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Master of Donetsk National Technical University Fil'chak Svetlana

Fil'chak Svetlana

Educational and Scientific Institute "Higher School of Economics and Management" (IEM)

Faculty: Management (FM)

Department: Personnel Management and Labour Economics (PMLE)

Speciality: "Personnel Management and Labour Economics" (PMLE)

Theme of Master's Work: "Personnel development"

Scientific supervisor:
Ph.D., Assistant Professor of the PMLE Department Elena Chumachenko


on theme of Master's Work

"Personnel development"

Under the conditions of modern fast ageing of theoretical knowledge, abilities and practical skills ability of the organization constantly develop the employees is one of the major factors of maintenance of organization competitiveness in the market, updating and growth of volumes of goods output or services granting. For this reason the theme of the personnel development is actual nowadays.

The work purpose – to improve estimation models of efficiency of personnel development through working out of new complex.

In this connection (therefore), the following problems are put:

1. To look into professional development and personnel training

2. To Develop (create) effective system of training

3. To Optimize expenses on personnel development

4. To study various estimation methods of productivity of personnel preparation.

Object of research – personnel development.

Subject of research - estimation methods of efficiency of personnel development.

Research methods: analysis, comparison, systematization, generalization, prediction.

Communication of work with scientific programs, plans, themes: master's qualification work is executed during 2010 – 2011 agrees with a scientific direction of the department “Personnel Management and Labour Economics” of Donetsk National Technical University.

Prospective scientific novelty: to develop a complex estimation method of personnel learning efficiency

Planned practical results:

1. To develop effective system of training for various personnel categories

2. To develop a complex method for estimation of learning efficiency of various personnel categories

3. Application of the developed technique for an estimation of personnel learning efficiency in various branches of economy

The review of researches and workings out on a theme

It is considered that economic effect of investments into personnel development is bigger, than from investments into means of production. Researches show that the increase of expenses on employees training by 10 % gives the gain of labour productivity equal of 8,5 %, while the same increase of capital investments – only 3,8 %. [6] In the Western Europe investments into the human capital provide about 75 % gain of national wealth. [2, p. 151 – 152]

The international practice shows that it is necessary to spend about 5 – 10 % of wages fund for personnel development. [1, p. 236]

N. Tom understands the system of personnel development as purposeful complex of the elements information, educational and adhered to concrete workplaces which assist improvement of professional skills of employees of the given company in conformity with problems of company development and staff potential. In turn, R. Marra and G. Schmidt consider personnel development to be training and personnel improvement of professional skills. Such understanding is more narrow, than "system" understanding of personnel development, but does not deny N. Toma’s idea.

This concept is considered more widely by Russian scientists, in particular A.J. Kibanov. In their opinion, personnel development is a set of economic-organizing actions in training sphere of the personnel of the organization, its retraining and improvement of professional skills. These actions cover questions of professional adaptation, estimation of candidates for a vacant post, a current periodic estimation of staff, planning of business career, professional promotion, and cooperation with personnel reserve.

Thus, personnel development is system-organized process of uninterrupted professional training of employees for their preparation for performance of new production functions, vocational advancement, formation of a reserve of heads and improvement of personnel social structure. [7, p. 16 – 17]

The unity of an economic and social overall performance with the personnel unanimously is admitted by all experts.

Let's study little world-wide recognized models of efficiency estimation.

Kirkpatrik’s Model

Since 1959 Kirkpatrik’s Model is widely applied to estimation of learning effectiveness. It provides four levels of estimation: reaction; mastering (training); behaviour; result. [6]

Filips’ Model

The fourth level of Kirkpatrik’s model does not answer the question, whether training costs that. In 1991 Jack Phillips has added the fifth level to this system called "Return on the investment (ROI)". The question which is set on this level: whether the training has justified the means enclosed in it? The calculation formula is simple:


Tyler's model

Tyler considers one of the main problems in a sphere of education to be inconcrete, indistinct definition of the purposes of educational programs. "Purposes" are understood as training problems. This target approach underlies process of Tyler estimation.

Skrivens’ Model

Skrivens’ Model is result-oriented, demands the external appraiser who has been not informed of the purposes put before training and problems. It should define value of the program following the results of training.

Staflebim’s Model

Staflebim’s Model CIPP is known as system model and consists of four basic components: a context (are defined the purpose and requirements); an input (resources, possible alternative strategy are defined, and also the most simple way to satisfy the established requirements); process (it is estimated, is how much well carried out the developed plan); a product (the received results are estimated).

Berd’s Model

Berd’s Model covers some levels of Kirkpatrik’s Model (Levels 1 and 4) in case efficiency of preparation (and not just productivity) is estimated. The basic components are the context, an input, reaction and result. In many respects this Model is very similar to Model CIPP and too suffers a lack of details and recommendations about use of each of four basic components. [9]


Thus to measure productivity and learning efficiency and trained employee is rather hard.

Training is capable to benefit even in the case when the head is quite satisfied by an overall performance of the organization.

Further studying of other models of efficiency estimation development of the personnel and working out of the new complex is planned.


1. Веснин В.Р. Управление персоналом. Теория и практика: учеб. – М.: Проспект, 2009. – 688 с.

2. Менеджмент персоналу: Навч. посіб. / В.М. Данюк, В.М. Петюх, С.О. Цимбалюк та ін.; За заг. ред. В.М. Данюка, В.М. Петюха. – К.: КНЕУ, 2005. – 398 с.

3. Управление персоналом организации: Учебник / Под ред. А.Я. Кибанова. – 3-е изд., доп. и перераб. – М.: ИНФРА-М, 2009. – 683 с. – (Высшее образование).

4. Крушельницька О.В., Мельничук Д.П. Управління персоналом: Навчальний посібник. – К., Кондор. – 2003. – 296 с.

5. Зайцева Ю.Н. Проект повышения эффективности деятельности управленческого персонала. // Управление развитием персонала. – 2010. – № 2 (22). – С. 100 – 108.

6. Хабибуллина С.А., Козлова Е.М. Построение системы обучения в компании. // Управление развитием персонала. – 2009. – № 3 (19). – С. 198 – 204.

7. Савченко В.А. Управління розвитком персоналу: Навч. посібник. – К.: КНЕУ, 2002. – 351 с.

8. Травин В.В., Дятлов В.А. Менеджмент персонала предприятия [Электронный ресурс] / – Режим доступа к статье:

9. Подготовка персонала. Оценка результативности подготовки персонала. [Электронный ресурс] / – Режим доступа к статье:

10. Думченко О.Е., Козлов В.В. Методики оценки эффективности обучения и развития персонала [Электронный ресурс] / – Режим доступа к статье:

11. Андрей Мудрый. Персонал учится, компания считает прибыль [Электронный ресурс] / – Режим доступа к статье:


When writing this abstract the master’s qualification work is not completed. Date of final completion of work: December, 2011. Full text of the work and materials on a work theme can be received from the author or his scientific supervisor after that date.

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