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Analysis of the modern production and consumption of coal in the world shows that coal has been and is the main resource and its role in the energy complex constantly growing. This factor is very important for Ukraine, which has a large inventory small reserves of coal and oil and gas systems.

The increase in coal production entails the establishment of appropriate modes of ventilation shaft workings. This leads to the need for additional of mine ventilation shafts in the short term. Technology facilities mine barrels of drilling method involves pumping drilling fluid for provide a safe work on sboyke trunk with mine workings and test quality of support. Thus the commissioning of ventilation trunks essentially depend on the time of their drainage.

One of the simplest of water pumping and dewatering of the slurry tank is air lift pump and device. application pump and airlift units can effectively and in a fairly short period of time to perform drainage shafts. And the these activities require relatively little energy

Effective use of the airlift pump– plants is possible if correct selection of operating parameters. Therefore, the topic of this paper is Justification of operational parameters pump and air lift device .

1. Review of the status issue and setting a goal of

1.1 Overview of the theoretical works

Pump–air–lift the equipment is used for recovery of liquids, slurry from wells and mountain making during the exploration and development of mineral deposits. Device widely used for pumping of water and pulp of mine technological containers [111].

Incase application of a coherent operation of the pump and air lift system for pumping clean water and pulp when work on closed circuit the mixer is located directly in the discharge pipeline the main pump. The required immersion is provided by a column of water, created by the pump in the pipeline.

This device has been tested on an industrial углесосно–airlift rise mines Butterfly№ 7, voroshilivgrad region and mine southern the trust Дзержинскуголь

In 1986. On mine №2 mine administrations have “ Новогродовское” ON “ SelidovUgol” was откачан trunk depth 447 m and diameter 2.8 m. For pumping applied pump–air–lift device with a submersible pump ЭЦВ 14 – 210–30K.

Also it is known for the application of pump–air–lift facilities for pumping the water of the drilled ventilation shafts of the mines of the coal industry of the USSR [14].

Innow all the more relevant importance production useful minerals from the bottom of the seas and oceans [1517]. And production oil Sands has commercial value [18]. In the middle of 60–ies in the world there were up to 70 sites, where was conducted exploration offshore fields. Experts consider that the probability of opening deepwater fields are much larger than in the normal exploration on land.

Pump–air–lift гидроподъем is considered one of the perspective ways of vertical transport, from the bottom of the sea to the ship. In the last years a number of foreign firms have conducted testing of prototypes of deep–water pump–air–lift гидроподъема [18,19,20]. But in open print the results of these tests are not received.

it is Known also, the pump–air–lift device are applied in the CIS, Germany, USA, Hungary, Spain, the United Kingdom, South America and other States [2124].

Pump–air–lift гидроподъем minerals from the seabed operates effectively in using the system of automatic regulation of the modes of its work that due to the complexity and diversity of the processes, taking place in lift and feeding tubes, mixer, as well as the rapidly changing conditions of the operation. Practice shows that in most cases­ s commissioning works the automated control systems are performed by the methods of multiple samples, especially in the selection of settings automatic regulators [25]. Even if there is a possibility to pre–calculate values of optimal parameters settings regulators in the translation of the system to automatically mode, you need to adjust the settings in the vicinity of their calculated value. When you change the external conditions of operation of the system and, if necessary, the change of the regime work of device, there is a need to change the time nature the process of regulation and, consequently, in a change of bandwidth characteristics shut–off body mixer.

Pump–air–lift device as a means for lifting of liquids is the subject of research in for many years. Specificity of work in many ways similar to the air–lift settings. Therefore, as the basis of calculation of pump–air–lift facilities taken the calculation of the preparation.

In works [12,26] proposed bulky graph–analytical method calculation characteristics pump–air–lift device at a constant value geometrical immersion he­ Savior without consideration of sliding of a rigid material relating to the ill­ koi phase in the suction pipeline. At the present time there is no analysis­ political the method for calculating the characteristics of pump–air–lift device. In literature [2730] enough full reflected the study of the processes start air–lift and vacuum–air–lift facilities, but there are no such studies for pump–air–lift systems.

