The plan
- 1. Relevance
- 2. The purpose of the study
- 3. Research objectives
- 4. The environmental territories of Ukraine, their territorial placement
- 5. The environmental territories of Germany, their territorial placement
- 6. Conclusions
Ukraine wants to be a prosperous European country, so to conduct comparative analysis the environmental territories protection in Ukraine and other countries is an important.
The purpose of the study is the comparative description of the environmental systems of Ukraine and Germany on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of their composition and spatial distribution.
– To explore the natural and socio-economic reasons for the formation of the environmental territorial of Ukraine and Germany;
– to explore the history, theoretical foundations and principles of the environmental territorial of Ukraine and Germany;
– the comparative analysis of the spatial structure of regional forms of the environmental territorial of Ukraine and Germany;
– the comparative analysis of the spatial structure of regional forms of the high-level environmental territorial of Ukraine and Germany;
– to identify the environmental potential of the regions of Ukraine and Germany, to make a comparative description of the countries on this indicator.
For analysis, we selected three categories of objects – a biosphere reserves, national parks and regional landscape parks.
Biosphere reserves are constitute 246.4 thousand hectares or 0.41% of the territory of our country. National parks – 1001.8 thousand hectares and regional landscape parks – 639, 5 thousand hectares (1.66% and 1.01% of the territory of Ukraine).
The environmental territorial are unevenly distributed on the territory of Ukraine. Therefore, we consider the objects of zoning areas of the country.

Figure 1 – Spatial distribution of the environmental territorial in Ukraine
Thus, the number of biosphere reserves range from 1.39 to 4.30% of the area; national parks – from 0.26% to 12.68%; regional landscape parks – from 0.42 to 4.15%.
Biosphere reserves are located in three regions; it is Zakarpats`ka, Odes`ka, Khersonska.
National parks are located in 20 regions and the Crimea, but most in the Volyn`sa, Zakarpats`ka, Ivano-Frankivs’ka regions (west part of the countries) and Khmel`nytska (central part of the country). National parks are located in the territory of the Donets`ka, Luhans`ka, Kharkivs`ka (east part of the countries), Zaporoz`ka and Odes`ka (south part of the countries) less.
Regional landscape parks are located in the 18 regions and Crimea. Volyn`sa, Ivano-Frankivs’ka, Lvivs`ka, Rivnens`ka, Ternopils`ka, Chernivets`ka (west part of the countries), Mykolaivs`ka (south part of the countries), Sums`ka, Cherkas`ka (the central part of the country) are accounts the greatest number of the area.
For analysis, we selected three categories of objects that have a functional line sites in Ukraine – it's biosphere reserves, national parks and nature parks.
Biosphere reserves are occupy 1846, 904 thousand hectares, excluding the coastal water area (534.646 ha), this represents 3.7% of the land of Germany. National Parks – 1029.496 hectares, excluding the water areas (835.134 hectares), their area is about 0.54% of the country. Natural Park is 9.5 million hectares, which covers 27% of the country.

Figure 2 – Spatial distribution of the environmental territorial in Germany
Biosphere Reserves take from 0.47 to 14.70% of the territory of the German lands, national parks – from 0.27 to 2.05%, natural parks – from 5.70 to 43.12%.
Biosphere reserves are located in 12 lands, but the most densely distributed in Reiland-Psalts, Saarland (west part of the countries) and Brandenburg (east part of the country). Biosphere reserves are occupy adjacent marine areas Lower Saxony and Saxony (south part of the countries) in consequence of the which they occupy land area is negligible.
National parks are located in 9 lands. The greatest proportion of the area is located in the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (south part of the countries), some less – Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt (east and center part of the country).
Natural parks are fairly evenly distributed across the country – are located in 14 lands, but in large quantities in Bavaria, Baden-Wuerttemberg (north part of the country), North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Psalts (west part of the country).
The literature review was made and the territorial placement of the environmental objects on the regions of Ukraine and the states of Germany was analyzed at this stage.
In the future we`ll plan to perform a spatial analysis of the distribution of the environmental objects under the physical-geographical zoning; to identify areas of environmental potentials, based on maps, tables, figures; to make a comparative analysis of regional environmental potentials on the example of Ukraine and the land of Germany.