Abstract – Necheporenko Ksenia Humanization of thinking as a determinative of evolution of quality at the present stage RUS | UKR || ДонНТУ|| Master's portal of DonNTU
Necheporenko Ksenia

Ksenia Necheporenko 

Faculty of management

Department of quality management

Speciality "Quality, standardization and certification"

Humanization of thinking as a determinative of evolution of quality at the present stage

Scientific adviser: professor Alexander Momot 


Summary of research and developments



Scientific importance

Practical value of the work

Analysis of recent research and publications

Main planned results

Conclusions and future research



Development of industrial relations at all stages was accompanied by the evolution of views on the quality and ways to achieve it. Comparing the first stage of the evolution of quality, reflected "a spiral of quality", with the current stage of its development can be traced a gradual transition from a "local" understanding of quality, expressed in a satisfactory condition monitoring products to the "global" vision – spread the concept of "quality" in all areas public life, including education, health, social status, communication in society, freedom of action and choice, organization of leisure time, access to cultural, social, psychological and professional heritage, that is all that is today called the quality of life. Modern realities dictate the need for new research in the field of quality management, focusing on a man as the subject of relations on the creation of quality and at the same time the facility to improve the quality of life. Thus, the increasing need for more emphasis on humanistic principles in management.


Scientifically significant in this study is to substantiate the need to shift in management paradigm in the direction of socio-cultural aspects, as the main resource of any organization is people, as well as clarify the role of the humanization of thinking in the evolution of quality at this stage.


During the research were formulated the main practical problems of humanization of thinking and justify the importance of their implementation.


In view of the relevance of the investigated problem for this area are devoted to the work of many prominent scientists, in particular T Deal and Kennedy, SW, T. Conti, J. J. Dalgaarda, P. Dalgaarda etc. So T. Conti offers a review of management concepts based on the predominance of technocratic approach to management processes, which is manifested in the consideration of human resources with the purely technical standpoint, without considering the socio-economic and cultural factors. With this approach, people are actually equal to the material and material factors of production such as machinery, raw materials, energy, etc. This author believes that business excellence, which aims to any firm, achieved through the formation of relationships within the organization, allowing to create "outstanding value", which are defined as fairness, justice, loyalty, sincerity, etc. Thus, according to Conti, who must pay more attention to socio-cultural aspects, not limited to increased motivation and commitment of staff. Considering the importance of human factors in creating a sustainable quality Dalgaard P. Dalgaard and J. J offered a three-dimensional model of human needs (Trinity model), determine the motivation. Along with biological and intellectual needs they have substantiated the need to take into account the spiritual (core values) that motivate people. Ukraine has also conducted research on the elucidation of the role of human factors in the organization. This direction involved such native scholars as Momot AI Sumin, VA, Apatova NV, Mocherny S. Ustenko A. et al


Analysis of the above problems in the first place requires clear definitions of basic concepts – the "quality" and "quality of life." There are differences in the definition of these concepts in terms of socio-philosophical and economic sciences. So in a philosophical context the notion of "quality" is abstract and is broader than the same concept, defined in terms of economics. Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary defines as "quality": "... a philosophical category expressing inseparable from his being a substantial certainty, thanks to which it is exactly that, and not otherwise object" [1,p.252].

Economic Dictionary considers quality as a set of properties, characteristics of products, goods, services, works, causing their ability to meet the needs and demands of people, fit for purpose, and claims [2]. These definitions allow to make a holistic view of quality, because one complements the other.

Talking about the evolution of quality at the present stage, we mean a transition to the last bout of her, known as the "quality of life", which is characterized by a degree of satisfaction of material and cultural needs of people (food quality, comfort, shelter, quality health care, education, scope care, the environment, the possibility of creative implementation, etc.).

