Timoshenko Nina

Faculty Physical-Metallurgical
Department of treatment of metals pressure
Speciality: treatment of metals pressure
Theme of final work:Research of pearameters of hot rolling of especially thin stripes
Scientific leader: professor Yevgeny Rudenko
Own publications and lectures
Research of pearameters of hot rolling of especially thin stripes
Autors: Rudenko E.A., Timoshenko N.
***** Articles supervisor *****
Authors : Rudenko E., Tikhonov A.
Description: Article by processing experimental data obtained by the prediction model of convexity and concavity of the ends barbette.
Authors : Rudenko E., Levin N.
Description: The article analyzes the parameters of forming the ends barbette after rolling convex samples.
Authors : Rudenko E., Myagkova O.
Description: The article describes the evaluation of the effectiveness of the distribution of breakdown of explosives.
Authors : Rudenko E., Yureyko A.
Description: This article describes the results of preliminary eksperimentovpo topic of developing a new method of rolling plates