In DonNTU this problem involved such authors: A.A. Kravchenko, I.K. Demin, I.O. Mitroshevich
Beyond are recommendations for increasing of investment attractiveness of the mine.
1. To increase the profit of the enterprise should more fully use the resources of the are disposal, and first of all, it should use the provision on the production at the existing it equipment additional products. An increase in production reduces the cost per unit of production. Well and in addition, further production of cost-effective products already in itself gives additional profit. 2. Cost reduction can also significantly increase the company profit. As described in the previous paragraph, one of the factors of cost reduction is the increase in volume of production. Other factors are:- improvement of the level of organization of production, which has the purpose to minimize or even eliminate irrational expenditures;
- coordinated work of all components of the production process (primary, secondary, maintenance of production);
- optimization of the flow processes at the enterprise;
- improvement of quality of released production.
3. The important factor of reception of the additional income is the optimization of the sales structure.- increase of the share of small-scale production;
- carry out timely devaluation of products, they have lost their initial quality;
- to implement an effective price policy, differentiated in respect of certain categories of customers;
- to improve the advertising activity, to raise the effectiveness of advertising activities;
4. To improve the management of the enterprise, it is necessary to:- to allocate the structural subdivisions and structural units of the company cost centers and centers of responsibility;
- introduction on the enterprise the system of management accounting cost in terms of the centers of the responsibility, cost centers and separate groups of products;
- to carry out systematic monitoring of the operation of the equipment and make timely him debugging in order to avoid the decrease of the quality and production of defective products;
- at introduction in operation of new equipment to give enough attention to education and training, improve their skills, and for the effective use of the equipment and to prevent the crash through the low qualification;
- training of the employees, which is accompanied by the growth of labor productivity.
5. Given the primary importance of raising labour productivity for the competitiveness of enterprises, heads and specialists of all levels in the forward-looking organizations should develop and implement programmes to performance management. These programs at the enterprise include the following stages:- measurement and evaluation of the achieved level of performance for the enterprise as a whole and on separate kinds of labour in particular;
- search and analysis of the provisions of productivity on the basis of information obtained during the measurement and evaluation;
- development of the plan of use of reserves of increase of labor productivity, which should include specific terms and measures for their implementation, financing the costs of these activities and the expected economic effect from their implementation, define responsible executors;
- development of the systems of motivation of the employees to achieve the required level of performance;
- control over the implementation of actions stipulated by the plan and the program, and control their implementation;
- measurement and evaluation of the real impact of proposed activities on labour productivity growth.
6.Compliance with all of these recommendations will help the enterprise to emerge from the crisis, to establish its activities, to earn profit and to achieve a significant level of investment attractiveness. Talking about the control of the material resources at the mine, which include energy, it is necessary to reduce the cost of materials. This search should be organized in the following directions:- improvement of the consumption of materials;
- improvement of the organization of acceptance of materials and ensure their safety until the beginning of the industrial consumption;
- saving materials in the process of industrial consumption;
- prolongation of service life of the materials of long-term use;
- re-use of materials;
- organization of material encouragement of employees in the economy.[4]
A necessary factor for investor attraction is the possibility of acquiring a controlling stake in the coal mine in the process of privatization. It should be borne in mind that the industrial investor seeks to control the production and receive from this profit, and not speculate shares. The basic direction of work for attraction of investors should be changed starting from the legislative base (in relation to laws regulating the issues of coal mining). The right to use the mineral resources within the mining allotment should be exceptional, i.e. may not simultaneously be granted to others. Serious step on attraction of investments in the state for drilling wells with the purpose of large-scale decontamination of coal layers is adoption of the Law "On gas (methane) of coal deposits", adopted on may 21, 2009, which defines the legal, economic, ecological and organizational principles of the activity in the field of geological study of gas. Including industrial research production, use and recovery degassing. [5] Private capital in most cases convincingly proves its advantages. Among them - optimization of business processes, reduced costs, increased investment in the acquisition of equipment. For example, on the "Павлоградугле" from the moment of privatization purchased sixteen mining and eleven heading harvesters (this year it is planned to purchase another 16 harvesters), which allowed to increase the competitiveness of production and to reduce the share of manual labor. Without the transfer of mines in order to make the ownership private and their inclusion in the vertically integrated chain prospects of the industry will be a little. Apparently, realizing this, Minugleprom trying to work out a mechanism, which will begin to privatize mines extracting coked coal, to create bundles "mine-processing factory-coke-metallurgical plant". If this mechanism launch, privatization of such mines may be interested in and metallurgists, which are among the largest consumers of coked coals in the country. So, in the coal industry will come additional investments, which will help to improve its development. [6]
From everything said above, we can make a conclusion that the current state of the coal industry of Ukraine has the crisis proportions, this is due to overage of hfactors, described in the work. Recently a favorable investment climate, caused by the situation on global markets and changes in the legislative base started to appear. One of the important directions of the state policy should be the continuation of the work on increase of investment attractiveness by changing the legislative base, further privatization and competent forecasting of demand for coal.[7]
When writing this master of the abstract qualifying work is not completed yet. Date of final completion of work: 15 December 2011. Full text of the work and materials on the subject of the work can be obtained from the author or his / her supervisor after this date.