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The modern situation in the sphere of spiritual needs of the person differs an extreme variety and diversity. At present there is a set of the multidirectional processes characterizing a spiritual condition of society, as a whole, so locally, within certain regions. The history and the present show that the spiritual condition of society isn't less important, than its material welfare, and at times has and taking priority value. The significant role in the spiritual sphere belongs to religion. Religious processes make a great impact the general spiritual climate of society, a condition of masses, collectives and separate individuals.

  Regularities of emergence, distribution, functioning of religions, their interactions with each other and with other forms of public consciousness were the for each cultural area and a temporary interval. The analysis of these regularities allows reacting adequately to the questions arising in the religious sphere, to promote respecting the rule of law, to improve a spiritual condition of society which is in indissoluble communication with the material.

1. Topicality

The topicality of research of a problem of reincarnation is caused by high degree of prevalence of this idea in many religious and spiritual and philosophical systems. Due to the tendencies of globalization interpenetration religious semantic concepts in different parts of the globe in different religious systems is observed. Idea of reincarnation not exception: until recently being considered as especially east doctrine, the idea of transformation of souls finds reflection and in many western religions that generated a question of universality of idea of reincarnation and of obvious or its indirect inclusiveness in the majority of religions of the world. Comprehensive study of a problem of reincarnation in world religions is means to settlement of the relations between her supporters and the opponents, after all the similar relations often have disputed character.

   Ukraine is one of the most dynamic states in the sphere of religious processes. The question of incorporation of idea of resettlement of souls in the religious systems which are traditionally widespread on the territory of Ukraine is represented very actual and thus low-studied.

Phenomenon of "household religiousness" which can include the elements which are not relating to tradition, religious "fusion" among certain sectors of society, a ratio of unconscious belief with accurate postulates of this or that doctrine – here those companion problems without which objective idea of religious processes in Ukraine isn't obviously possible to make today.

2. Purposes and tasks. Practical results. Scientific novelty

The purpose of a master's work – detection of nature of ideas of reincarnation in religious culture of Christians of modern Ukraine.

Performance of the following tasks is planned:

  1. Clarification of the content of concept of reincarnation. The analysis of essence of the doctrine about reincarnation in east religious and spiritual and philosophical systems.
  2. The analysis of a problem of existence and a role of ideas of reincarnation in Christian dogma and works of Christian authors.
  3. Studying of features of ideas of reincarnation in religious culture of Christians of modern Ukraine (on an example of Donetsk).

Practical results. During performance of work sociological poll in December - January, 2011-2012 within Donetsk among various segments of the population about their understanding and the relation to idea of reincarnation was carried out. Leaders of active church life took part in a question as the listeners of the theological courses having accurately postulated views of Christianity and the formulated Creed, and the average citizens ranking as Christians, however not. The solution of the tasks put in work allowed to determine certain consistent patterns of interaction of idea of reincarnation with traditionally Christian ideas, and also to draw conclusions concerning extent of cultural globalization and interaction.

Scientific novelty. At present there is quite extensive layer of literature devoted to a problem of reincarnation, including existence of idea of resettlement of souls in Christianity. Nevertheless, still it was not undertaken attempts scientifically to characterize extent of occurrence of idea reincarnation in religious culture of Christians. The principle of objectivity of research provides work with the actual material. Arguments of confessional character are considered in work only as a part of object of research. Novelty of research also consists that besides the general conclusions work has the annex to a concrete existential location, considering a situation in modern Ukraine.


3. The review of researches and development on a subject

The problem of reincarnation received development in scientific works of such authors, as: Jan Stevenson, this American psychiatrist took up the problems of reincarnation from the scientific point of view, it studied cases when people remembered that moment that already lived earlier, gave the facts which it is possible to check and the events connected with hypothetical antecedents [7]. Raymond Moudi told about reincarnation, as that our life only a link in a chain of several lives lived earlier. His book forced many people to become interested past, put a number of questions on which there were no answers before a science [4]. Doctor Morris Neterton presented a method in the book under the name: "Therapy of antecedents" which emphasized keywords and phrases from self-written messages of his subjects.

