Urgency, purpose and objectives
State inventory of tourist resources (KTP) provides information on the status of tourism resources, their geographical location and boundaries, nature, scientific, economic, historical, ecological and cultural values, as well as their mode of .
system inventory of tourist resources and facilities is formed to provide enforcement authorities and local authorities with reliable information about the state of tourism potential in Ukraine.
Purpose: to develop methodological approaches to the construction of the inventory of tourism resources and create a reference data base on the example of Donetsk.
idea work: Create a database of tourism resources, Donetsk, to be used by executive agencies and local governments, corporations and individuals, associations.
object of study: are the tourist resources and tourism industry, the methods of database creation and presentation of their data.
subject of study: are the questions of formation adapted to modern conditions of management of tourism through the development of the inventory of tourism resources.
To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the following problem:
analyze foreign experience a CTD;
determine the tourism potential of Donetsk;
determine the structure of the TEC;
Identify the basic requirements for GIS technology to create the resource information database;
Investigate existing GIS technologies that are applicable to the newly created automated inventory systems.
develop an electronic version of the project.
Review of international experience creating inventory of tourism resources
An analysis of the legal framework of the former Soviet Union, an inventory of tourism resources is being developed in countries such as Turkmenistan and Belarus, in addition there is a tourist information system resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
main document regulating the tourism activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan is the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 13, 2001 N 211 "On the tourism activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan." Under the regulations, the inventory of tourism resources in the Republic there, but was created by the official website of the Committee of the tourism industry MTIN RK [1] , which contains information about places of interest (parks, lakes, and the mausoleum etc.), tours, recreation centers, health centers, travel agencies, hotels, catering and on the other. Information is brief background information about the address, phone, web-site facility, which is included in the database. Law of Turkmenistan "On tourism" is the State inventory of tourism resources of Turkmenistan, which contains information about the status of these resources, their geographical location and boundaries, nature, scientific, economic, environmental and cultural values, as well as mode protection. The body responsible for conducting the State inventory of tourism resources of Turkmenistan, the order of reference and the procedure for allocation of resources to travel by the Cabinet of Ministers. [2]
main document regulating the tourism activity in the Republic of Belarus is the Law "On tourism" dated November 25, 1999 ¹ 326-3. Article 9 of the Law "On tourism" provides that in the Republic of Belarus is the State inventory of tourism resources.
According to the decree of the Council of Ministers basic principles of GKTR are:
accessibility of data, not covered in the prescribed manner to the category of documentary information with restricted access;
accuracy and completeness of the information;
formation of databases GKTR based on Single System
classification and technical, economic and social information of the Republic of Belarus;
unity of methodological and information base creation and database management at national, regional, district and city levels. [3]
The results of the analysis we can conclude that an inventory of tourism resources is formed for the generalized consumer perception of tourism resources and should be submitted to a regional or thematic form. The main information to be included in CTD: information about the status of the tour. resources, their geographical location and boundaries of land users, scientific, economic, environmental and cultural values.
Tourism potential of Donetsk
Priority of inbound and domestic tourism is an important factor in improving quality of life, create more jobs and increase revenue.
The Donetsk region has 123 travel agencies, which received a license for tourist activity. Among the subjects of tourism have long been known travel companies ("SAM", "Satellite", "Gamaliya", "Ilitash-tour") that offer recreation in Ukraine and abroad. [11]
For travel servicescity has to offer visit cultural institutions, which consist of:
15 primary special educational institutions of art (5925 students);
18 clubs, palaces and houses of culture (399 teams and clubs);
37 libraries for children and adults (over 92 000 readers);
five cinemas (3 receive financial support from the local budget);
three recreation parks. [9]
When the inventory development of tourism resources is very important transport network, which consists of:
CDS (central dispatch service);
six bus stations ("Abakumov", "Budennovsk", "M /A Station", "Taki", "Trudovskaya", "Center");
11 control centers ("Shchetinin", "B. Backbone", "Pinter", "East", "Wide", "Metro", "sh-ta October," "Motel," "st. Tupolev "," ul.Artemovskaya "," Amstor "," B. Backbone "). [10]
Main excursions in Donetsk:
Sightseeing tours in Donetsk;
Donetsk - Sports ("Donbass Arena", the museum's football team, "Miner", a monument to Sergey Bubka, the RAC "Olympic", etc.)
