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At the present time the issues are particularly acute operative provision of relevant spatial and legal information on the status of land users. The volume of the collected, processed and disseminated by the cartographic and textual information is gradually increasing. As a result, stands in front of potential users is difficult solvable problem of finding the necessary information.

1. Actuality of theme

Currently, authorities in the management of land use to exchange information filesIN4, progressing to the format of XML. However, the transition from one format to another does not solve the problem effectively. In exchange files still contained some errors, which concern both semantic information and spatial. The organization and content of the base of land and inventory data is a priority across the industry, which certainly must be addressed.

2. Purpose and objectives of the study, expected results

The purpose of research - to identify gaps in information, formalizing the exchange of files to install a set of data for the most efficient use.

Research tasks::

  1. identify the advantages and disadvantages of existing methods of entry to the exchange of inventory information file;
  2. perform a statistical study and handling of inventory information;
  3. identify errors in the XML-files;
  4. create a program file parsing XML;
  5. optimize the collection of data that are recorded in the file exchange.

The object is the exchange files of the land cadastre information the Russia Zlatoust village council in Volnovakha district Donetsk region.

Scope of the work - the land-cadastral information stored in the exchange files.

3. Review of Research and Development

3.1 Overview of international sources

On the world stage are a lot of legally complete automated accounting systems andland management and real estate. Among the countries in which the process of standardization and the introduction of a common information technology architecture has been implemented more comprehensively, thus enabling the full optimization activities in the provision of electronic services at the state and municipal level, are:

3.2 Overview of national sources

Significant contribution to the field of cadastre in Ukraine and its automation are our scientists have made a M.G.Lihogrud (Automated System of the State Land Cadastre of Ukraine (the creation concept), The database structure of automated system of land registry)) U.V. Palekh, L.N.Perovich, R.M.Rudoy, E.S.Seredinin, M.G.Stupen, A.N.Tretyak, M.D.Cheremshinsky (The evolution of cadastral systems in the world and cadastral reform in Ukraine ), L. Shafranska (Cadastral systems: their future under globalization ) and others.

In Ukraine, the transition from paper technology was delayed for a long time. Thus, to improve the procedure and resolve issues to create an automated system of the state land cadastre (hereinafter - AS SLC) in 2003 as the format of the information about the land was passed a file IN4. However, after seven years (2010) proposed a different format for a more complete XML. These innovations have significantly increased the routine work in enterprises, which could not affect the existing state of the AS SLC.

To date, both in Ukraine and abroad, the main difficulty of the implementation of projects in the field of electronic services at the state level, as well as similar local projects at a time when significant efforts are required to integrate data and applications, is not applying the or other specific technologies, and in organizing the process of adopting appropriate standards and harmonization of information technology architectures of various organizations and agencies.

It should be noted that at the present time in Ukraine, there are many developments that provide software maintenance of the SLC. Among them are the ASLC Donbass 2000 (Donetsk), GIS 6 (Kirovograd), GIS TEREN-REGISTER (Poltava, Zhytomyr, Lviv) and others [2].

At the enterprises to create and exchange files with AutoCad is used to convert the suspended features, Delta Digitals, GIS 6, manager exchange files and others.

An important difference in the formation of the cadastral system of Ukraine from other countries is parallel development of cadastre system and its maintenance in an automated way, which leads to a significant number of errors and shortcomings of the legal and institutional arrangements. Thus, as is currently necessary to direct all efforts to solve the problem of quality and organization of the inventory in the AS SLC. This requires that the following conditions:

Thus, we can conclude that in Ukraine at this stage there is no centralized legislative and continuity, which leads to wasted time and money, but does not address the issues of quality management of inventory.

Ukraine does not stand apart from the processes that take place in the world. So, now the legislative and regulatory framework to create and maintain inventory in Ukraine include:

In order to establish the legal, institutional framework and Pripet activities in the State Land Cadastre Act of Ukraine On State Land Cadastre from 07.07.2011 № 3613-VI. The law came into force on January 1, 2012.

3.3 Overview of local sources

Among the literature on the local level (based on faculty, graduate students and undergraduates DonNTU) should be made of D.U. Gavrilenko (The rationale and study information and topological models for spatial objects cadastre systems), E.A.Germonova Improving thetechnology of creating and editing index and cadastral maps) E.V.Kiyashko (Investigation and analysis of land information in the database ) and others.

4 The concept of file sharing in Ukraine

The exchange file XML, in accordance with the Decree of the State Committee of 02.11.2009 № 573 are formed with a view to the data to the Land of the book and the book records the registration of acts of state ownership of land and the right of permanent use of land, land leases, which are maintained in electronic form , and define a set of basic lexical and syntactic rules for constructing the exchange of files.

File Exchange - an electronic document standard format for information exchange, which is used in the management of the Land of the book and the book records the registration of acts of state ownership of land and the right of permanent land use, land lease agreements in electronic form, the state land cadastre and topographic implementation - surveying, land development works from [3].

The content of the exchange file is based on the information contained in paper documents, drawn up by the performers work. The information entered in the exchange file is shown in Fig. 1.

Data exchange file

Figure 1 - Data exchange file

The basic elements of the formation of the exchange file is geodetic data(coordinates of the turning points of the limits of land cadastral units), which provide the spatial basis of other data exchange file and the possibility of their use in the automated system of the state land cadastre (hereinafter - AS SLC).