   Doctor Edith Fior carefully concentrated her work on the cases connected with obsession and developed therapy against it. Dr. D. Scott Rogo presented summary of researches of transformations till 1985, and pointed to a discussion essence between researchers of reincarnation and skeptics. Dr. Joel Uitton noted and carried out research of the cases connected with a psychological phenomenon of knowledge of foreign languages, without studying it ever.

   Doctor Roger Vuldzher, with especially deep understanding of analytical psychology, developed a method of research of transformation which assumes both the theory and practice. Carol Boumen with absolute confidence proves reality and possibility of transformations, on the basis of a death mention, Brown Silvia in the researches argues over that the person himself chooses the world in which he is going to live [1]. Our souls repeatedly move from one world in another.

   Christopher Beych is engaged in consideration of rhythms of human life. The idea that vital circles (cycles) of the person need to be perceived as movement from a sort by the birth, where death a promezhutny link is inherent in it [2]. Michael Newton supports idea of that after death of a shower leaves a body and goes "home". Till that time when souls come back to that place which they call the house, the terrestrial aspect of their life changes. It is impossible to call them people [5]. The soul has possibility at the same time to live in several bodies.

   Anne Anselin Shtutsenbergtn investigates a problem of a syndrome of ancestors. Each of us is a link in a chain of generations and very often we should pay for debts of ancestors [6]. We are less free, than it seems at first sight. Dolores Kenon, now one of founders of regressive therapy, spent 10 years, investigating archives in search of confirmations.

   P. Ramster, at communication with the patients refers to the description them a large number of details of the past, names of people and places where they lived earlier.

   In 1983 Ramster and local historians looked for the specified data in archives. Some villages called under hypnosis, were found on old cards. Other villages didn't exist anymore, but many mentioned names appeared correct. Ramster's research was almost completely ignored by scientific community.

Charles Sagan the scientist and the skeptic was the member cofounder of group which dealt with such problem as exposure of unscientific researches. Certainly, to tell that he believed in reincarnation would be too loud, but that he believed that to these researches should be paid more close attention, and reject them without research and discussion would be unscientific already speaks about his interest the matter. And as they say, where there's smoke there's fire!

Idea of reincarnation in religious culture of Christians

One of the key concepts characterizing development of the modern world, the concept of globalization is. It is considered to be that globalization is a set of the processes conducting to emergence of uniform universal economic, political, ecological, cultural space. Globalization as a phenomenon of public life is accompanied by integration – process of penetration of various elements of two subjects participating in it. These elements can be various – from capital investments and investments to habits and behavior and features of daily kitchen of the population. We interests, first of all, interaction of religious representations of those cultures which it is free or involuntarily join in globalization process. Thanks to a situation in the modern world, ideas and the doctrines widespread in one cultural areas, pass to other cultural soil and often get accustomed there, definitely changing. Besides, the understanding of each religion or spiritual philosophical doctrine is influenced inevitably by certain general regularities of modern spirituality.

  Didn't become an exception and the doctrine about reincarnation. Reincarnation traditionally understands as immortal existence of soul which periodically revives in various bodies which, in turn, are mortal [5]. Process of regeneration has the regularities which this or that tradition treats in own way.

   The doctrine about reincarnation was traditionally inherent in east religious and spiritual and philosophical systems, as that: to Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism. XIX century when educated Europeans start to show interest to east cultures, and representatives of the last, in turn, start to adapt the views for the European perception and to leave abroad, the idea of reincarnation among many other east ideas starts to gain popularity in the West [11].


Pic 1. Idea of reincarnation is disseminated in the world 

by the globalization influence. 

