- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Purposes and problems of the study
- 3. Analysis of the last studies and publication
- 4. The Interpretation of the main material.
- Conclusion
- References
The General management quality is philosophy, which can and must be prescribed in base of any activity for constant improvement of all processes to organizations. Philosophy TQM is directly bound and is based on series of the rates of the provision quality, mortgaged in series international standard to series ISO 9000, designed International organization standard (International Standards Organization - ISO).
Originally, the use the methods of quality management most spreading have got in industry, however at present philosophy quality management and rates of the provision quality, which mortgaged in series international standard to series ISO 9000, find using in sphere of the granting the services. Not exception - a sphere of the formation.
1. Theme urgency
In September 2000 the head of the states and the governments of 189 countries (including Ukraine) have accepted the Declaration of a millenium of the United Nations in which the global Purposes of development of a millenium are defined convincingly testifies to importance of a role of formation in modern life (CRT) before 2015. Amongst eight determined integer second is named provision by formation [1]. This purpose Ukraine has formulated so: "Ensuring the qualitative formation during life".
The Amicable agreement practice shows that realization of the similar problem is usually guaranteed presence in organizations of the system of management quality (SMK), which must correspond to the principle of the General management quality (Total Quality Management - TQM).
2. Purposes and problems of the study
The Primary task given work is a finding of the ways of increasing to efficiency and productivity of education facilities in Ukraine on base of the requirements international standard ISO 9000.
3. Analysis of the last studies and publication
Importance of the reception of the qualitative higher education for economy of the country is dedicated to article YU.VITRENKO "If we such formed, that why such poor?" . [1] In article S.AKSENOVOY is considered problem of the non-recognition of the Ukrainian diploma overseas [2]. About modern condition of the Ukrainian formation writes in its article I.LIKARCHUK [3], where comes to a conclusion that the Ukrainian formation is in a collapse condition..
The development efficient SMK becomes one of the strategic integer high school in nearest decennial event. Herewith on the part of organ of the state control in the field of formation is required production coordinated standard, procedures and managing principle, on the grounds of which will be realized estimation to efficiency of these systems.
For present-day day standard systems quality in sphere of the formation, designed on base international standard ISO series 9000, exists not so much. The International standard is whole one - ISO/IWA 2 "Quality management systems. Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2000 in education" - a Systems of management quality. The Managing instructions on using ISO 9001:2000 in formation. This international standard was designed on result of the agreement to international conference (IWA 2 - International Workshop Agreement), passed in 2002 in Mexico. The First editing of the standard (IWA 2:2003) was accepted in 2003. The Second editing of the standard, acting for present-day day, is accepted in 2007 (IWA 2:2007).
The Standard ISO/IWA 2 does not contain in itself some additional requirements in comparison with ISO 9001:2000. In him are presented managing instructions on using the requirements ISO 9001:2000 in educational institutions and are given explanations, connected with quality management educational facilities.
Development and using IWA 2 are directed on achievement following result:
- standardize the procedures of the vocational training;
- provide regular monitoring the process of management and conduct to documentation and record required for educational process;
- - guarantee performing the state requirements in sphere of the formation;
- - guarantee quality of educational services, quality of teaching structure and quality of an educational content.
The Purpose of the standard IWA 2 is increasing to efficiency of the system of management quality educational institution and unceasing increasing quality educational facilities, provided to training.
The Standard ISO/IWA 2 is not intended for certifications of the educational institutions, is not intended for estimation of the correspondence to requirements of this standard or using in contract situation.
Aside from international standard ISO/IWA 2 in row of the countries is designed and accepted national standards of the system of management quality in formation. Some of them are presented below:
ГОСТ Р 52614.2-2006 – «Системы менеджмента качества. Руководящие указания по применению ГОСТ Р ИСО 9001:2001 в сфере образования». – Is The Russian standard which is transfer of international standard ISO/IWA2 of the first edition of 2003
HB 90.7-2000 – «Education and Training Guide to ISO 9001:2000» - the Management on ИСО 9001:2000 for the educational and training organizations. – The national standard of Australia. Contains guidelines on application ИСО 9001:2000 in educational institutions. In this standard of the explanatory on application ИСО 9001:2000 are given in terms clear for experts in an education sphere. Also in the standard the most typical examples on realization of requirements are resulted.
