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Submitted report allows to estimate informational situation on the topic of master's work. It is the main documentary evidence of the depth and completeness of information retrieval and also helps to fix the current situation in study area.
Search has been performed using four search engines (Google, Yandex, Bing, Meta). The results are summarized in the table. In total 15 requests related to the topic of the master's work have been made. Among them three requests match the name of the master's work in three languages, three requests with name of the superviser and nine requests with the key concepts on the topic of master's work.
Below there are two tables with the search reports, which have been made with two months difference in time, and also several charts that allow us to compare the major changes that have occurred over this period.
Search report for 20.03.2013
Search report for 25.05.2013
Results analysis
Comparing the results of queries in different search engines, we can conclude that the best results were shown by the search engine
Google, which in only 4 of the 15 cases conceded to other search engines. In all cases it has been found sufficient number of documents
in all languages.
In the search engine Bing, in many cases it hasn't been found sufficient documents in comparison with other search engines,
but for some queries the system has given very good results.
Comparing and analyzing the results of the search reports, which have been made with two months difference in time,
it should be noted that for most search queries the number of found pages has decreased. Percentage of change for each query in different languages is shown in the diagrams below.
From the charts we can make the following conclusions: In general, for search queries the number of found pages has decreased, the maximum reduction in of search results reaches 77.4%, for some queries, the number of found pages hasn't changed, the maximum increase of search results reaches 98.7%, ie the number of found pages has increased by almost twice. This result has been shown by search engine Bing on the query with the name of the topic of the master's work, but, unfortunately, this is the only case of such growth. For similar queries in English the same search engine Bing has showed a good result with an increase of 64.4%, but in Russian amount of information has decreased significantly. It should be noted that the largest increase in the results for all search engines in three languages we can notice on the query with the name of the topic of the master's work. Average growth of search results is 26.86% (this value does not reflect the trend for single fairly large values listed above), and the reduction - 19.86%.