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The human resource management system is an integral part of an integrated enterprise management system. Thus, the effectiveness of such personnel management system can be considered as a component of the enterprise effectiveness in whole.

Evaluating the effectiveness of personnel management is a systematic, well-formalized process designed to measure the costs and benefits associated with the programs of Personnel Management to correlate their results with the results of the base period, with the performance of competitors and the enterprise goals [1].

To evaluate the personnel management effectiveness, one should consider a range of parameters, such as promotion of workers at work, their professional qualifications, age and sex characteristics, medical and psychological parameters, performance and innovative activity.

1. Theme urgency

In the field of knowledge of human resource management, or HR-management, there is a widely held position that the staff is one of the key resources that affect the economic performance of the company. Over the past two decades, human resource management function has increased its organizational status, up from the normal operating level to the strategic level of the company.

However, HR function is still facing with the problem of assessing its contribution to the overall result of the company. And if this problem is being solved through a variety of methods, approaches and concepts, the second problem - the distribution of the effect of HR between the HR department, line managers and functional enterprise - still remains unresolved.

2. Goal and tasks of the research

The goal of this study is to develop a comprehensive mark of the human resource management effectiveness.

The main tasks of the Master’s work:

Research object is a system of personnel management in the enterprise.

Research subject is the evaluation human resource management system efficiency.

3. The conceptual model of an assessing the effectiveness of HR-management

The notion of efficiency implies a comparison of costs and benefits. To evaluate the effectiveness of personnel management is to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the result of the management;
  2. What are the costs incurred to achieve this result [10].

Building a comprehensive mark of the human resource management effectiveness involves the allocation of major functional subsystems of HRM (Figure 1):

Personnel management system
Figure 1 - Personnel management system

Each subsystem has a number of functions (Figure 2).

Subsystem functions
Figure 2 - Subsystem functions

Comprehensive assessment of the human resource management effectiveness includes full and detailed assessment of each function of each functional subsystem of the enterprise personnel management system.

The conceptual model of assessing the effectiveness of HR-management can be presented in the following diagram (Figure 3):

The conceptual model of an assessing the effectiveness of HR-management
Figure 3 - The conceptual model of an assessing the effectiveness of HR-management
(animation: 4 frames, 5 loops, 136 kB)

The model input data are:

Methodology for Assessing the effectiveness of HR-management includes:

HR-functions includes performance evaluations for each function of personnel management.

The particular marks aggregation includes methods for receiving the aggregate mark from the particular marks of each HR-functions (eg, rating method).

Separation the particular contribution of each responsibility center includes the distribution of economic benefits from the personnel management between the responsibility centers (personnel department, line and functional managers).


As part of the master’s work following scientific and practical results are planned to obtain:

This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2012. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or scientific adviser after this date.


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