ASQ Z1.11-2002 – «Quality assurance standards - Guidelines for the application of ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9001-2000 to education and training institutions» - Standards of ensuring quality – Guidelines on ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9001-2000 application in the educational and training organizations. – The standard of the USA which has replaced with first edition of a standard (ANSI/ASQC Z1.11:1996). The standard contains explanations and recommendations about implementation of requirements of Q9001-2000 (the American analog of the international ISO 9001:2000 standard) in educational institutions.
Esquema 1 IRAM 30000 – «Guia para la interpretacion de la norma ISO 9001:2000 en la educacion» – the Guide to ISO 9001:2000 standard interpretation in education. – A standard of Argentina in which explanations on application of requirements of ISO 9001 concerning educational institutions and interpretation of these requirements in terms applied in education are given.
The European association of a quality assurance in higher education (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education) has developed the standard for application in educational process – «Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area» - Standards and recommendations for a higher education quality assurance in the European space. This standard is one of elements of development of the Bolonsky agreement. The standard as that, is recommendations to HIGH SCHOOLS on improvement of quality of educational services. This document contains standards and recommendations for a formation quality assurance in HIGH SCHOOL, standards and recommendations for external systems of a quality assurance and standards and recommendations for the accredited agencies and the organizations on a quality assurance. Requirements of this standard directly aren't connected with requirements ИСО 9001, however have something in common with them inherently [2].
4.The Interpretation of the main material.
System bases of an assessment of quality of education assume consideration of educational process "as systems" on which "entrance" "the initial material" and the external resources transformed in the course of educational activity to "final product" of educational system arrives.
One of the important provisions TQM, ISO 9000 is that, quality of the final product (in this work – services) is formed as result of quality business of processes of the organization. From this fundamental principle that quality of the main results of activity HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION is closely connected with quality of key processes HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION follows.
Then it is possible to determine the integrated indicator of quality of processes by a formula:
Figure 1 – The formula for determining the quality index of the integrated processes
where Qi – an indicator of quality of i-that key process
Pi –Pi – powerful factor which is established separately by each expert depending on a type of its influence on the end result, or is defined before carrying out an assessment
Taking into account specifics of activity the HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION on the basis of a process approach can be represented quality system model as set of the interconnected key processes. Each of processes of Qi of a formula [4] can be described through system of indicators of this process [8].
Founding on presented to scheme, system base of the estimation quality formation must cover
- an estimation quality "final product;
- an estimation quality the most educational process;
- an estimation quality preparation applicant (source "material") for the following comparison "that that was got" after leaving from high educational institution with "that that was", with that, what composition and quality of preparation applicant existed in the beginning, "on start".
Certainly, the most important forming part of estimation quality formation is an estimation quality "final product" [7].
The conceptual and methodical basis for an assessment of quality of education of graduates should include the following main directions (blocks):
- fundamental nature of the education, allowing to have a breadth of vision of graduates in the respective spheres of knowledge;
- the target specialization of education allowing quickly to adapt and successfully to carry out concrete duties;
- existence of creative skills and ability to generation of innovations;
- ability and abilities of realization of knowledge and innovative and investment projects in production and social spheres;
- public and moral qualities of graduates and an education level in the sociopolitical and humanitarian sphere.
The assessment of quality of education according to the presented directions should assume justification of system of criteria, scales and a technique, the organization and information of the assessment, being components of monitoring of quality of education.
Techniques of an assessment of quality of education in modern conditions should include two stages:
- an evaluation stage of quality of education on the basis of reporting information on activity of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION on all to the aspects specified earlier;
- an evaluation stage of quality of education on the basis of sociological information on graduates of higher education institutions and their business, creative and public pits.
The estimation of quality of activity of educational institutions should be made on the basis of given "passports" of educational institutions. Educational institution "passport" is the document in a complex characterizing activity of educational institution (HIGH SCHOOL, college etc.) on all necessary aspects and dynamics for a number of years. Thus depth of a retrospective show for considered processes should reach till 10 years as the cycle of preparation of experts basically corresponds to 5 years [7].
To reach the necessary degree of quality meeting requirements of all interested parties (in the given work – high school and the student), it is possible by means of the system of quality management created, introduced and certificated by the third party (SMK).
