Total rock from the mine to the surface is issued skip into a hopper, which is located at pithead skip shaft. Then, through a distribution hopper enters the crushing and screening unit, where rock mass is distributed in coal and rock. Issued on the surface of the rock goes to the dump.
Breed complex belong to the technological objects of the mine with a low level of automation. At this object is often used ineffective manual control, which leads to substantial material losses, and does not exclude the presence of emergencies. Therefore, increasing the level of automation of the complex breed is an urgent task.
1. Theme urgency
The problem of transportation of rocks in the rock dump is complex, the effectiveness of which mostly depends on the level of applied technical solutions.
Necessary as to pay attention to the above does not take into account the control mass measurement the rock in the trolley when unloading hopper. Control of this parameter will reduce the dynamic loads on the electric motor winches will ensure even distribution of rock masses in the goaf quarries, areas caving, gorges, gullies, etc. downwind of settlements and industrial areas in order to reduce damage to the environment.
Decide these problems is possible with the development of the automatic control bunker-transport chain to the surface of the mine.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The purpose this work is to improving the efficiency of complex breed mine through the rational justification of the parameters and the structure of the automatic control bunker-transport chain of the mine.
To achieve this purpose it is necessary to solve the following problems:
- Analysis of the transportation of rock surface as a complex process automation object.
- Critical analysis of existing solutions.
- Development circuit engineering solutions of the automatic control bunker-transport chain of the mine.
3. Results
During the analysis of the object was made a block diagram of the automatic control bunker-transport chain surface of the mine, which is shown in Figure 3.1

Figure 3.1 – The block diagram of the automatic control bunker-transport chain of the mine
According to the block diagram of the automatic control bunker-transport chain of the mine developed the automatic loading and transport wagons, the block diagram is shown in Figure 3.2

Figure 3.2 – The block diagram of the automatic loading and transport wagons
This device functions as follows: the information from the monitoring equipment of rock (AKGM), presence sensors on the loading wagons (DSWLW) and unloading (DSWUW) platforms, through matching block of discrete signals (BMDS), and the information from the device control loading wagons (DLCW) a matching block of analog signals (BMAD) enters to the microcontroller (MC). In the MC processes information received and generated control action. Information about the current state of processes object is passed through the block transmission of information (ITU) to the console mountain Manager (CMM). In the case of reaching the top level in the bunker off the conveyor equipped with a control unit apparatus AUK-3 and DSWLW queried: if wagon is not in loading platform, then through the starter apparatus winch drive (SW) is included winch and delivers a wagon to the loading platform, then a signal to the starting devices bunker gate drive (SB) gate valve is opened and the wagon fills up until DLCW will not give out a signal that reached set point weight. Then, SB is served a signal to close the bunker. Turns winch and wagon picks up on the dump. In order to not drive wagon unloading place at the end of lifting is established DSWUW, which, when triggered, will be evidence of the arrival of wagons. This process can be controlled directly from the control panel (CP), or remotely using the remote controller (CMM).
Thus, the proposed device can significantly increase the level of automation objects involved in the transportation of rocks on the dump, to provide control of the rock mass to be loaded into the wagon, which allows stabilizing efforts on the drive motor and the hoisting rope. This reduces power inputs on transportation, distribution uniformity of rock on the dump and reduce the probability of accidents.
New in the proposed system is the availability of automatic measurement of the mass of the rock in the wagon when unloading bunker. Measuring the mass of rocks in wagons will reduce the dynamic burden on electric winch (as when above the threshold loading wagons there is an increased burden on the lifting system, which leads to excessive consumption of electricity to excessive economic costs in the event failure of the elements that are part of winch).
The principle of operation of the automated system is to minimize the human factor on loading and transportation workto accelerate the loading process, to increase the accuracy of the weight of the transported rocks and exercise it counts.
work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.
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