaptive mechanism for industrial enterprises will quickly and effectively adjust their manufacturing strategy to meet changing external conditions that will certainly have a positive impact on the competitiveness of products.

Future plans

     In the future I plan to get a decent job in an international firm, become a highly qualified professional in my major, as well as a good wife and mother.
     In addition, I hope that I will have the opportunity to visit the UK, Spain, Italy, Croatia and a small lost island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.
     I strongly believe that

There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle."

Albert Einstein                                             

     That is why I will not build castles in the air. I will try “to make jam from my dream by adding fruit and sugar to it”. (Stanislav Ezhi Lec)

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