- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. Problems of technological society
- Conclusion
- References
XXI century has set to mankind a number of problems that require urgent solution until the border of permissible, valid and justified is not exceeded. Bioethics is an interdisciplinary field, in which attention is paid both to medical and ethical problems and to correlation of religious norms and biomedical technologies. It should be noticed that religion, as a centuries-old and authoritative social institute is a restraining factor on the way of human’s life changing, what causes theme urgency
1. Theme urgency
The development of technology, including biomedical, causes a new type of thinking, rethinking the role and place of man in the world and the changes in the attitude to a man, as a person and the physical object, the crisis of morality.
Nowadays there a lot of challenges, attracting the attention of scientists, philosophers and Church. Identifying trends and forecasts in this field may help to avoid the adverse effect of human activity and irreversible changes, including changes of human nature.
This problem is not as urgent for Ukraine, as for USA and Europe. That facts points at the scientific novelty of the master's work.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The purpose of this research is to identify and define the bioethical problems of technological society, as well as find the definition of technological society and trace the correlation of these problems with the position of the various denominations.
- Following tasks will help to achieve this goal:
- analyzing theoretical sources dedicated to the problems of bioethics;
- studying of historical development of bioethical challenges;
- highlighting the byproducts of progress in moral and social spheres;
- considering religious views on the problems of bioethics, the position of the various denominations.
Research object: bioethical problems of modern society.
Research subject: understanding of these problems from the position of religion and philosophy.
3. Problems of technological society
As it was mentioned above, XXI century has set to mankind, a number of urgent issues concerning the future of civilization.
Scientific and technical progress has its positive and negative sides, like any phenomenon. On the one hand, we can observe the positive changes that technologies bring into our lives. Free access to information, industrial automation and medical technologies that may help to save the lives even of those patients who 10 years ago were considered hopeless. But at the same time, it’s impossible to ignore the fact that, there is fafine line between the permissible and the forbidden, between necessary and excessive.
The desire to enjoy the fruits of progress is combined with the denial of the inevitable negative effects.
One of the threats of the day is the leveling of the role of the person, the transition from the human civilization to civilization of machines, building technocratic society in which a person is regarded as an appendage to the machine. So, changes the attitude to human beings and human nature. In the light of the development of biomedical technologies, such as transplantation, the person also loses its original value. The priorities of doctors are changing too.
Human evolution continues. Today's man is not homo sapiens. Today's man - is homo technicus.
Position of the Church is important today, and religious precepts are important too. After all, we need moral imperatives, which may be taken just from the heritage of world religions.
Every religious system is aimed, first of all, to regulate the social sphere. But not always the voice of the Church is heard in a secularized world. But religion (along with the law) continues to be a kind of deterrent to progress and change the person. It is the role of the Church in today's world and its influence on human activity, will be considered in this Master's work.
The study of bioethical problems and its relation with religious norms and regulations at the present time and level of development of science and technology is one of the most prospective directions.
Looking at the bioethical problems through the prism of religion and defining the role of the Church in the modern world, will help to determine further vector of spiritual development of mankind and to discover the ethical foundation that can help to resist new challenges of the future.
This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2013. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.
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