Problem of quality of life affects many aspects of human existence, such as demographic and ethnographic, environmental factors, conditions, nature and results of labor. It consists of different components – legal and political aspects into account behavioral and psychological factors, the general ideological and cultural space. Thus, the main underlying idea in the concept of quality of life is to focus on the human personality. The word "person" is not accidental. Essential characteristic of this concept lies in the content world of man, his psychological nature, the degree of integrity worldview and belief, the degree of awareness of man's place in society, content and nature of needs and interests, stability and ease of switchable, their narrowness and versatility [3]. On the primacy of the person to date developed a number of concepts in management. They all share the desire to humanize the representation of the human factor as the control object, seen in him by his creativity, the desire for self-expression (the theory of "human relations" theory of the "U") [4,p.97]. On the importance of the needs of self-emphasize such writers as A. Peccei, Ervin Laszlo: "A man climbs Mount Everest, because it sees this as a challenge human ingenuity and persistence. Tell him that he must do to survive or to find freedom, and he interprets it as hard, hard work " [6,p.175].

New ideology is slowly, but still rooted in the minds of managers at different levels. At this stage, the need to follow it dictates the market. The concept of TQM harmonized intrarelationships, giving them a democratic nature, which manifests itself in the possibility of self-realization, there is a feedback between subordinates and management, delegating authority, etc. According to AI Momot: "... TQM harakterizuєtsya Same note scho won the order is yakіstyu produktsії, pereslіduє takozh INSHI kіntsevі results takі yak dovgostrokovy komertsіyny uspіh, korist for suspіlstva i zadovolenіst klієntіv" [14,p.221]. That is the concept laid the foundation, has become the launch platform for a global project called "quality of life", the cornerstone of which, we believe, should be the focus on the person, humane management approaches and alteration of consciousness in terms of quality. S.M.P. Dalgaard and Y.Dzh. Dalgaard writes: "... one of the main reasons for failure in implementing the principles of general management on the basis of quality (TQM) is a superficial knowledge and lack of understanding of the leadership of the crucial importance of human factors ..." [ 7,p.93].

Known expert in the field of management, the former president of the European Organization for Quality (EOQ) T. Conti offers a review of management concepts based on the predominance of technocratic approach to management processes, which is manifested in the consideration of human resources with the purely technical standpoint, without regard to social economic and cultural factors. With this approach, people are actually equal to the material and material factors of production such as machinery, raw materials, energy, etc. This author believes that business excellence, which aims to any firm, achieved through the formation of relationships within the organization, allowing to create "outstanding value", which are defined as fairness, justice, loyalty, sincerity, etc. Consequently, according to Conti, the need to pay more attention to socio-cultural aspects, not limited to increased motivation and commitment of staff. "The first duty of the head, striving for business excellence of their organizations – the alignment of relationships within them, can create outstanding value. With such an attitude the leaders of their responsibilities change the general form of organization, creativity flourishes in it, there is a continuous innovation "[7,p.96]. Thus, in the modern concepts of management there is an attempt to humanize ideas about human resource management. What is the humanization of management? Humanization – dissemination and adoption in the public sphere of ideas, views and beliefs, imbued with humanism [16]. Humanization reflects the social orientation of management and the role of human factor as the control object.

In this paper we consider the humanistic trends in modern concepts of management as a separate aspect of the evolution of views on the quality and quality management.

The tendency to pay more attention to the human factor in the organization, in our opinion, shows the nature and direction of development of social relations, as well as a gradual transition to an understanding of quality in terms of globality, the spread of this concept in all spheres of public life. Here we propose to consider man as an object, which is directed striving to improve the quality of life, and at the same time – as the subject of relations on the creation of quality. A person performing a particular job "creates money", that is the result of his work can be described using the concept of "quality" – "poorly". As for the problem of determining the degree of quality: product possesses all the required functional characteristics, but somewhere admitted error in the form of scratches or other minor deviations, here we believe in the principle of Bulgakov's hero: "Freshness is only one – the first, it is also the last. And if the sturgeon is the second freshness, it means that it is rotten! "Expressed in this ironic attitude to quality, in particular to his absence coincides with an understanding of quality in the" zero defects ", which focuses on awareness of the importance of quality and the formation of the corresponding thinking. Through the use of this system, Japanese companies have become leaders of the world market of goods and services. It must be emphasized is the mental aspect, there is a way of thinking, which is based on understanding, awareness of the need to create only high-quality goods. As for the relationship to quality in Japan, it emerged on the background of ideological, traditional views of Japanese society, rooted deeply receding into history and culture of this country. Why the approach to the quality of Dr. Deming's got such a popular name in Japan, not in his homeland – the United States? And why, despite all attempts to introduce to American companies is so popular in Japan "quality circles" involving in the activities of the company all staff and giving the opportunity to express themselves to each worker, the western version of "quality circles" had no such success. That particular thought, the national mentality played such an important role – a corporate culture under the influence of Confucianism, which forms the ratio of the firm as a family and basic moral and ethical standards of Confucianism, especially devotion to duty, honor, allowed to raise the quality of the rank of the sacred principle of every Japanese company. The above example shows the benefit of socio-cultural approach to management.

