- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. The results
- Conclusion
- References
The basic process in mine – process of coal mining. So it requires a lot of research and development aimed at the control and management of the process. Sewage treatment works - a collection of work in underground mines, which are necessary for the extraction of coal.
Shearer is as a device performing the direct extraction of the rock mass. It requires a lot of attention in terms of automation and continuous improvement.
In today's market there is a trend of the coal industry to improve the quality of extracted rock and minimizing costs. This in turn creates a need for upgrading existing wastewater treatment systems, the creation of various automation systems manage the basic processes of sewage treatment works. To manage all of these processes is necessary to make the collection, control and management of the basic parameters of these processes.
1. Theme urgency
Monitoring existing parameters leads to further control the basic functions of cleaning work, and in the subsequent work of the mine site without man. Mine coal production is a promising and productive for automation. This is connected to the fact that coal production reduces human labor to a minimum and virtually eliminates it.
In addition, the actual problem is to improve the quality of extracted rock. As is known, to date the produced at coal mines in Ukraine is characterized by significant ash content. This reduces energy parameters extracted coal and thereby removes the need enrichment. Actual task - is the development equipment, which may increase the economic effect of mass production of coal, namely, to increase the proportion of coal in it.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The main purpose of this research is to enhance effectiveness of cleaning machines (harvester) through the establishment of an automated system for the collection of basic technological parameters of the shearer, and based on this, implementation control actions on the components of of the mining machine.
3. The results
The developed system involves two modes of operation:
1) "Automatic control" – This mode provides automatic sensors installed on the shearer, data on the prepared device, and automatically issue commands on regulators;
2) "Remote Control" – This mode provides automatic the sensors installed on the shearer, transmission and processing of data, and the issuance of the visual state of the object, as well as in the event of an emergency condition, the supply of warning and alarm sound and light alarm.
Model was developed in an environment Matlab, which simulates the operation of the imposition whole supply system of the shearer with the drive circuit of asynchronous motor with squirrel–cage rotor.

Figure 1 – MSS model combine with frequency converter
Thus, as a result of the work was done designing complex control and management of the system of mining operations. For a device which is the subject of automation shearer, demands were made, describes the main functions that it performs as well as existing solutions for its automation, their advantages and disadvantages.
The main purpose of this research is develop a system of automation, which is able to increase the efficiency of sewage treatment works and minimize the costs of their implementation and maintenance.
In writing this essay master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: January 2013. Full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his scientific adviser after that date.
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