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Interest of many states to China in the course of time only amplifies that is connected, first of all, with high rates of development of the country and its significant role in world processes. However, when the European party approaches to studying of the Chinese culture being based on a principle of interference of cultures, this approach appears impractical. And all reason is that in order that there was a vzaimoobogashcheniye of these countries to the European party the analysis of deep layers of the Chinese culture, and it, first of all, researches of the ethnocentrist concept of Confucius (Kuhn Futsza) as exactly thanks to this direction which set a perception basis Chinese of other people, in China there was a present Chinese mentality is necessary.

1. Theme urgency

Urgency of a subject of research it is caused by that value which finds Confucianism in the conditions of globalization in a modern cultural context of the Chinese society in the 20th century. Confucianism arisen in the second century BC has a thorough position of influence on modern model of development of cultural traditions of the Chinese society and is a basis of spiritual culture, political life and a social order of China.

The problem of orientation to Confucianism in modern China is the main direction in the Chinese social science and takes the main place in the Chinese society. It definitely, is connected with problems to an approach of determination of fundamental values of Confucian culture from the authorities of China.

2. Goal and tasks of the research

The purpose of this work is to investigate features of transformation of the Confucian concept of the person under the influence of changes in modern China. In the course of this research we consider necessary to carry out the following tasks:

1. To define mechanisms of influence of Confucianism on outlook in modern China

2. To investigate a phenomenon of a Confucian ideal of the person in the conditions of social changes

3. To show the reasons of an urgency of Confucianism in determination of smyslo-vital values of the modern Chinese

As object of researches Confucianism phenomenon in a context of modern istorical and cultural changes of China acts.

Subject of researches is the analysis of cultural development of the person in Confucian model of culture.

3. Alleged scientific novelty

Within this research receiving such scientific results as is planned:

1. Confirmation of the offered hypothesis of this research

2. Receiving results of practical research

3. Creation of the illustrated sample of the person in the Chinese model of culture

4. Alleged practical significance

The received results of research can be used for creation of a training course to students of specialty religious studies, and also historical disciplines. Ruzultata researches on this subject, also can have further development.

5. Review of existing literature

Among researches of Confucianism, its originality and traditions, stories and influence on other aspects of life of the Chinese society take a powerful place among researches of domestic and foreign authors. Among the advanced countries of the world there is a large number of supporters of studying of the Chinese model of culture and identity of the Chinese mentality.

In a studied subject of a master's thesis the complex of literature including historical and drevnekitaysky philosophical works is used. Further we will allocate sources to which the author addressed. Original works are presented such as "Lun yuy" [1], «Chi a jing», whether "цзи" and others that was made for understanding of true sense of drevnekitaysky texts.

Definitely, the understanding of drevnekitaysky philosophical texts is impossible without use the comment to texts of this tradition therefore this research addresses to opinions of such recognized commentators, as Hsu Guang, Zheng Xuan, Du Yu and others. The used interpretation of these drevnekitaysky texts the author gives with transfers in comparison to such domestic orientalists, as L. S. Vasilyev [5, 8, 12],  Alekseev [3, 4], A.S. Martynov [25], Perelomov [22], P.S.Popov, A.E.Lukyanov [20], S.Kuchera [6], R. V. Vyatkin, V. G. Burova [13], etc.

The reproduced cultural component of an era of origin and Confucianism development, and also the role analysis in life of the Chinese society of the main Confucian categories, the author relied on L. S. Vasilyev, L. S. Perelomova, A.A.Maslov, V. M. Alekseev, V. S. Kolokolov, A.M. Karapetyants, A.P. Devyatov, A.A.Gorelov [23], A.S. Martynov, V.A.Rubina, E.P. Spitsyn's works, etc.

In work are used on stories of China of work of the following authors L. S. Vasilyev [24, 26, 27], A.A.Pisarev [7], S.L.Tikhvinsky, Z.G. Lapina [22], etc.

In Du Veymin, Cheung Livenya, Van Cyn-go works and Lichzhou's Blue is developed a globalization phenomenon in China, Confucian values and their influence on social reality, and also their relationship with processes of modernization, internal reforms.

Thanks to that the Chinese society is in search of new strategy of the development – it drew attention of world scientific experts to the analysis of a being modernized Confucian traditsionalizm with modern realities, and also to a peculiar reconstruction of ethical system in traditional Chinese society.

 China as object of creation of a new cultural platform, in the conditions of globalization, is the central link in researches of such scientists, as Yan Shaotan «The direction of spirit of building of modern new culture of China and «Confucian revolution», Xia Lipin and Chiang Siyuan, Gao Huanpin and Zhao Chzhidun «About bases of national traditional culture», together with other.

Existing scientific works of foreign and domestic authors allow to draw a conclusion that the knowledge of bases of the Chinese civilization is key in preservation of national identity of China and in strategy of its national identity, and also a basis in strategic development in modern conditions of globalization.

6. Place a role and appointment of the person in Confucian model of culture

According to existing models of cultures, the Confucian model of culture is antique or still it call platonovsky model. This model means to be the person educated, capable it is rational to form existing reality. The Platonovsky antique model in process of the existence was supplemented on Vostoko, in particular, in China where Confucianism reigned. Thanking Confucianism the cultural person found more saturated fullness and became the person of moral rules.

