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Theme urgency.In modern conditions of economic relations, more acute competition on both domestic and global market. At the same time there is a clear relationship between the competitiveness of enterprises and the level of its economic prosperity. Therefore, in the context of globalization and integration into the European Economic Area for the company, which is on the way out to the world market, a crucial factor in the success of management becomes competitive.

The issue of studying the competitiveness of enterprises, as well as its assessment of dedicated work: EP Golubkov, AN Pechenkin, A. Glukhov, PS Head 'Yalova, G. L, Bahiyeva, TA Blashenkovoy, M. Oh, Yermolova, AP hailstones, W. C, Efremova, T. M, Karetnikau, MV Karetnikau, I. Maximov, N. And Shaidurov, N. C, Yashin, A.Yo.Yodanov, Amelia J., I. Ansoff, R. Waterman, J. Kay, T. Kono, H. Mintsberha, M. Porter, F. Kotler, E. Dyhtl, SK Pralad, R. T, Pascal, T. Peters, N. and Petsi. etc. But in spite of a considerable number of works, the problem of competitiveness management has not received adequate coverage.

The purpose of the master's work is the study of theoretical positions and guidelines on enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises, which will increase the efficiency of operation of the business and improve market position.

The object of research is a process of competitive enterprise.

The subject of research is theoretical foundations and methodological principles of competitiveness of the enterprise

Research Methods. The paper used general scientific methods of cognition: systematic and situational, historical and logical, abstract and theoretical and comparative. Also use special techniques, such as sociological, economic and statistical methodology.

The contents of the master's research

In the first section, "Theoretical foundations of the competitiveness of the enterprise" was analyzed and refined essence of the basic concepts are considered equal and the factors influencing the competitiveness of enterprises.

Despite the urgency of the problem, there is disagreement in the theoretical aspects. For example, there are differences in the understanding of competitiveness. A more detailed study of the theoretical part, will allow more efficient use of the competitive advantages of the enterprise. The study of the factors that affect competitiveness, allows you to build strategic plans of the enterprise.

In the second section, "Methods of competitiveness of enterprises" was solved the theory and practice issues such as information provision, especially the evaluation of the competitiveness of enterprises.

Competitiveness is a relative measure. to determine the level of competitiveness needed competition. therefore there is a need to consider factors such as information provision and evaluation of competitiveness.

The third section will be offered recommendations to improve the competitiveness of enterprises.


The results and conclusions obtained during the operation:

1) concept of "competitiveness" of the enterprise and considered the level of competitiveness;

2) identified the main factors affecting the competitiveness of enterprises;

3) were found ways of providing information of the company;

4) analyzed the main methods for evaluating competitiveness.


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