In this case, the factors affecting the quality are beyond the technical equipment of production or other economic aspects. There is a need to consider psychological factors, national characteristics. Today is a widespread managerial principle of "freedom of culture", based on the assertion that "... management style reflects a deeper logic of industrial development. The manner in which the companies are managed staff, less dependent on the culture of the country than on the size of these companies used in these technologies and their industrial environments. The logic of competition, involving venture capital company, is based on the advanced know-how and skills training, and requires an appropriate management model. It is well known that the company whose competitive strategy based on innovation, use a more professional and committed management style compared to the mass producers of bolts and screws, plastic toys, or hamburgers. "[15].

Supporters of management on the basis of "depending on the culture believe that in different societies, historical and cultural conditions favor the formation of specific relatively stable patterns of thinking and behavior, shared by the majority of their members. Each new generation, as it takes beliefs and values of the previous one, reproduces the cultural heritage of the country. While the economy companies compete in different conditions within the country all face the same cultural circumstances that forces them to adopt similar structures and leadership styles that match the existing in a society of cultural forces. [15].

We believe that to reject the socio-cultural features in the management of it would be wrong. Mentality of the people, developed in specific historical conditions, the psychological characteristics directly affect the management culture. The above example is Japan's strongest proof. These mental factors make us more aware of the need to focus on the human person as the main factor of production, from which directly affects the quality of their products. Speaking as the subject of relations on the creation of quality, a person creates a prerequisite for the evolution to a new level of quality – quality of life, but only if his personal qualities make it possible to do this. Thus, using the concept of "humanization of thinking", we mean a comprehensive restructuring of the personality consciousness, focused primarily on improving themselves human qualities. Its purpose is to overcome traditional stereotypes regarding the quality at all levels of public life. It is appropriate to recall the words of A. Peccei: "If we want to raise consciousness and organization of the human system as a whole, to achieve its internal stability and harmonious, happy coexistence with nature, then our goal should be a deep cultural evolution and radical improvement of skills and abilities the entire human community." [6,p.183-184].

Introduction of modern methods of management in Ukraine is often ineffective because it is done without considering the peculiarities of the local mentality. "Ukrainian mentality combines the spirit of American individualism and Japanese efficiency and striving for perfection. The most suitable formula for Ukraine: "Our wealth – our human resources" – sums up a site dedicated HR. However, the management style at many large enterprises still remains almost unchanged and is characterized as an administrative team. "Administrative control method was adopted for use because of its clarity malokulturnomu and uneducated person, because of the simplicity and apparent evidence of its effectiveness. This is the first and lowest level of general culture and management of literacy. That lack of understanding of the complexity of the interrelation of phenomena led to the fact that the direct appeal in the form of an order, command, direct and immediate impact, seen as a direct effect of the individual." – wrote Averyanov LJ [8]. Although this style of management gradually receding into the past, some elements still remain, for example, encourage managers of the shadow system of remuneration, and to managerial positions often appoint those who will be the most loyal to their party nominated [11]. To change this situation it is necessary not only to formalize the system of relations and to introduce modern payment system, but also raise the general culture of the leaders, "humanize" their understanding of human resource management. The problem of humanization of thinking is much broader than the education of humane, fair and impartial leadership. They relate to reforming the entire society. Practical problems of humanization of thinking, we have formulated as follows:

1. Increasing welfare of citizens by reforming the economy – this is a priority task that will ensure the necessary level of education and general culture. It is the economic basis of the humanization of thinking, without which it is difficult to realize its other practical purpose.

