- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. The purpose and objectives
- 3. Subject, object and methods
- 4. Scientific novelty and practical value
- 5. The organization of the vocational training business
- 6. Features of use of modern methods of training
- Conclusion
- References
The modern face of rapid scientific and technological progress and constant innovations in industrial production professional knowledge and skills of staff quickly lose their value. To ensure a high level of competitiveness must be permanent, systematic and staff development in order to update and expand professional knowledge workers. Vocational training, as part of the professional development of staff is one of the most important activities of personnel management and the main factor in the success of the enterprise. In this case, the practice of leading companies suggests that investing in staff development plays a greater role than investing in the renewal of technical and technological base of production.
1. Theme urgency
To effectively solve the production problems that require suitable for people who need to develop as professionals and as individuals. Development of staff should be at the forefront of the HR strategy, which requires:
- able to support the training of workers;
- dissemination of knowledge and best practices;
- training of young skilled workers;
- awareness of the importance of the management staff of employees;
- reduction in staff turnover.
Successful companies create special methods and management system of professional development, preparation of reserve managers, career development. In large corporations, there are special departments of Professional Development, led by experts in the field who have extensive experience in the development of human resources. The importance of this process is indicated by the fact that the purpose of professional development are included in private plans (which performance depends on the amount of remuneration) senior executives, vice presidents, heads of national companies[1].
Leading organizations spend on professional development of its staff heavily – from 2 to 10% of payroll. These costs are the investment companies in the development of its employees, from which it expects to return in the form of increased productivity.
Addition to the direct impact on the company's financial results, investment in professional development contribute to the creation of a favorable climate in the team, improve employee motivation and loyalty to the company, ensuring continuity in management. Professional development has a positive impact on the employees themselves. Increasing the skills and acquiring new skills and knowledge, they become more competitive in the labor market and to gain additional opportunities for professional growth within the company, and outside of it. This is particularly important in the current context of rapid obsolescence of professional knowledge[2].
2. The purpose and objectives
The aim of the research is to study the current approaches to the organization of vocational training and the development of recommendations to improve the system of vocational training in industrial enterprises of Ukraine with the new requirements of the market.
n accordance with the intended purpose of the work identifies the following problems:
- study of the essence of the system of vocational education and innovative approaches to its organization;
- study features the introduction of modern and innovative methods of teaching personnel of industrial enterprises;
- improvement of the system of personnel development of industrial enterprises using non – traditional teaching methods;
- formation of the program and budget of training workers on the basis of non – conventional methods of development;
- evaluate the social and economic effectiveness of training their personnel.
3. Subject, object and methods
The subject of the study is the system vocational training industry, especially its organization and performance evaluation.
Research object is the modern non – traditional methods of teaching staff.
Methods – Economics and Statistics analysis, and synthesis, comparison method, system approach, and forecasting.
4. Scientific novelty and practical value
The scientific novelty of this research is to analyze and synthesize features the use of modern methods of vocational training in enterprises, and the development of approaches to the introduction of employee training through the introduction of non – traditional methods.
Practical value of the work is proposed and justified methodological recommendations on the organization of training in the use of enterprise non – traditional methods, the formation of the content of training programs, budget learning, and assessment criteria of its effectiveness.
5. The organization of the vocational training business
Vocational training as a form of Professional Development – is a process of direct assimilation of new skills or knowledge worker organization. professional Training covers the new members of the organization in order to accelerate their adaptation as well as workers who must have new responsibilities, and in this If it comes to professional development.
The need for training is usually explained in the following cases[3]:
- in the selection of candidates for the job;
- when applying for a new job;
- in the process of certification of employees of the organization.
main areas of vocational training is considered:
- Initial training in according to the organization's goals, task division and the specifics of the employee.
- Education to eliminate the inconsistency between the position and the personal qualities of the employee.
- Education to improve qualifications of the employee.
- Education for work on the new directions of the organization.
- Training for new techniques and methods for performing work operations.
In order to adequately determine the training needs of every aspect of this process should be clearly aware of the factors affecting the development needs[4]:
- dynamics of the external environment of the organization;
- development of techniques and technologies;
- change strategies for the development of the organization;
- the creation of new organizational structures;
- development of new activities.
Based on its analysis of the training needs of personnel service should form the specific objectives for each program of study. These goals must meet the following requirements: be specific, focused on the acquisition of practical skills, be measurable.
Evaluation criteria of vocational training should be established before the start of training, and should be treated as a train workers, and to those who guide the learning process.