The high school top management should understand importance of creation СМК. Then it is necessary for a management (to the rector, administrations, etc.) to be formed in quality management questions, persistently to carry out given to the policy in high school life gradually, by a principle of dispersing waves, since administration, deans, heads of structural administrative divisions and etc. It is the difficult problem demanding not only understanding and vision of prospects of process, but also professional knowledge, understanding of necessity of an investment of resources, and first of all, personnel. The success will depend substantially on the gradual, stage-by-stage organization of process of creation, introduction, certification and maintenance СМК in an actual condition. It is important to manage to show productivity of introduction of ideas of quality management in high school, simultaneously bringing up the personnel in the spirit of adherence to ideas of quality management.
For success of higher education institution development and implementation of the project of creation of SMK should be executed at the level providing adaptability to manufacture of process, possibility of improvement of development, realization of the subsequent management of the project and whenever possible distribution of results. To meet these requirements it is possible, using for development of the project of creation of SMK the logiko-structural analysis (LSA).
LSA was developed by Agency of the international development of the USA in the late sixties and since then is actively used during the developing and implementation of projects
LSA consists of an analytical phase and a planning phase. The analytical phase is presented by three stages.
Stage 1. Analysis of interested parties. This stage will well be coordinated with the first principle of quality management «Orientation to the consumer». The organization depends on the consumers, should understand their current and future requirements and aspires to anticipate them. The range of consumers of production or the services made by higher education institution, is rather wide. The main interested in activity of higher education institution of the party are presented on fig. 2. Here it is necessary to carry: entrants; being trained and their relatives; employers, i.e. consumers of experts, results of NIR, technical production, the services connected with professional development and professional retraining; governing bodies formation of different level; public organizations; administrative personnel of all levels; members of the academic community.
For identification of consumers of results of activity of higher education institution and studying of their requirements for dynamics collection of information about an actual situation, carrying out meetings with use of any method of an assessment is important. Collision of interests of interested parties that can lead to emergence of risks of higher education institution is inadmissible. The analysis of interested parties can be carried out, using meetings of the working group of type «brain storm». Processing of results of the analysis allows to allocate problem places in activity of higher education institution, advantage and achievement, to analyse possibilities offered to realization for improvement of processes, to pay attention to existing or potential threats.
Stage 2. The analysis of problems. Statement of the purpose and aspiration to its achievement already says that there is some problem. For correct statement of the purposes finding-out of an essence of a problem is necessary. At the given stage it is necessary to solve three problems: identification of the basic problems of interested parties; an establishment of communication of the revealed problems with high school problems; working out of a tree of problems for an establishment of relationships of cause and effect.
The Problems given stage are realized by means of series of the meeting concerned party, balanced analysis of the opinions and result of the studies, got on the first stage. The Result of the stage must become the tree mutually got stuck problems.
The formulation of the purposes at a stage of creation of a tree is more whole isn't final. Their completion will be carried out in an iterative mode during the planning and works. The purposes should be realistic (achievable within financial, physical and temporary resources), defined (to correspond to the realized project) and measurable (to give opportunity of a quantitative assessment). It is necessary to allocate the strategy covering the interconnected purposes, actual at this stage and for this project. Strategy usually includes main both specific goals and expected results.
The phase of planning is presented by five more stages.
Stage 4. Definition of logic of realization. The logic of realization of the project of working out СМК assumes its description at all levels of hierarchy of the purposes: overall aims; problems, results; kinds of activity (action). For definition of logic of working out logiko-block diagram definition (ЛСС) is necessary. ЛСС is the tool of the analysis, working out and registration of the project which can be used as the dynamic tool which is subject to revision and revaluation in the course of realization of the project, its functioning and at change of conditions. ЛСС represents a matrix in which the vertical logic reflects relationships of cause and effect, and horizontal concerns measurement of results.
Stage 5. Definition of assumptions and risk factors. Successful realization of development is possible in the presence of continuous control of influencing factors, assumptions and the risks being outside the limits of control of the project. Transition at implementation of the project from level on level is possible only at achievement of the purpose at the established assumption. One of important problems of team of the project is identification of all influencing factors and planning of the actions reducing risk of their influence. As an example establishment of long-term mutually advantageous communications with consumers of experts on the basis of contracts on cooperation, cooperation with regional employment services of the population and so forth can serve. It is possible to develop algorithm of work for supervision over influencing factors with assumptions.
