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Of course, one of the main engines of modern science and technology is information technology - an area in which new ideas appear every day. Great profile of this sector (from the smallest of chips, which are part of supercomputers, the software - the most popular type of product it - the world) allows for creativity and generate radically new ideas are the basis of innovation. Economic growth rapidly occurred in several countries due to the innovative activities, which they paid much attention, and information technology play a significant role.

1. Theme urgency

In a competitive environment in the production of any of it - food and regular updates of international standards, there is a need for flexible planning of resource allocation in the company in this field. One of the most important components of this process is intellectual resources. Modern methods of the base and development in information technology is constantly updated, so there is a need to continuously receive new knowledge, providing opportunities to earn additional revenue and save time when developing any it-product.

The main representative of this type of business is outsourcing company. Their tendency is constantly extended by new employees can lead to considerable financial losses. The question how to avoid this situation is very urgent.

Also, the information technology market there is a new service - cloud services that are usually referred to as cloud technologies. Use of these services can significantly reduce support costs of technical equipment, increase the speed of the interaction of internal structures and simplify access to information resources.

2. Innovative aspects of business planning in information technology

Business Plan is an effective tool of planning design and investment activities in accordance to market needs in an environment that is changing. First, it is essential value for management of the firm as concentrated expression strategy for success, allowing avoid errors already in the planning process, revealing the problems that were previously ignored. Second, the business plan to evaluate the material and financial situation of enterprises and compliance labor and material resources to the set goals. Thirdly, the business plan is a major instruments for raising funds, directing business development [5].

The structure of the business plan and measure its details depend on the scale proposed in It changes and the scope, the size of projected markets for goods and services presence of competitors, sources of financing.

Despite the differences, in any business plan are the following main sections:

1. Summary.

2. Goods and services.

3. Markets and competition.

4. Marketing Plan.

5. Plan production.

6. Management and organization.

7. Risk Assessment.

8. Strategy funding.

9. Financial plan. [6]

In the master's thesis investigates the following stages of business planning as a plan of management and organization based on two sectors of information technologies.

The first of these is a software outsourcing. Scheme of the process is shown on Fig. 1. The structure of this type is the intellectual capital. Today Ukraine is fighting for the leading position in Eastern Europe in outsourcing - offshore software development. A number of Ukrainian companies in the world is constantly ratings of the best experts it - and branch. In 2010, the volume of this sector reached $ 1 billion and annually increased by 30%. Experts predict the market could grow by another 40-50 percent under conditions of adaptation of social taxes on specific industries.

According to the company «Luxsoft» in Ukraine about 40 thousand programmers, 75% of which are exactly in outsourcing. Payment of their labor costs by 2-2.5 times lower than in Europe, and high level of technical universities after giving them the opportunity to be competitive in a number of countries such as India and China.

The main capital of this industry is highly qualified. Therefore, outsourcing companies, wages and payroll taxes of about 80% of total expenditures. Improved business planning can reduce these figures, which certainly appears to enterprise development and it - as a whole.

The process of software outsourcing 

                                                                 Figure 1 - The process of software outsourcing


The second area of information technology that is emerging cloud computing. It is this structure, using technical potential of more than one cluster, and many that can be located in completely different environments, but combines the Internet. The advantage of cloud services is that access to resources by one user name may on any device. An example of such access is shown in Fig. 2.

 Structure of "clouds"

                                                                          Figure 2. - Structure of "clouds"


With the concept of cloud computing is often associated such service and - like everything (Everything as a service) technology as "Software as a Service" ("Software as a Service" or "SaaS"), "Infrastructure as a Service" ("Infrastructure as a Service" or "IaaS") and "Platform as a Service» ("Plaatform as a Se rvice "," PaaS "). scheme of service is shown in Fig. 3.

 Scheme of cloud services

                                                                          Figure 3 - Scheme of cloud services

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) - deployment model program that provides of end user applications as services on request (on demand). Access this application by using the network, and often - through your Internet browser. Actually, this same web applications around which so much noise now. The oldest example probably be considered webmail services. Google is probably one of the main apologists SaaS and trying to bring this approach to a logical conclusion as platform Android, closely integrated with numerous online services and provides (ideally) a constant connect to them. Although SaaS vendors among many other big names [2].

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) demonstrates a different approach, directly derived from his names. In fact, it hosted online software platform, that some computer Wednesday (details of which is completely hidden from our eyes) with a documented API. It is, of course, designed for independent developers who can build on its base own SaaS-solutions. The principal point here is to support certain technology and tools. In addition to its own platform vendors usually also offers cloud databases and other supporting services [3].

Infrastructure-as-a-Service - is the most basic level of cloud computing where client is able to use ready-information infrastructure (clusters, servers, network devices, data warehousing), again without the slightest knowledge of its structure and principles operation. IaaS allows you to run in the "cloud" their own (or leased) virtual machines, which can perform almost any applications. It is clear that such services first demand IT departments to extend their own infrastructure or crucial to other tasks [4].

Using cloud computing, consumers of information technology can significantly reduce capital costs - to build data centers, server procurement and network equipment, hardware and software solutions to ensure continuity and efficiency - as these costs are absorbed by cloud services providers. In addition, long-term construction and commissioning of large infrastructure of information technologies and their high initial cost of restricting the flexibility to respond to market needs, while cloud technologies make it possible to almost instantaneously respond to increasing demand for computing power.

Using cloud computing, consumer spending shifted toward operational - thus classified costs for the services of cloud providers.


This chapter presents the main trends and results of the study. Summed previous results and data options for innovative aspects of business planning. In the B direction of master works were displayed in this section briefly, in other words, all areas of research are systematic in their sequence.

In writing this essay master's work is not completed. Final completion: December 2012. Full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after that date.


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