1.2 Relevance of the topic

Over the study of the pump–air–lift facilities работоет great number of scientists and organizations.

A contribution to the research made by scientists: Chechenev  A.I., Logvinov  N.G., Alekseev  V.V., Kostanda V.S., Geier  V.G., Zhuravlev  A.S., Koziryatskiy  L.N., Kononenko  A.P., Maleev  V.B., Alferov  M. I., Antonov  I. K., Uskov  E.V., Zelinsky  V.M., Rough  V.I., Mikhailov  V.I., Lezgintsev  G.M., Lavrik  V.G., Dawn  A.N., Ignatov  A.V., Arutinova Z.Z., Turchin  V.A. and etc.

Questions about designing, start–up and operation of pump–air–lift device engaged in such organization: Donetsk national technical University, Sumy state University, East–Ukrainian national University of a name Vladimir dal, the Moscow mining Institute, ВНИИГМ them. M.M.  Fedorova, the American society of mechanical engineers, etc.

Analysis the literature shows that for the calculation of pump–air–lift facilities there is a only a graphic–analytical method of calculation, the people who are not used for modern computers, which, moreover, is quite cumbersome. Also are absent in the literature research, dedicated to the analysis of variation of the supply and the efficiency of pump–air–lift device when AC immersed mixer and the constant air flow.

Therefore the development of methodology calculation of pump–air–lift set in a variable and a constant flow of compressed air, development program for the solution with the aid of computers and its further improvement are relevant.

1.3 the Purpose and objectives of the work

the Purpose of this work is development methodology automated calculation of working parameters pump–air–lift device under variable and constant flow of compressed air and building supplies characteristics for the selection of rational parameters of effective work device.

For the attainment of the objectives delivered the following main tasks:

1) calculate and build a loading characteristics of pump–air–lift device under AC consumption of compressed air;

2) calculate parameters of work of pump–air–lift device at constant consumption compressed air;

3) calculate the time and the maximum depth of drainage;

4) analyse the results.

2. Development and creation of static characteristics of the pump–air–lift device

2.1 Development of working methodology and program of calculation

Diagram pump–air–lift device for pumping water and pulp from the mountain workings is shown in Fig. 2.1, where the Nун – the depth of the device pump, m; N – the water level in the mountain the formulation, m; Ln – the length of lifting pipes), m.

the Initial data for calculation pump–air–lift plants used for pumping of water and pulp of mine workings, are:

– depth device of the pump, the Nун , m;

– type of the pump and its characteristics;

– the length of lifting pipes, Ln, m;

– the diameter of the the delivery pipeline, the d, m;

– the diameter of the lifting the pipeline, the dn, m;

– level of water in the formulation, Нв , m;

– the density of solid material, ρт, kg/m3;

– the average diameter of a piece of solid material, the dср, m;

– volume the consistency of pulp, Соб.

the Principle of operation of pump–air–lift device. 5 frames. 15 repetitions. 45,3 KB

figure 2.1 the Scheme of pump–air–lift devices for water pumping and the pulp of mining 

Definition of mass productivity of pump–air–lift device by solution equation (2.1.1).

,                                                                 (2.1.1)

  – the mass productivity of the pump–air–lift device

,                                                                                   (2.1.2)
,                                                                 (2.1.3)
="">,                                                         (2.1.4)
  ,                                                 (2.1.5)
,                                                          (2.1.6)
,                                                                     (2.1.7)
,                                                                                         (2.1.8)
,                                                                                                      (2.1.9)
,                                                                                                      (2.1.10)

the Coefficients of the  depend from the relevant factors (diameter of suction and lifting of the pipelines, the density of the liquids and semi–solids, volume consistency pulp, the hydraulic gradient of the delivery pipeline, speed the liquid phase of the pipe and the speed of relative slip solid particles, the efficiency of the device, etc.)

