- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. The main content of the work
- References
Production program determines the composition, number and volume of products that must be made in the plan period and delivered to consumers. Reflecting the main task of economic activity, it is the main section of business plans. All other sections of plans developed in accordance with the production program and to ensure its implementation.
1. Theme urgency
Relevance of the topic lies in the fact that the production program determines the required volume of production during the planning period, which corresponds to the nomenclature, range and quality requirements of the sales plan. It causes problems for the commissioning of new production capacity, the need for raw material resources, staffing, transportation, etc.
The question of justification of the production program got the attention of domestic and foreign scholars as I. Andreev, Anthony Atkinson, C. Barngolts, V. Goremykin, G. Savitskaya, N. Seleznev, K. McConnell , C. Brue, I. Blank and etc.
The main objective of the production program is meeting the needs of consumers with high quality products manufactured by companies with the best use of their resources and obtain maximum profit. In order to solve this problem in the development of industrial programs at all levels should adhere to the following requirements:
1) correct identification of requirements for products, and the rationale for its production of consumer demand;
2) complete linkage of physical and value indicators of production and sales;
3) The rationale for the plan of production resources, and above all, the production capacity.
Each company develops its own product range, except for the public contract and public order, the amount of which is established in accordance with a production capacity of the enterprise and with the consent of management.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The purpose of master's work is to further develop the theoretical foundations and the development of guidelines for improving the production program of study in today's business environment.
The object of study is to study the process of the production program of enterprises today.
The subject of research is theoretical and methodological foundations of studies of industrial software companies today.
Research methods. Methodological and theoretical basis of the study were the fundamental works of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of economic theory, the theory of efficient production control, control theory, the production program. The information base for the study is official statistics, data recording and reporting of the primary businesses, as well as the results of their research and observations. Regulatory frameworks of research were the legislative and normative documents that regulate the formation and distribution of the profits of enterprises in Ukraine. The study used a method of systematic approach, based on which the specified factors affecting the formation of the production program of the company, the method of economic and statistical analysis, expert method, the method of comparison and economic - mathematical modeling.
Scientific and practical value of the master's work lies in the fact that the study brought to the specific recommendations on the use of the proposed method of formation of the production program of corporate planning in the workplace. The theoretical results can be applied in the development of technical standards in the management of the production program, as well as a separate cost and output.
Testing of work. The main provisions of master's work were presented at the international and Ukrainian students' scientific conferences: II International Student Conference "Fiscal policy in the context of global transformation of social development," 2012; "The days of theory and practice of investing" in 2011; VI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Donbas - 2020: prospects for development through the eyes of young scientists " in 2012.
3. The main content of the work
The first section of "Science and the theoretical basis of formation of the production program of the company" is considered the essence of the production program of the company, its performance and analysis of production activities by industry.
This section of the plan is closely connected with the work plan and salary plan for the cost of production, revenue and profitability, the financial plan (Fig. 1).

Figure 1 – The relationship of the production program with other plans
The production program consists of 2 parts: a plan of production in kind (quasi - natural) and a production plan in terms of value [1].
In order to correctly generate the production program of the company, its business plan should be submitted to such important information as a characteristic of the products, evaluation of potential markets and competitors' marketing strategy.
The optimal production program – a program that follows the structure of enterprise resources and provides the best performance according to the accepted criteria.
Optimization of the production program is conducted to:
1. Planning the optimal structure of the range of products;
2. Determination of the maximum possible volume of production and economic boundaries increase production.
In developing the product range the company uses natural, quasi - natural, labor, cost and quality measurement methods. They allow you to conduct planning, accounting, cost control, sales volume, range, range, complexity, quality of products. Development tasks for the production of products in its natural form are an important part in the preparation of the production program. The importance of it is determined by what consumers want certain types of products that can satisfy the needs. Based on the identification of these needs, the program is formed by making specific products [4].
The second section "Methodological basis for development of the production program of the enterprise under modern conditions" discussed the logistics of the production program in the formation of the company, the marketing approach to the formation of the production program of the enterprise and optimization models for the development of the production program of the enterprise.
The consumer price of a product should be evaluated, determined by its quality. Qualities as an economic category reflect the totality of the properties of products, and then determine the extent of its suitability to meet the needs of man according to his purpose. The objective necessity of adequate quality in the design, manufacture and use of new products triggers used in industrial and economic activities of enterprises defined an indicator system to determine and monitor the quality of all products (Fig. 2).

Figure 2 – Quality of products
Product quality is largely formed during the manufacturing process. This calls for close monitoring of progress in the technology of its manufacture.
With the development of foreign trade enterprises of the most important element of industrial management in general and quality management systems in particular, is a product certification. Each type of goods, or that the company wants to sell a profitable market in the world, must have a certificate – a document certifying a high level of quality, compliance with international standards ISO 9000.
The following types of quality products: automatic, statistical, flying, supervisory and stationary.
Marketing – is industrial - commercial activities of the company, aimed at identifying and meeting the needs of its products (services) through an exchange for profit. The object of Marketing is a complex consisting of the elements' needs – product – price – advertising – marketing. "Marketing puts the production completely dependent on the demand and the possibility of its sale. The concept of marketing – is a common approach to achieving its business objectives in the market [5].
There are five concepts of marketing: production, product, commercial, individual and social marketing.
Marketing strategy and tactics are based on a study of the market, its constant analysis and structuring.
The main disadvantages of the development of the production program of enterprises and their divisions are:
1) lack of precise relationship between all of its parameters
2) violation of the balance across multiple adjustments
3) is not optimal because the methods used in the preparation of the production program, does not allow you to select and lay it in the most efficient uses of resources, and combinations thereof
4) diversion of excessively large forces and resources for the development of the production program, which reduces the duration of its effect on production and economic activities of the company and its subsidiaries.
To address these shortcomings, the modern use of economic - mathematical methods and electronic computers [10].
The third section of "Guidelines for the development of the production program of the company" will develop recommendations on the formation of the production program of the enterprise. Under section will examine issues related to the formation and improvement of the production program based on a specific economic - mathematical model.
Note. At the time of writing this summary the master thesis was not yet completed. The deadline for completion is December 2012. Full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his advisor after that date.
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