The exchange file is created in the form of XML - file encoded in Unicode (UTF-8).

The structure of the exchange file consists of two parts: service and information (Fig. 2).

Structure of the exchange file

Figure 2 - Structure of the exchange file

The Additional Part is used to generate and share informationon the details of the exchange file and executor. The Service section consists of:the exchange of information on file, information about persons who have formed, to validate (correction) of the data exchange file. The structure of the complex type Information about exchange file and Information about the artist works can be found in Tables 1-2, respectively.

Table 1 - Structure of the complex type Information about exchange file [4].

Table 2 - Structure of the complex type Information about the artist works

The information part (InfoPart) is used to exchange information on land-cadastral units, territorial areas and their metric information. The information part consists of the following elements: the metric information exchange file; territorial zone; cadastral zone. Cadastral Zone consists of cadastral districts, which, in turn, consist of land [5].

In this section, special attention should be paid to the complex type coordinates of nodes polygon cadastral unit and boundary object (Tables 3-4).

Making information about the coordinates of nodes polygon cadastral unit is shown in scheme 1. This element identifies all the points with measured coordinates.

Making information about the coordinates of nodes polygon

Scheme 1 – Making information about the coordinates of nodes polygon

Table 3 - Structure of the complex type Coordinates of nodes polygon cadastral unit

Table 4 - Structure of a complex type of Object boundary

An entry on the border of the object above scheme 2.

An entry on the border of the object

Scheme 2 – An entry on the border of the object

Description of polylines and lines indicated in MetricInfo / Polyline with a ULID Boundary should point to the appropriate ULID in MetricInfo / Polyline. If the polyline/ line in the Boundary should be in the reverse direction that FP and TP should point to the latter and, accordingly, the first node of a polyline / line. Symptom Closed polygon must point to a true to all area objects or false for linear objects.

5. Information and analytical systems for design and analysis of the exchange files

To process the inventory data are used as proprietar (Mapinfo, ArcGIS, etc.), and open GIS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System, Quantum GIS, etc.). When comparing them you can see a significant difference between the price of licenses for commercial and open source software. However, be aware that the total cost of production and possession of open source software, however, is not zero. Whatever type of software, the price should include costs for installation, technical support, training and other related expenses. The benefits of open GIS other than price, are also included greater independence from the developer, the very model of development, ease of introduction of innovations. Among the current problems of public release of their lack of GIS functionality and performance, the complexity of licensing, support and reliability as a whole, as well as the embeddable in technological processes [6].

For the analysis of XML-files used by a number of software products, the possibilities which can be found in Table 5.

Table 5 - Applications for XML Parsing

At the enterprises to create exchange files and conversion is used, fitted with AutoCad functions, Delta Digitals, GIS 6, Manager of exchange files and others.

6. Analysis of land-cadastral information

At the beginning of all the files have been checked for validity.

Initial analysis of the initial information is made in the File Manager exchange.Performing the analysis is carried out simply enough (Tools - Check). With this software you can convert files to XML format, IN4, and conversely [7]. Catalogue of the analysis is shown in Figure 3, the identified errors are described in Table 6.

Catalog of analysis <q>Manager of exchange files</q>

Figure 3 - Catalog of analysis Manager of exchange files

Table 6 - Errors in exchange files checking in the Manager of exchange files

Identification of errors relate only to format values (an invalid value, the failure limit) and are defined in the case where the field is empty. Therefore, the decision was made later create your own software product that performs the parsing of XML files (parsing, which automatically made the parser) [8]. In our case, we propose the implementation of parsing through established programs in the environment of Delphi Parsing (Fig. 4).

The main form of the <q>Parsing</q>

Figure 4 - The main form of the Parsing

With this program you can:

  1. create a database (including adding and deleting records);
  2. editing data in the database (available functions: cut, copy, paste, select all, rewind, delete);
  3. the performance of sorting the data in the database (sorting is possible on the cadastral number, identification code, the full name, passport data, area, perimeter);
  4. implementation of the filter (search for a given parameter);
  5. calculation of the total area and total perimeter of the base stations;
  6. queries in the language of SQL;
  7. the verification of the data for errors;
  8. graphical rendering the file.

With graphics rendering is performed check area of the site through its conversion analytically by the formula:

In the form of graphs can open the file exchange in AutoCad, export data to a format GBD, a catalog of coordinates (Fig. 5)

Form of graphics

Figure 5 - Form of graphics

Form validation is shown in Fig. 6, detected errors are described in Table 7.

The form validation error in the <q>Parsing</q>

Figure 6 - The form validation error in the Parsing

Table 7 - Errors in exchange files detected by the program Parsing

On Fig. 7 shows the distribution of errors in the passport number and series, shown on Fig. 8 - distribution of errors in a residence of the owner.

Distribution of errors errors in the passport number and series

Figure 7 - Distribution of errors errors in the passport number and series

Distribution of errors in a residence of the owner

Figure 8 - Distribution of errors in a residence of the owner

The analysis revealed that frequently exchange files do not fill line on the passport data of land owners (including passport number and series, issue date, the address of residence).


According to the author to optimize the data set, data entered in the XML-file and reduce its size should be:

In the future we plan to evaluate graphical errors in the formation of exchange files using software MapObject.

Master's thesis is still under development, so the article reflects the state of research at the moment. Completing the plan in December 2012 for more information about the final results can apply to the scientific adviser
Andrey Sholomitskij


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