From 8 the roots of the equation (2.1.1) are selected roots, having physical the meaning. When this we proceed from the fact that the value of the mass productivity pump–air–lift device Gnis in range 0...3600 m3/h, as calculated the value of α must be in the range of 0.10...0,95.

air Flow, brought to normal conditions, is determined depending on:

,                                                                                                    (2.1.11)

– specific consumption of air.

,                                                                                             (2.1.12)

where– dynamic lift height, m:

.                                                                                                  (2.1.13)

To print the values of the depth of device of the pump, the water level in the trunk, the diameter and length of the lifting pipes, diameter and length of the delivery pipeline, coefficients of discharge characteristics of the pump, air flow, volumetric (mass) performance device efficiencies), pump and device, dynamic relative sink and pressure in the mixer.
the Coefficient of usefulaction of pump–air–lift device is determined by the dependencies:

,                                                                                               (2.1.14)

 – hydraulic pump power, kW;

– horsepower air–lift on the rise pulp, kW;

– the power delivered to the mixer), kW;

– power on the shaft of the pump, kW.

,                                                                                     (2.1.15)
,                                                                                          (2.1.16)
,                                                                                                   (2.1.18)

 – coefficient efficiency of the pump

– isothermal efficiency lifting pipes,

– volume performance of device, m3/s,

– coefficients that depend on a type the pump.

2.2 Building supplies characteristics

let us calculate and building supplies characteristics for various values of the efficiency of the plant by the following data: depth device of pump Nун=440 m; the length of the lift tube Ln=104M; diameter the delivery pipeline d=0, 295м; diameter lifting the pipeline dn=0, 295м; the water level in the development of Нв=125m; the density of the solid material ρт=2500 kg/m3; average diameter of a piece of solid material dср=0,02м; volumetric texture pulp, Соб=0,0126.

In the process of work pump–air–lift device modifies the value of the water level in the the trunk, and accordingly, the relative immersion mixer. Device work goes on the new account feature.

Each supply curve, shown in figure 2.2 corresponds to its value relative submersion....

α = 0,193; 0,2; 0,21; 0,222; 0,238; 0,258; 0,284; 0,319; 0,368; 0,441.

the smaller The value of relative of the dive, the more is spent air for work of device with one and the same productivity.

Loading characteristics of pump–air–lift settings for different values of relative immersion

figure 2.2 – Loading characteristics of pump–air–lift settings for different values of relative immersion

3. Work pump–air–lift device at a constant flow rate of compressed air

3.1 Calculationpump–air–lift device at a constant flow rate of compressed air

as a source of compressed air is used compact and mobile compressors surround the actions. Therefore, when changing the sink mixer) air flow remains practically constant.

From the [31] it is known that the filing of air–lift the settings can be determined by the formula (3.1.1)

,                                                                                                      (3.1.1)

where С – coefficient performance

dn– diameter lifting pipes air–lift device.

Processes the work of pump–air–lift device with varying flow rate compressed air investigated in the works [26,32].

the Coefficient performance of the lifting pipe) is defined in the paper [33] and is:

,                                                                                                       (3.1.2)


value ratio:



– volumetric flow rate of air, in which the feed) will be is equal to zero.

According to the [26,34,35] the equation, allowing to determine the relative immersion mixer lifting pipe pump–air–lift device α has view

,                                                                               (3.1.3)

where– constant coefficients, depending on volume consistency of the Соб, the length of l and the diameter of dхв feed pipeline, the density of the liquid ρ, density of solid materialρт , the device depth of the pump Nун, the level of water in the trunk of Нв, speed the relative sliding of solid particles of Vотн , discharge characteristics of the pump, length lift pipe deviceLn .

When pumping the water pump–air–lift device the coefficients of the , will be equal to zero, and the [26,34,35]. Then from (3.1.1), (3.1.2) and (3.1.3) should be:


Analysis the solution of the quadratic equation (3.1.4) shows that the positive values feed pump–air–lift device in this case there will be only when negative values of the square root of the discriminant.