(Animation, 5 frames, 7 repeats, 127 kb)

   Originally the idea of reincarnation in the West had elite character – philosophers, historians, simply educated people were interested in it. The considerable push in development already purely the western understanding of reincarnation was received as a result of distribution in Europe various esoteric societies. Since the end of the 50th of the XX century the hobby for the East becomes mass, east philosophical and religious ideas, and also subjects of a life and culture take root into an everyday life of Europeans and Americans. The idea of reincarnation causes interest and in Christians, mainly Protestants of evangelists and five-foremen [9].

   There are works generally the theological, confessional character, the existence of ideas devoted to the proof about resettlement of souls in Christianity. Thus the official position of traditional Christian faiths, such as Orthodoxy and Catholicism, concerning reincarnation was reserved. Supporters of idea of reincarnation in Christianity address to texts of the Scripts and heritage of Fathers and teachers of Church. There is an opinion that the in itself doctrine about resettlement of souls isn't so alien to traditional European spirituality. In the Ancient Greek environment it existed in the form of representations about reincarnation (μετεμψύχωσις). Further it was absorbed by Christianity through Fathers, teachers of Church and church writers. It was connected with that the Christian tradition was formed mainly in the east (European) – in Greece, Asia Minor, and North Africa. Christian theologians leaned including the Greek philosophy [12].

   Certainly, many church authorities expressed and against the doctrine preexistence and resettlement of souls. Already in the present it generated a certain dispute between supporters and opponents of existence of reincarnation in Christianity. Both the first, and the second were guided by fragments from the Scripts and the Legend, but their interpretation was various.

   Despite the cold relation to reincarnation from traditional faiths, her supporters are and among the last. However the specific situation here takes place. On the one hand, neither Catholic church, nor any of orthodox churches didn't express negatively reincarnation in special official documents on universal cathedrals. On the other hand, the private theological opinion of representatives is more often the negative. But just in the environment of traditional Christianity, and in particular, Orthodoxy, the belief in resettlement of souls occurs not at level of accurate confession, and it is rather as not up to the end realized representation. Such situation is typical for a phenomenon of so-called household religiousness [8]. Household religiousness is characteristic for the people who have not received special Christian education but living by Wednesday, historically Christian. In the course of socialization of people associates itself with orthodox community, using a pronoun "we". However he doesn't conduct active church life and often has rather vague idea of the dogmatic person of Christianity. Religiousness in this case is formed not as a result of purposeful assimilation of the certain provisions concerning a subject of belief and behavior, and is spontaneous, on examples and the stereotypes widespread in the daily environment. Without having an accurate restrictive framework, household religiousness can absorb in itself the elements which initially aren't present, for example, at Orthodoxy. Thus in basic provisions the believer can be very consecutive. As a result of aforementioned processes the Christianity starts to include the elements borrowed from other cultures and traditions. It concerns also reincarnation [10].

    Ukraine is very indicative example of those processes, in the religious sphere which are typical and for the whole world. However activity and dynamics of these processes in Ukraine is higher, than, for example, in Europe. This results from the fact that Ukraine long time was behind "Iron Curtain", and manifestation of religiousness wasn't encouraged. The religious boom showed 90th years that spiritual demand for religion in Post-Soviet society is extremely high.


Results of the sociological poll which has been carried out within work, as a whole confirm the declared theses. Really it is not enough cases of accurate and direct confession of reincarnation, however considerably bigger percent of believers recognize transformation of souls in the indirect or not up to the end realized look. And degree of Christian erudition has inversely proportional communication with number of supporters of reincarnation in this environment. It testifies that religiousness of bulk of the Christians, loyally relating to idea of resettlement of souls, has household character while the detailed knowledge dogmatic persons, Christian sources and tradition negatively affects support by the person of the doctrine about reincarnation. The done work doesn't consider questions of the validity of statements of existence or absence of reincarnation in Christianity. As the question of reincarnation was never essentially developed in Christianity, some moments, or even hints on them, probably, to interpret how it is convenient, in this or that advantage, opponents or supporters. Work contemplates a problem of existence or not existence of this idea therefore any opinion about it will be useful


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