When training methods, you should follow the principles of adult learning:
- urgency, that is the information and the materials used in the teaching process should have a direct connection to the professional activities of workers as adults, as a rule, do not take the abstract themes.
- participation of employees engaged in the learning process and the direct use of new knowledge and skills into practice.
- Repeat, ie in the learning process it is advisable to use techniques that help to consolidate new knowledge and skills in human memory, and sometimes even become a habit.
- Feedback (in training need to constantly provide information about how an employee has moved forward).
6. Features of use of modern methods of training
In today's rapidly changing market environment, companies can succeed only if they manage to raise their methods of work to a new level. Large organizations in the West spend on these targets to 10% of payroll. These funds are not seen as forced extra cost but as an investment that in the future, promise considerable profit. Because of the important characteristics of culture are the level of education of staff, professionalism and ability to work in a team, the training and retraining of staff of strategic importance [5].
Most modern methods of training, which is currently just beginning to be used in Ukraine, first appeared in the West, and therefore for the successful implementation of various methods of Ukrainian specialists adopt experience of the western colleagues, adapting technology to meet the requirements of the national market. Such methods include: modular training, distance learning, mentoring, learning by doing, learning by working groups, the metaphorical game, the training method "shadowing", teaching method "secondment", teaching method "buddying"[6].
Modular training. For effective training program can use a modular approach. Module – a separate, independent part of a system. For example, in the training module is a complete piece of sessions aimed at solving a particular business problem or develop the necessary skills. The module is clearly defined learning objectives, tasks and levels of learning the material, defined skills. The modules use a variety of learning tools. They ensure the active participation of students who assimilate information in action, and actively work with the material[7].
This form allows you to create a training program of individual clusters to achieve the desired result. The course usually includes about three modules. In this case, a separate module can be both a theoretical unit, and practical work, and final projects. Thematic modules can be any number. It all depends on how much time you need to develop the skills and knowledge for a given material.
Distance learning. Distance learning has been widely used in the practice of large companies. This form of training involves the use of telecommunication technologies which allow staff to train in the distance. Through distance learning students can organize their own activities, choosing a convenient time.
The scheme of distance education is as follows: the student chooses a topic of interest to him, and pre – tested. Under this test concludes the current level of knowledge. Next sent to trial lesson that needs to be done. After performing a number of lessons on one topic, the student writes the control test. Depending on the results will be sent to the repetition of exercises threads or tasks of the new theme. This form requires a good technical equipment and competent study materials for training and monitoring procedures [8].
Mentoring. Mentoring plays a significant role in the development of the company's staff. Currently, a mentoring system is used and applied in learning how to line employees and managers of companies. This method significantly affects, on the one hand, the success of adapting those who have been accepted into the company recently, on the other hand – developing managerial organizational skills mentor.
As a rule, a mentor is assigned one or two wards. The challenges facing the mentor: teach the basic techniques of the wards, to help in the development of manufacturing procedures; monitor the ongoing result of the work, to help in solving actual problems.
Education action. Recently, one of the promising areas of modern management has been the direction of formation of the "Learning Organization". Along with him came and technology education – action learning – «learning by doing". The teaching method allows the most efficient action to solve organizational problems encountered, develop the structure and dynamics of organizational change. Action learning technology is one of the most popular and effective ways of training managers on the job everyday work [9].
The method is widely used in organizations throughout the world. The duration of one cycle of 3 to 12 months. Members of one group number, usually not more than six employees. The frequency of meetings can vary from three times a week for two hours to two days of workshops at the weekend. The basis of "learning by doing" is a group of managers, key employees, each of which solves its task. This approach used a combination of regular analysis of the situation and setting goals, thinking through the steps to achieve them with periods of real action, the implementation of planned steps. Participants work on real problems, not the exercise or artificial situations. The main objective action learning – to bridge the gap between what the "talk" in the organization, and the fact that it "do".
Education in the working groups. In work situations where it is necessary to find solutions to the production situation, a method of forming working groups. This method is widely used in Japan and Germany, the less popular he bought in the U.S. and Europe.
Maximum working group should reach 9 people. Participants in the group may be experts at all levels: from linear to an employee senior manager. The specialists put certain tasks that they need to solve for a specific period of time. In a production company of choosing a responsible, which determines the number of members, organizes meetings, minutes and records of the final decision of the group. The group, in turn, develops an algorithm for effective action to solve this problem, and also determines the timing of its implementation. For more efficient operation of the task group members better pre – teach the methodology and analytical methods for solving the problem.
Unlike the method of "learning by doing" is that the working group shall make its decisions only in the form of steps to achieve goals. Proposal formulated by the participants referred to the management of the company. The company's management may take into account the decision of the group or reject their offer [10].