Donetsk-cultural (museums, city tours, tours of the theater, planetarium and dolphin);
Industrial Tourism (Past and Present Donetsk metallurgical plant, Donetsk tour of the mines) [11]
tours botanical gardens, parks and boulevards, Donetsk;
special tourism business development requires approaching event Euro - 2012. Today inbound tourism in Donetsk region is mainly business-related and business development, as well as sporting events for football and athletics, festivals, theater and ballet.
in Donetsk are 26 hotels, among them - two 5-star hotels (Victoria Hotel Donetsk, Donbass Palace Hotel Donetsk) and two 4-star (Rialto Hotel Donetsk, Business Hotel "Central"), which points to the tourist attraction of the city and the ability to provide quality service to the tourist flow. In Donetsk, there are 68 restaurants. By the spring of 2012 will open a water park «Royal Marine».
Structure of the inventory of tourism resources
Organizing mechanism for the development of the inventory of tourism resources is not universal and is determined by the specifics of the legal functioning of the bodies responsible for the cadastre in Ukraine. [7]
Publication NN Zubakov and A. Ufimtseva [8] following scheme is proposed institutional mechanism to develop the inventory of tourism resources, presented in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1 - Scheme of institutional mechanism to develop the inventory of tourism resources
was conducted testing of the proposed institutional mechanism to develop the inventory of tourism resources as an example of Donetsk.
Among the organizations involved in the process of developing a KTP suggested:
Administration of Donetsk Region;
Culture and Tourism Department at the Donetsk Regional State Administration;
main economic management obl.administratsii;
contractor organization that is responsible for the organization of work done;
universities in the region;
Enterprise "Center of State Land Cadastre»;
tourism organizations Donetsk;
organizations specialized in information technology.
Characteristics tourist GIS
GIS - is an automated system, which has a large number of cartographic and thematic databases connected model and settlement functions for manipulating this data and transform them into a spatial map information for acting upon a variety of management decisions. [5]
general-purpose GIS, among other things, typically performs five procedures (tasks) with the data: input, manipulation, management, query and analysis, visualization. [4]

Figure 1.2 - Hierarchy of tourist GIS
Based on an analysis of specialized literature ( [4] , [6] , [12] ) identified the following key data sets for TGIS City:

Figure 1.3 - The main data set for the tourist city of GIS
The work revealed that the main difference between the projected reference and information databases of other information systems that is integrated with public services, ie contains information about the license, the owner tourist attraction, etc.
In analyzing the tourist potential of Donetsk revealed that in the city there are 26 hotels, 123 travel companies operating, 5 cinemas, 37 libraries, 18 clubs, palaces and houses of culture, 3 recreation parks, the Donetsk Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 6 History Museum, 4 technical museum, the Museum of Natural 4, 1 Museum of Art, 4 theaters, 4 stadiums, 68 restaurants. Had identified the main types of tours conducted in Donetsk. Was carried out testing of the proposed institutional mechanism to develop the inventory of tourism resources as an example of Donetsk.
proposed institutional mechanism of development of the inventory of tourism resources applicable to the formation of the TEC, Donetsk, as possible duplication in the system of specific actions by individual actors in the development of the inventory and there is free exchange of information, which allows for an independent cross-check the actions of all participants, the development of the inventory of tourism resources involved the widest circle of people that will most accurately reveal the potential of individual tourism resources. Thus, it will reach the required level of quality in the inventory of tourism resources.
At the moment work is in the master stage of development. Final completion: December 2011 Full text of the materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or the manager after that date.
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