Stage 6. Definition of indicators. For maintenance of measurability of the purposes it is necessary to allocate system of indicators and methods of their measurement for identification of the necessary information. All accepted indicators should correspond to criteria of quality, quantity and time. Quality of indicators is defined by means of an establishment of the norms which formation should be carried out on the basis of monitoring, the analysis and an official confirmation. Norms - not dogma, they can change in process of perfection of processes. Further it is necessary to learn to measure indicators (to develop own technique or to use known), to compare them to the accepted norms and to form operating influences. Sometimes the important characteristic is time of achievement of some indicators. Each purpose should be connected with system of indicators. At the same stage means and the expenses closely coordinated to planned actions are planned.
Stage 7. Scheduling of actions. After filling of matrix ЛСС carry out planning of actions. For representation of actions on project realization in logic sequence and interaction make the schedule, carry out the analysis of a critical way. It is possible to present sequence of a stage in the form of following steps:
- Drawing up of the list of the basic actions;
- Splitting of actions into problems;
- Formation of logic and definition of time indicators of actions and problems;
- distribution of indicators on actions and problems and an establishment of a place of an indicator in process;
- Definition of qualifying requirements to developers and participants of actions, problems and processes;
- Distribution of functions, powers and responsibility.
By preparation of the list of actions and problems revealing human, material, physical and financial resources, ways of achievement of results of the project, risk factors and uncertainty, capable to make negative impact on actions, and time frameworks of realization of the project of working out СМК is necessary. Structurization of actions in the form of problems and tasks should be optimum in sense of level of detailed elaboration. It is important, that planning experts had the sufficient mechanism for an estimation of results, and executors - enough of instructions for problem and task realization.
After carrying out of structurization of activity the establishment of sequence and dependence of problems, subtasks and etc., carrying out of a realistic estimation of duration of kinds of activity and problems is necessary. Formation of the schedule of actions demands obligatory inclusion of indicators of a course of performance of the project for realization of functions of monitoring and management. Further it is supposed to estimate personnel resources from the point of view of the project of expertize necessary for realization, to distribute tasks, to define a measure of powers and responsibility and to issue the schedule of actions.
Stage 8. Definition of resources. At this stage it is necessary to continue work on further definition of resources, drawing up of the estimate and the plan of expenses. The list of actions is copied in a format of the plan of expenses. For realization of problems of a stage it is necessary to make the control list for the plan of expenses, to give the clear and exact description of the means corresponding to kinds of activity and tasks and to present means in the form of certain categories of expenses. Further it is necessary to estimate quantitative, cost and temporary indices of expenses which are transformed further to week, quarter and annual plans and budgets.
Definition of sources of financing and scheduling of expenses - an important stage in definition of resources. At this stage it is expedient to define the project of expenses which expenses on support of SMK in an actual condition will arise at higher education institution after realization of development of SMK, in particular. Following to the technique of realization of the project of development of SMK given here in the educational organization based on LSA, will allow to reduce riskiness and uncertainty at implementation of the project and to increase efficiency of use of resources [10].
The problem of quality of training of specialists always was very actual, and in transition to the market relations became the sharpest.
Efficiency of researches on an assessment of quality of education generally depends on that is understood as quality of education.
At the present stage there are no simple solutions of a problem of quality of education. Hardly it gives in to standards, though international. But it doesn't mean that such standards are useless. On the contrary, they allow to make a lot of things. Only don't solve such global problem entirely. Systematic long-term efforts of all parties interested in education are necessary.
To reach the necessary level of quality meeting requirements of all interested parties (in this work – higher education institution and the student), it is possible by means of the quality management system (SMK) created, introduced and certificated by the third party which should be executed at the level providing adaptability to manufacture of process, possibility of improvement of development, realization of the subsequent management of the project and whenever possible distribution of results. To meet these requirements it is possible, using for development of the project of creation of SMK the logiko-structural analysis (LSA).
Educational process has a number of features: object of activity of high school is the person that excludes sample approaches; specificity of high school is defined by educational and scientific activity; educational and scientific processes can't fruitfully develop without information technology; productivity of educational activity depends on efficiency of scientific research; the high school can't effectively work without well organized administrative activity.
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