Metaphorical game. This form of organization of the active work of the participants, aimed at developing new forms of activities and changes in the behavior of plants. The main objective of the metaphorical game – to find a new way to solve the situation. The uniqueness of this method lies in the fact that the solutions to the business situation is taken metaphor.
For example, we need to find new approaches counter rivals. For this task, we can use a metaphorical game of "Bride price". Participants are immersed in a situation where the bride must make a choice from several suitors. To ensure that every bride could win, it is preparing a "support group". The objectives of the "support group" includes the study of the competition, the development of an optimal strategy for the conquest of the bride. The task of suitors – to apply this strategy in order to obtain the favor of the bride. At the end of the game held its analysis in order to identify effective models of behavior and transfer them to a work situation. The use of this form of learning helps activate the creative ability of the participants, makes it possible to take another look at the situation of competition and change the stereotypes.
Metaphorical game can be used and applied to any problem situation. At its core may lie tales, parables, legends, transmission problems in the relationship business situations.
Education method Shadowing. This learning method is actively used in the West, namely in the UK (it is actively used 71% of UK companies). The literal translation of the term – "being a shadow." Use this form of learning can be for all levels of staff.
The scheme of work is very simple. For example, a young employee in the office decided to raise to the level of a line manager. The company provides him with the opportunity for about two days (at least) to stay "shadow" of the current leader. In the role of "shadow" a staff member observes and records the points for the entire running time. Thus, the employee becomes a witness to the "two days in the life of a manager," obtains information about which features are at their chosen career, what knowledge and skills he lacks, what problems he has to solve. When the work is carried out with the employee additional interviews about the conclusions which he has made for himself [11].
This method can be used if necessary to retrain for another profession. This form of training can also be used in the adaptation of new employees. For example, within two days of such employee becomes a "shadow" of a successful professional and immersed in the study of the operation. Applying shadoiwng can improve integration within the company and to increase coherence between experts of various units.
Education method Secondment. This method is also widely used in British companies. The literal translation of the term secondment – "secondment." This form is a type of staff rotation in which the employee "seconded" to another job (in another department, division or unit) at a time, and then he returns to his former duties. Especially welcome of this method with a flat structure where workers are limited opportunities for advancement and as a consequence they develop additional skills. Temporary movement of workers can be a short (about 100 hours of operation) and longer (up to year) [12].
Secondment – a method of staff development, in which employees learn new skills and acquire new knowledge. Let's look at a real example of using this method.
Education by Buddying. This is an interesting and rather unusual form of education, because in English the word "buddy" translated as buddy, pal. In the case of corporate training term "buddying" is used as a partner. The method consists in the fact that for the specialist assigned "buddy", partner. Its mission – to provide regular feedback on the actions and decisions of the employee for whom it is attached. Sometimes it's useful to look at their actions and reactions on the part of, "buddy" provides the opportunity [13].
Buddying method is based on the provision of information or objective and honest feedback when performing tasks primarily related to the development of new skills, secondarily related to the implementation of current professional responsibilities. From mentoring or coaching buddying distinguished by the fact that its members are absolutely equal. In this form, there is no work "senior" and "junior", mentor and ward, a coach and "kouchuemogo" student and trainee. You can provide feedback after meetings, planning meetings, discussions, telephone conversations. Before proceeding to this method must train employees to give objective feedback, draw conclusions and competently to provide information. Attention is drawn to the fact that the system requires constant monitoring by the service personnel.
Comparative characteristics and advantages of the use of modern methods of training are shown in [14].
At the moment, companies in Ukraine under utilized in the practice modern methods of training. Figure 1 presents statistics describing the prevalence of non – traditional methods of training of domestic and foreign companies. The data indicate the need to implement measures to increase the use of innovative approaches in vocational training in enterprises of Ukraine[15].

Figure 1 – Usage of modern teaching methods in national and international companies
The study proved the need for wider use of non – traditional forms of training. Proven benefits and the prevalence of use of these methods in practice, leading Western companies are proof of their effectiveness.
At a time when key indicators of the company's success are the level of education and professionalism of the staff, the strategic importance placed on training and retraining, we founded the modern methods of instruction. Methods of training are varied and always focused on the development of professional knowledge and skills of employees in accordance with the strategic goals of the company. With the right choice of methods for training professional development should involve two aspects: the effective use of the potential employee and maintaining a positive attitude to work. The process of upgrading the knowledge and skills should be permanent, so the main principle of an effective system of training must be a constant adjustment and adaptation of the methods used
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