Today the Chinese civilization is one of the most ancient civilizations in the world, after all in process of the transformation in what it became in traditional understanding – a phenomenon not having analog around the world. Confucianism leaves the roots in a deep druvnost, and the Chinese people treating with honoring and respect for it, could carry by this tradition in many centuries, and thus without essential changes in the tradition [5-9].

Confucianism arose as reaction to those social changes which occurred in China during the period when traditional institutes of the power fell and to the power those who couldn't apply for it from the point of view of traditional ethical standards came. The main idea of Confucianism  society transformation according to traditional norms of moral [1011]. Confucius was convinced that only «the moral law» is capable to force to obey the people to the state decrees. This idea underlies its doctrine of «correction of names» (чжен mines) which made demands of compliance of the valid behavior and a social status of his person ethic ritually to the status. «Correction of names» should help theoretically to practical self-knowledge in order that there could be the social system based on reason and giving the chance to the individual not only to be engaged in self-improvement, but also to carry out the appointment in actions for all. Human relations in the state at all levels should be established on a sample of a sarkalizovanny family when not only the power of the governor, but also the power of the father of family was considered, how Volya Neba's expression [3, 4].

The ideal of Confucian society is such society where people don't act as means for each other, and in common realize Volya Neba. In the works "The great doctrine» and «The doctrine about the middle» Confucius opens the main contents of five simple and great, in his opinion, the virtues being according to laws of the nature and being the major conditions of a reasonable order in joint life of people. It is 1) wisdom, 2) humanity, 3) fidelity, 4) honoring of seniors, 5) courage, – which in a certain measure and certain borders should be recognized. Practically it means integrity and deep respect for and another, on what the elite and high-grade people are really capable, of course, only. According to the remark Russian синолога V.V.Malyavina, "Confucius considers human life, or as it is possible to tell, life, worthy the person as continuous and eternally incomplete process of the doctrine and education" [3, 4].

Respectively, aspiration to knowledge, various ways of achievement of truth, are considered in its doctrine as the unconditional benefit exceeding on the value value of the most human life: "Who hears about a way in the morning, that can in the evening and die quietly" [1, 3].

Thus from everything is higher than the told that despite long process of the formation Confucianism in development of China, showed extraordinary independent force of isolation as a whole in the conditions of historical destinies which actually and generated the Chinese society follows. But also, Confucianism played a leading role in structuring the Chinese society, having allocated in it a ruling class. It is possible to assume definitely also that Confucianism is the main making component of a traditional Chinese civilization. And considering that ideas of Confucianism still ascend roots to an antiquity, they and on today are defining in formation and existence of a basis of the Chinese mentality and a civilization.

7. Confucian paradigm as an ideological factor of protection and preservation of national identily of China in the condition of globalization

One of the most important characteristics of traditional values of cultural tradition of China is their general involvement into valuable Wednesday of the Chinese mentality, their main task is transforming function of all existing valuable imperatives in the valid base of cultural values of China. The philosophical and cultural methodology is a key to perception of the main valuable base platforms of the Chinese civilization, благодяря which the Chinese nation without effort perceives all occurring changes and innovations which make essence of bases of policy, economy, cultures, safety, education and other spheres of China and their new transformations in the conditions of globalization process.

   Culture of being and existing policy of China focused as a whole on already existing valuable imperatives in society which are soft ideological force providing peace harmonious existence of the Chinese people, and also protection against destructive influence of other states in various spheres of life on the Chinese originality, etc [14].

Are determined there is a cultural heritage of China, and also all its various activity, but undoubtedly process of globalization mentions and transforms making elements of the Chinese nation. But China shows that it has that immunity of protection against destructive internal influence of external factors on an example of the modern progressive development, the spheres of activity reformed successfully, this protection is something on a sieve example through which penetration not safe for China «external a stone» is traced. In China there is a certain genetic linkage between potiky the states and valuable Chinese culture that is expressed under the authority of foreign and domestic policy of the management by the state of China which are undoubtedly embodied in the practical application and make big success [12].

The analysis of research works to Confucian culture testify that China is a deep yet not up to the end studied territorial link. Scientists define Confucius's doctrine as the values which were transformed over time which are deprived, peculiar to even more ancient doctrines, to that not to clearness and mystery thanks to what they easily could enter into ordinary life of Chinese and to become a base valuable basis of the Chinese people and its traditions.

Creation of researches on the basis of being anglicized elements of transformation of Confucian values, set as the purpose updating of ethical system and creation new, but with elements old in order that they without losing the valuable originality could having adapted to be used in management of the state, and also became ideological base which will provide country transition to globalization processes

Image 1. Of the person in Confucian model of culture

(animation: 3 frames, 20 Kb)

8. Conclusion

Thus, on the basis of the stated material, it should be noted that Confucius's value in the history of philosophy of China plays the most important valuable value, considering its transforming role of a cultural heritage in transition of generations, it not only kept national identity of the Chinese civilization from destructive external influence in historical conditions, but also became defining link of China during the present period of globalization processes, keeping that its cultural basis. 

 Within this research it was executed:

1. The analysis of sufficient volume of special literature which is devoted to a problem of the person in Confucian model of culture and to modern processes of globalization in modern China is carried out.

2. Preliminary analysis of theoretical data, sources and literature.

3. A large number of sources, literature and references on a subject of a master's thesis in this paper is specified and issued.

   When writing this paper the master's thesis is yet complete. Final end: December, 2012. The full text of work and materials on a subject can be received at the author or his research supervisor after the specified date.

9. List of references

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    9.1. Additional references 

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