About itself:
I was born, blond girl with sky-blue eyes, exactly at midday on November, 19, 1988 in city Donetsk.
First 3 of life, unfortunately, not put aside in my memory. On them hikes followed in kindergarten the "Scarlet floweret", where I was often forgotten, therefore a mother had to take away me in the workshop of DMZ, apparently it told on the choice of future profession.
In 1996 I entered general school № 37 in the Ukrainian class, there and studied successfully, without effort. In times of teaching at school physics, ethnology, physical education and literature, especially pleased me. By the way, for successes in writing of verses I was not once rewarded by deeds for prize places in different literary competitions. And engaging in physical education did me a champion on swimming at our school.
When I was in an eighth class, reform happened, and we began to be proudly named the students of lyceum of the Humanitarian-Ukrainian class. Began actively to study not only English but also German languages.
Forces of our class and teacher of Ukrainian in a lyceum were open the museum of the Ukrainian culture, where I was a tour guide. In a 11th class I wrote the advanced study on the topic: "History of the Ukrainian names" and became the member of Small Academy of sciences.
For school years I made progress in a calisthenics, for what was repeatedly encouraged, and similarly visited training in judo club "Grandee".
In 2006 I entered DAAT and DonNTU, but chose, know that. On the department of Treatment of metals pressure of Physical-Metallurgical faculty I here already 5 years get knowledge from skilled and simply remarkable teachers and found the real friends. Mastered such programs as: KOMPAS 3D, ANSYS, STATISTICA, EXEL of and other Participated in a scientific conference on Ukrainian and even managed to sing in choir, not having voice.
I consider that teaching years are in an university - really are the best and memorized. Here I get not only knowledge and invaluable experience of our teachers but also certainly tour in life. For all of it I am infinitely thankful to the darling of DonNTU and Treatment of metals pressure!!!