Timoshenko Nina

Faculty Physical-Metallurgical
Department of treatment of metals pressure
Speciality: treatment of metals pressure
Theme of final work:
Scientific leader: professor Yevgeny Rudenko
Sheet rent is the most economical type of ìåòàëëîïðîêàòà. The stake of sheet rent in a general production of rental goods volume constantly increases and in such countries, as the USA, Japan, Germany, France 60-70% attained.
The major constituent of sheet rent are thin folias. Traditionally folias and stripes in thick 2ìì and anymore roll in the hot state, and less than 2ìì - in cold. However lately the tendency of production of especially thin hot-rolled strips got development in 0,6-1,2 ìì. thick Already in 1969-1972 ã.ã. rolling of stripes is widely practiced a 0,8-1 mm on the broadband figures of Japan. At this time on the broadband figures of the hot rolling of the USSR of stripe in a less than 2 mm thick in the mass order did not roll even on new figures 2000, where economic feasibility was. It contingently that in 70th cost of raw material, power mediums and labour in the USSR was very small, and the necessity of metal is very high.
Presently in Japan, USA, Mexico, Spain the hot rolling of stripes is mastered in a 0,8-1,0 mm thick, practically not yieldings on exactness and mechanical properties to the cold metal.
The analysis of production of cold sheet showed abroad, that about 60% of broadband stripes has a thickness 0,6-1,2 ìì. Due to development of technology and equipment of broadband figures, the stake of hot-rolled strips of this assortment more increases for the use instead of cold . The forecast production of especially thin stripes volumes annually increase on 8,3% in the USA, 6,7% in ÅÑ and 6,6% in Japan.
Substituting of broadband folias by hot-rolled, the prime price of which below, at least, on 20 dollars of the USA on the ton of rent, and also tendency of price advance on a cold sheet stipulate mastering expediency production of especially thin hot-rolled sheet in Ukraine. In addition, internal market of metal of Ukraine presently, and the prospects of maintenance of existent volumes of export are so small, that more cheap hot-rolled strips and folias certainly will find a sale in a domestic engineer and building.
The production of hot-rolled strips is presently mastered in a 1,5 mm thick on a figure 1700 ÎÀÎ of "ÌàðÌÊ" the name of Ilich and 1680 Steel Plant of" Zaporizhstal ". Further diminishing of thickness of stripes on these figures possibly only at their native reconstruction.
Foreign experience shows that the production of especially thin hot- rolled strips can be carried out on traditional øèðîêîïîëîñíûõ figures, on casting - rental asms (ËÏÀ) and on figures with the stove coilers . Heating, intermediate winding up of rolled in a roll on ÏÏÓ or technology of the "endless" rolling is thus used.