2. Humanization of Education to educate creative and moral principles in man. Deintellektualizatsiya society, which has recently been much talk, appears to reduce the authority of knowledge. In modern society there is a tendency for professional specialization. At the household level is widespread opinion that in order to become a good specialist and a successful career is enough to understand the issues directly related to their chosen profession. This trend is reflected in the reduction of the humanities in higher education. However, without a liberal education is not possible to form a complete individual, conscious of its role and place in a society of high moral character and its own ideological position. Humanization of Education – a "lever", the key to humane thinking. It lays in human consciousness awareness of the need to act not only according to their interests, but also in the public interest and raises self-esteem and respect for another person. The essence of the humanization of education in creating identity and motivation of the creative perception of reality, the creative expression of their individuality.

3. Development of legal culture in society, the individual. "Under the legal culture understood as resulting from all social, spiritual, political and economic system of the qualitative state of the legal society, reflected in the achieved level of development of legal activities, legal acts of justice and in general the level of legal entity (person, groups, the total population) and the extent of warranty by the state and civil society, human rights and freedoms. " [10,p.211]. A person with a developed legal culture sees not only the blatant violations of the law, such crimes, but also other offenses, he is able to defend their rights through the law and the law guarantees him the opportunity. Humanization has become one of the fundamental principles of formation of legal culture based on respect for human rights and freedoms.

4. The creation of civil society. Civil society exists only in a legal state. Its central idea – the priority of the human person. Formation of civil society creates objective prerequisites for the development of personality, its freedom, the need for self-fulfillment and contributes to a paradigm shift of thinking in the direction of his humanization.

5. The principle of "social responsibility", the introduction of social standards and integrated systems. With the advent of integrated systems has been the growing influence of society on the development of production processes and environmental protection. "For developed countries in the global economy of the twenty-first century is characterized by the unification of requirements to the social responsibility of organizations, their regulation by means of regulations, strengthening the role of government in the business of coercion to ensure accountability for the social sphere of life, strengthening of public organizations in developing standards and monitoring social policies of private capitalist corporations ", – writes L. Konareva [5,p.25]. The strategy for implementing social responsibility is to organize the economic, environmental and social activities so as to benefit people, residents of local communities and society as a whole. Companies are not simply complying with the requirements of legislation of a country, they are taking voluntary actions to improve the quality of life for their employees and their families, as well as residents of the local territory and society as a whole.

Thus humanization of thinking – is not only a prerequisite for the successful functioning of the organization is a prerequisite for the evolution of quality to a new level (a spiral of quality) – the quality of life.

In turn, the quality of life implies a level of human needs, in which the most important place to address the needs of self-realization. DV Khlebnikov wrote: "In his theory of Maslow divided human needs into five main levels in a hierarchical manner, which means that people in meeting their needs as moving stairs, moving from low to higher. Despite the obvious beauty and logic of the theory of hierarchy of needs, Maslow himself, in his letters noted that the theory that made him famous, is applicable to understanding the needs of humanity as a whole, the philosophical generalization, but in no way be used against a particular individual [5]. However, this theory has been successfully used in personnel management. In general form it is fairly well reflects the main aspects of social development. We propose to interpret the needs of the Maslow pyramid [7] applies to quality management and upper level 2 (where the top needs – the need for self-expression) of the model conventionally regarded as "quality of life (Figure 1)

Interpritation of the pyramid of needs by Maslou
Figure 1.Interpritation of the pyramid of needs by Maslou
(animate: Number of frames – 6 Cycles – 6 Size – 49 kV, to create an animation program used by MP Gifanimator)

The purpose of this model is to identify the relationship between the level of satisfaction with the individual and society as a whole, that is, in our opinion, the quality of life – a stage of social development, which occurs when a person can not take care of physiological needs, as well as its safety and security, as it is already provided at the required level, he can fully concentrate on work not with a view to financial security and survival, and to meet the needs of self-realization.


Speaking as the object of improving the quality of life, people improving their personal qualities and do thus more perfect society, to create preconditions for the evolution to a new level of quality – quality of life. Thus, we see here a dialectical relationship, as people both involved in the creation of quality, being the subject of relations on its creation, and he is under the influence of sociocultural factors, such as national characteristics, education levels, cultural traditions, and so on. That affect the formation of his as a person, that is, acts as an object to improve the quality of life.


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In writing this Autosummary master's work is not yet completed. Final completion: December 2010. Full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his manager after that date.

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