3.2 Comparison of the results analytical and experimental research

For pumping shaft depth 447 m and a diameter of 2.8 m was applied pump–air–lift device with a submersible pump ЭЦВ 14 – 210 – 30K. Diameter the delivery pipeline was 0,33 m, and the equivalent diameter lift pipe – 0,295 m. The length of the lift tube is equal to 104 m. The inflow of water in the the barrel was 40 ... 50 m3/h.

the Use of a submersible pump when the level of water in 380… 400 m showed that in this interval it supply is equal to zero, what determined the impossibility of its application at the level of water in the barrel, exceeding 370 m.

The figure 3.2 presents the results of experimental measurements, as well as data settlements on dependencies (3.1.1)… (3.1.4). The maximum magnitude of the error is 12.5% (mathematical expectation of 2,34%). Whenthe level of water in the trunk 429 m deviation of the calculated data from experimental amounted to 57.3 per cent.

Comparison the theoretical and experimental results shows enough of them good convergence.

Settlement and experimental data

figure 3.2 – Settlement and experimental data

4. The determination of the process of lowering the level of liquid in the tank pump–air–lift device

In the process of the work of pump–air–lift device of pumping fluid (pulp) from mine technological containers with the same length of lifting pipeline changes the level of liquid in them and, accordingly, the geometrical and the relative immersion mixer.

When the reduction of the relative performance immersion pump–air–lift device under other equal conditions and at a constant flow rate of compressed air decreases. There is a significance level of the liquid in the tank or bilge generation, when reached, the performance of the откачивающей device is equal to the flow of the liquid in the резервуар.И a further lowering of the level of liquid stops.

Make a scheme of pumping water from catchment capacity on the basis of the scheme of pump–air–lift facility taking into account vertical the movement of the surface of the liquid (figure 4.1).

the Relative immersion you can define the formula (4.1).

,                                                                                                           (4.1)

where Ln the length of the rising of the pipeline), the m.

Consider the process of drying, as the transition process with a time–variable vertical the movement of the surface of the liquid z and, accordingly h and α. When you change the depth of the mixing device it moves to the new account the characteristic of excluding the effect of inertial properties of the fluid in the formulation.

a Scheme of pumping water pump–air–lift device

figure 4.1 – a Scheme of pumping water pump–air–lift device

In the paper [33] it is established, that in a fixed flow rate of compressed air throughput is determined from the dependencies:

.                                                                                                     (4.2)

(value considered earlier)


                                                                                           ,                                                                                     (4.3)

  – primary the value of the sink mixer, m,

– the water level in the trunk, m,

Q пр– rush of fluid in the production, m3/s,

S – the area of the cross cross–section of the working, m2.

Given the (4.1) and (4.3), we have

.                                                                            (4.4)


,                                                                                                  (4.5)


 .                                                                               (4.6)


.                                                                                   (4.7)

Taking initial conditions z0 =0 and t0=0 and substituting in (4.7), we find


Here we have:


Substituting in (4.8) find limit value lowering the level of liquid in the container:


Received depending allow to calculate the time standby the liquid level in the formulation and limit value of the level.


1 Received dependence and has developed a methodology calculation of pump–air–lift device with varying flow rate compressed air.

2 is Installed, that during the work of pump–air–lift settings changes the level of water in the barreland, accordingly, the relative immersion the mixer. The work of the plant switching to a new account the feature. Than less than the value of the relative of the dive, the more is spent air for work of device with the same performance.

3 Developed methods of calculation of pump–air–lift device with a constant flow of compressed air.

4 Analysis solution the obtained mathematical model shows, the positive values of feed pump–air–lift device in this case will only at negative values of the square root of discriminant.

5 The use of a submersible pump independently in level water in 380… 400 m is impossible, because of its delivery to the the interval is equal to zero.

6, When the water level in the the trunk 429 m deviation of the settlement data from experimental amounted to 57.3 per cent. The maximum value of the the error is 12.5% (mathematical expectation of 2,34%).

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Note! When writing this abstract master's work is not completed. Final completion: January 2013. The full text of the and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author after the specified date.