- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. An approach to the unification of synthesis of Moore FSM on FPGA
- Conclusion
- References
In world economic thought the problem of innovations is considered from the point of view of the effective management focused on profit of innovations at the enterprises. In recent years practically interest to management of innovative processes increased in all industrialized countries of the world. Dynamics of scientific and technical progress in modern conditions leads to such radical changes that the passive, slowed-down reaction to science and equipment development and the requirements caused by these development to activity of the enterprises mean accruing backlog. Therefore continuous orientation to improvement of quality of production, its timely replacement, minimization of stocks of commodity and material resources, flexibility and mobility of technological processes should be a problem of effective production. To reach a level of production with such parameters, it is necessary for enterprises to introduce constantly innovations, to carry out the adapted for market conditions technical and technological and innovative transformations.
1. Theme urgency
Process of formation of the mechanism of management by innovations of market type in Ukraine occurs slowly. It speaks and not a readiness of techniques, and imperfection of legal, financial and tax base of innovative activity that causes need of studying and synthesis of experience of formation of an innovative way of development of Ukraine and development of new approaches to activization of innovative processes at the enterprises. However still there are many unresolved questions connected with features of management of the innovative enterprise.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The purpose of a master's thesis is deepening of the theory and improvement of practical instruments of management by innovative processes at the enterprise.
Main tasks of the research:
- To define essence of concepts management, an innovation, innovative process;
- To Define stages of innovative process, to systematize and finish them;
- To Develop and study approaches to organizational economically management of innovative processes at the enterprise which provides maximum efficiency.
Research object: innovative processes at the enterprise.
Research subject: principles and methods of control over innovative processes.
3. Theoretical bases of management of innovative processes
The French innovation occurs from Latin innovatio (updating, change). In the 80th years of the last century of an abstract word an innovation wasn't in dictionaries of Russian literary language. The term was put into circulation by the Austrian and American economist, the sociologist and the historian of economic thought Y.Shumpeter. It treated this concept as «change for the purpose of introduction and use of new types of the consumer goods, new production and vehicles, the markets and forms of the organization of the industry».
The essence of innovative process is shown that it represents a purposeful number of actions on innovation initiation, on development of new products and operations, on their realization in the market and further diffusion.
In work it is defined that functioning of a control system by innovative processes is connected with definition of the moment of the beginning of new innovative process, its qualitative and quantitative characteristics, to coordination of stages of innovative process, harmonious work of components of innovative process.
In the third subsection the essence of concept of management and its function is considered, features of management are also studied by innovative processes.
Analyzing the term "management" taking into account genesis of its contents, it is possible to note that to its definition there is a lot of approaches (fig. 3). So, from the point of view of the majority of scientists the essence of management consists in aggregate actions; in certain cases as "management" understand cyclic process; and in others - function of the organized systems. The reason of such distinctions consists in a variety of spheres of use of this concept. Generally, in a binding to the sphere of economy, management provides existence of uniform system of actions on planning, the organization, motivations, control and regulation of processes of managing by interrelation of these functions and their continuous impact on operated object.
Functions of management can be considered as from the point of view of their performers - specific workers of administrative personnel, and from the point of view of the content of management process, nature of carried-out works. In functions of management principles, methods and the content of administrative activity are combined together.
Therefore, it is possible to conclude that management - process inseparably linked with object of management that influences activity by means of functions of management which consistently replacing each other, flow in result of administrative activity - adoption of administrative decisions. Quality of the decision is connected with the subject of management and the measures accepted by it in management process. The analysis of the maintenance of the mechanism of management of innovative activity is logical for carrying out through specification of functions of management. From positions of a functional approach to management of innovations, management processes consist in realization of functions, that is duties, the rights and responsibility.
Master's work is devoted to actual scientific problem of management of innovative processes at the enterprise.
Further studies focused on the following aspects:
- It is planned to offer and prove the directions of improvement of a control system of innovative process, to improve scientific and methodical approaches to management of innovative process at the enterprise.
- In the third chapter «control system Perfection by innovative processes at the enterprises» is planned to develop scientifically-methodical approaches to an estimation of efficiency of projects of an innovative orientation as one of control system elements innovative processes at the enterprise; to carry out practical check of the offered approach on the basis of an estimation of efficiency of the innovative project, to carry out calculations by definition of optimum structure of expenses of innovative process which are aimed at maximization of effect of the innovative project.
This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2012. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.
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