The content
Risk management for reengineering business processes in the enterprise
Relevance of the topic. In a permanent economic crisis a lot of issues faced by business entities on the mobilization of domestic economic potential to overcome the financial problems and difficulties associated with optimization of equity, reduction of personnel due to shift to shorter working day, lack of own capital funds, increased accounts payable. In such difficult circumstances, the main objective of business is responsive to these problems and the same rapid implementation of adequate changes further intensified its activities. Analysis of business environment and monitor its changes, customer needs analysis and monitoring of changes in preferences and consumer behavior are the major and strategically important process of defining all further its efforts to create a product, its production, bringing to the consumer and profit. Therefore, there is an urgent need to apply the latest techniques, technologies and tools businesses adapt to new environmental conditions that can most fully realize their organizational management and production potential in the market.
Reengineering of business processes (Business Process Reengineering - BPR) is one of the highly efficient methods of redesign business that is widely used by companies and enterprises in developed countries and provides an approach to management, which makes the "breakthrough", gives a sharp increase in productivity and efficiency of companies, unlike the constant improvement of daily business processes. BPR - a fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve significant improvement of the quality function.
Ukraine today is experiencing a difficult period of transition to market relations, as some issues of innovation and investment activities require deeper processing. Modern approaches to the theoretical justification of methodological approaches and scientific aspects of practical implementation of reengineering researched and developed by renowned foreign scientists: M. Hammer, J. Ciampi, T. Davenport, M. Robson, F. Ulla, E. Mills, F. Hill and others. The last time the greatest attention to the development problems of formation and implementation process reengineering pay well and domestic scientists V. Khobta, O. Popova, S. Kravchenko, O. Arefyeva, L. Blyahman, M. Borodatova, P. Zabelin, S. Kozmenko, V. Medynskyy, E. Oyhman, V. Tarasov.
However, the whole issue of innovation and improvement of investment companies paid little attention. Most modern publications and research papers devoted to the nature of the process redesign business and its planning or highlight the current state of national economy on the basis of analysis "as is". Incomplete analysis of all stages of reengineering and nuances that accompany them, And so and and risk management issues that occur at all stages of the process. So now is not qualitatively adapted to Ukrainian conditions theoretical framework of project management essential to modernize our economy. This uncertainty discourages potential investors from investing in such projects, and this leads to the fact that Ukraine is far from first place in the world ranking of competitiveness.
The purpose and objectives of the study. The study is to examine the theoretical foundations and develop practical recommendations on risk management during business process reengineering based factors and peculiarities of the results of this process in modern conditions.
The object of study is reengineering business processes in industrial enterprises.
The subject of research is theoretical approaches, methodological and practical issues of risk management in business process reengineering industry.
Research Methods. In an investigation of methods used a systematic approach, analysis and synthesis to develop the economic essence of reengineering business processes and evaluation of the effectiveness of risk management during the process of modern methods, and principles of dialectics as a method of general knowledge.
The scientific value of research results. The main scientific result of the master's work is the study and analysis of modern theoretical foundations and development of sound practical advice on risk management during business process reengineering in industrial enterprises.
The main content
In the introduction is considered the relevance of the proposed topic, its object and subject of research, including theoretical approaches, methodological and practical issues of risk management in business process reengineering industry.
Section 1. Theoretical principles of risk management for reengineering business processes in enterprises. This chapter presents the economic substance of the category of "risk of re-engineering", deals with scientific approaches to risk and their main features, determined that the process of administration significantly affected the nature of the enterprise, grounded approach to identifying risks and reengineering analysis method of quantitative evaluation.
During the analysis of the economic nature of the risk of redesign identified risk research function as integral features of the enterprise. In particular, identified the need for unambiguous interpretation of the category "risk of re-engineering."
Section 2. Methodical provision of risk management in business entities. The system approaches the essence of the mechanism of risk management reengineering, analysis of its implications in the activities of domestic enterprises, especially the risk management of enterprises in Ukraine, identified causal relationships of risk depending on the industry affiliation, ownership and business size.
The author analyzes the economic essence of the mechanism of risk management reengineering and found that a definite opinion on this definition does not. This situation contributes to effective risk management process. Based on the synthesis of existing approaches to the definition of "control mechanism", the introduction of structural elements proposed definition of "mechanism of risk management reengineering".
Section 3. Recommendations for improving the system of risk-menedzhmen th during the reengineering of business. A foundation to improve the identification of risks of reengineering, process control measures for risk management company from a position of importance for satisfaction (values), economic feasibility (economic component) and the competence of agents and formation mechanism of risk management enterprise and defines the cost-effectiveness of these measures.
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