In modern conditions of development of trade relations between the countries of the world, aspiration to create uniform trading space, the basic problem is development of the uniform approach to level of requirements of the quality standards of produced goods, the carried out works, rendered services.
Each country, advancing the goods on the foreign markets, aspires to approach consumer qualities of produced production to requirements of the international standards that will allow competing adequately to the goods produced in the countries-importers. For the purpose of achievement of appropriate quality and safety of the goods, increase of level of consumer trust and revival of demand for produced production, both within the limits of the country of the manufacturer, and behind its limits, also is realized production certification, as one of elements of technical regulation of quality.
It is necessary to notice that the countries entering into commonwealth of the independent states (CIS), having the general base organizational structure of the state committee on standardization in the conditions of independence acquisition differ in the approach to a question of creation of national body, both to its structure, and to the problems put before it. That in turn complicates integration into this point in question.
In each country the national body, prosecuting is created by subjects of standardization, certification and metrology.
The purpose of the given work is to observe an example of the several Post-Soviet states, to track formation and development of national bodies on certification, to analyze ways of development of concrete sphere of their activity – certifications, and to define at what hierarchical level of development they are under the relation to each other in certification questions, and also to make some recommendations about the further development of this direction in less developed countries.
For the object of research we chose some national bodies of the Post-Soviet states concerning standardization, certification and metrology:
As to development in the Russian Federation it is connected with and originates from a law «About Protection of the Rights of Consumers».
The mentioned law provides compulsion of production certification; there are mentioned the goods and services in the list initially that are established for providing requirements:
After disintegration of the Soviet Union, in the Russian Federation till September 30th, 1992 was functioning the State committee of RSFSR on standardization, metrology and certification which ¹1148 has been reorganized by the Decree of the President in Committee of the Russian Federation on standardization, metrology and certification, and was carrying out state regulation and inter branch coordination concerning standardization, metrology and certification. In 1996 by the Decree of the President has been renamed into the state committee Russian Federation on standardization, metrology and certification. In 1998 the mentioned committee has been abolished, and its functions have been transferred the Ministry of the Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. In the same year the state committee of the Russian Federation on standardization, metrology and certification has been anew organized with transfer to functions of the Ministry of the Industry and Trade of Russian Federation. From this point the committee was the federal enforcement authority which was carrying out inter branch coordination, and also functional regulation in the field of standardization, metrology and certification. In 2004 on the basis of the state committee has been created the Federal Agency at first and in a consequence Federal agency for technical regulation and metrology of the Russian Federation.
The agency consists of seven managements which are subordinated directly to the head of agency (see drawing ¹1).
According to the structure of Federal agency for technical regulation and metrology of the Russian Federation certification questions are provided by the Management of technical regulation and standardization and its’ competences are:
Management problems connected with certification, such as:
Dare management on a basis:
- The analysis of offers and references of manufacturers and their associations, societies of consumers, the self-adjustable organizations;Employees of the given management participate in inter branch meetings, conferences, seminars, round tables, preparation of materials for mass media on all questions which are included into the Management competence.
Management carries out the certain functions assigned to control and certification regulation, such as:
The primary goals of State standard of Ukraine is maintenance of realization of a state policy in sphere of standardization, metrology and certification, management of this sphere, also inter branch coordination and functional regulation of questions of protection of the rights of consumers, standardization, metrology and certification [6].
State standard consists of nine divisions which, in turn, with its functional duties are divided into departments and sectors (see drawing ¹2).
According to structure of Public service of technical regulation of Ukraine, Management of technical regulation, namely department of certification and an estimation of conformity, which is included into its structure, are engaged in certification questions.
It is necessary to notice that carrying out of an estimation of conformity of production is one of the basic directions of the state technical regulation of Ukraine as it is directed on achievement of the purposes on human life and animal safety, preservation of property and surrounding environment. Accordingly, carried out functions of department are directed on achievement of these purposes. Department for certification and conformity estimations carries out functions assigned to it in the questions of certification control and regulation:
Public service of technical regulation of Ukraine within the competence bears responsibility for observance of rules and an order of certification of production [3].
In 2005 the Department of Georgia on standardization, certification and metrology has been liquidated. On its basis two legal bodies of public law have been created: “the United National Center of Accreditation” and “National Agency on Standardization, Technical Regulations and Metrology”.
After carried out reorganization of state structures, in sphere of carrying out of certification, standardization and metrology, Georgia could reform the system of technical regulation as well. Introduction of voluntary standardization, procedures of acknowledgement of conformity and introduction of obligatory technical regulation was the first step. A consequence of these actions was that control first of all behind quality of foodstuff and potable water has considerably increased.
The structure of National Agency on Standardization, Technical Regulations and Metrology of Georgia includes some structural units (see drawing ¹3).
As separated legal entity, functions of National agency on standardization, technical regulations and metrology consists as it follows:
The imperfect system of technical regulation and standardization in Georgia has put the big losses to the Georgian economy. The opaque system of definition of conformity of quality of production, has directly affected ease of falsification of the Georgian goods both on internal, and on external markets.
Having considered the problem developments of system of certification of three countries of the post-Soviet territory – Russia, Ukraine and Georgia, structure of state structures which functions include regulation of questions of certification, standardization and metrology, it is necessary to notice that in the Russian Federation at the state level the great value is given to a question of protection and safety of citizens’ life, prevention of a trespass to property of consumers, increase of living level of the population, and also preservation of the environment.
At the same time, thanks to accurate system of certification of GOST Ð - certain image of Russian production on internal and foreign market is created, protecting the Russian goods from falsification.
National agency of Georgia on standardization, technical regulations and metrology must conduct great works for getting a necessary degree of quality of the goods. As till now the existing system of technical regulation has caused the big loss to national economy. The opaque system of definition of conformity of quality of production has affected on falsification of the Georgian goods on both internal and foreign markets.
First of all the Agency should begin dialogue with business sector. The information on necessity certificate production should proceed from National agency, for example, during carrying out of seminars with private businessmen, explaining about importance of certification of their production, what economic advantage will be brought subsequently it by this procedure. On an example of the Russian Federation to render the methodical help to the enterprises and the organizations in preparation of bodies on certification of production, certification of manufactures and quality systems, and also in preparation of specialist - experts.
Unfortunately, for today, by National agency of Georgia on standardization, technical regulations and metrology all these problems are shifted on the public organizations financed from out. The majority is functioning during several years and in case of their liquidation, the works done by the given organization aren't transferred and have no logic continuation. That’s why National agency of Georgia on standardization, technical regulations and metrology should be engaged in this activity from the beginning up to the end.
1. The order of the Ministry of Industry and Power of the Russian Federation, June 3rd, 2005 ¹761 – "About the Position Statement about Management of Technical Regulation and Standardization"
2. Federal agency on technical regulationg and metrology Russian Federation [electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
3. The DECREE of the Cabinet of Ukraine "About Standardization and Certification" May 10th, 1993 N46-93
4. State Standards of Ukraine 3411:2004 "Requirements towards bodies of certification of production and a rule of their appointment and granting of powers on activity in system"
5. Public service of technical regulation of Ukraine [electronic resource]. - Mode of access:
6.Wikipedia [electronic resource]. - Mode of access:ÃÎÑÒ
7. The law of Georgia "About Standardization" June 25th, 1999 ¹2197
8. Thesis about "Management of technical regulation and standardization Russian Federations", confirmed by the order of Federal Agency, June 17th 2004 ¹294