- Introduction
- 1. Revelevance of topics
- 2. The purpose and objectives of the research, the expected results
- 3. Overview of Research and Development
- 4. Needs
- 5. Udovletvvorenie needs
- 5.1 Focusing on the production or the consumer?
- 5.2 Customer satisfaction and loyalty
- 6. Characteristics hardware market
- References
Each person is faced with the consumption of goods and services every day. He constantly interacts with the services and products offered by us to the modern market. During the consumption of the person estimates offered him good, basically think of them he develops after consuming either directly through consumption.
1. Revelevance of topics
Current economic conditions are objectively alter the relationship between the producer and the consumer. These changes are related to the necessity, might be more efficient and faster if it were based on experience and knowledge. However, neither the one nor the other, our market practice does not yet have. It is therefore very important to study the laws of the interaction of producers and consumers in meeting the needs of the latter.
2. Purpose and objectives of the study
The purpose of this paper is to investigate ways of customer satisfaction during the formation of market relations in Ukraine.
3. Overviev of research and development
The book N.Hill, B.Self, G.Roshe Measuring customer satisfaction is ISO 9000:2000
describes what is necessary to measure customer satisfaction, the technique of measuring customer satisfaction according to the standard ISO 9001 [1].
One of the most famous theories belongs to Abraham Maslow (1943), who proposed the idea of a hierarchy of human needs. Maslow divides needs to lower physiological motives (thirst and so on.), Security needs (housing), affective needs (love) and the needs of the highest order – in self-esteem and self-expression (in fact, it is the human need to express the best that is in him is) [2].
S. Funkner in his article The Fundamentals of needs
describes that human needs can be conditionally divided into three categories – lower (animal), major (physical and social) and higher (spiritual) [3].
David McClelland in his work describes a different model of motivation, focuses on the needs of the higher levels. He believed that people are inherent three needs: power, success and involvement [4].
Igor mustache in the publication describes a situation in which today is the domestic market of metal products [5].
Ilyin in the article The screws are marketing
writes about the situation in the Ukrainian hardware market by the example of the plant Dneprometiz
4. Needs
The need is the inner state of psychological or physiological sensations failure of something. For basic needs are mainly physiological needs (the need for food, drink, warmth), as well as the psychological needs of belonging, belonging to a community or group of people. Many people seem to have a need for power and influence, but it may not be apparent for a long time, until they are satisfied with their basic needs. If they are not met, people will tend unconsciously to their satisfaction.
An illustrative example of behavior that is defined by the desire to meet the demand – is the behavior of class clown
. All his jokes and antics – is blatant plea for the public recognition and acceptance. Although the behavior of the class clown
in conflict with the goals of the school, learning, and therefore considered to be non-productive, it meets the personal needs of a jester. A similar example – the behavior of the secretary or manager who provides confidential information to improve its relevance.
From a management perspective, this means that the organization should strive to create a situation in which the needs of the worker would lead to the realization of the goals of the organization. The leaders are always aware of the need to encourage peoaction to work for the organization. However, they believed that this relatively simple financial reward. But in most cases this is not true.
Researchers at the consumer and managers are faced with the problem that there is no universal or all at no known description of human motivation. There have been several attempts to comprehensively describe the power supply rails and behavior, and these typologies often coincide with each other, reflecting a general agreement on the status of some human motives.
One of the earliest and most famous in the world of theories of motivation is the model of the priorities of the individual needs of Maslow. While working on his theory of motivation in the 40-ies. XX century., Maslow, analyzing needs, determine the sequence of their occurrence (hierarchy). He identified five types of needs: physiological needs, the needs for safety, security, social needs, needs for respect and the need for self-expression.
The first two requirements are combined to form a group of the primary requirements, the latter three - a group of secondary requirements, as shown in Figure 1.
![Maslow's hierarchy of needs Maslow's hierarchy of needs](images/animatione.gif)
Meeting the needs of lower-order activates the next higher level of needs, requiring human behavior on other schemes.
In the planning and organization of the director determines that the concrete has to fulfill the organization, when, how and who, in his opinion, to do it. If the choice of these solutions is made effective, the head of WHO receives opportunity to coordinate the efforts of many individuals and collectively to realize potential opportunitiescial groups of workers. Unfortunately, managers often mistakenly believe that if a certain organizational structure, or some kind of activity had a work
on paper, they will also be good to work
in life. But this is not the case. Head to effectively move navstrechu goal is to coordinate the work and to force people to carry it. managers often referred to as the executive heads, because the main purpose of their work is to ensure the execution of the organization.
The leaders embody their decisions in the case, putting into practice the basic principles of motivation. In this context, i.e. the management, we can give the following definition:
Motivation – is the process of encouraging ourselves and others to work to achieve personal goals or objectives of the organization.
Although it is generally accepted that the basic assumptions implicit in the initial concepts of motivation, wrong, to understand them all as important. Although the leaders in remote times more misunderstood behavior, techniques that they used in those conditions were often very effective. Because these techniques worked
and used many hundreds of years, in contrast to a couple decades of the theories, the initial concept of motivation is deeply rooted in the culture. Many managers, especially those who do not have special training, still have a strong influence of these concepts.
Moreover, you may be tempted to apply the most simple and pragmatic approaches. But it is likely to be a mistake. People that are subordinate to the modern organizations are usually far more educated and provided than in the past. Therefore, their motivations work will be more complex and difficult to influence, if not to understand at least something in the nature of motivation [7].
Developed by Abraham Maslow's theory of human motivation can be applied to almost every aspect of individual and social life. According to Maslow, a good theory of motivation must include the following provisions.
The individual is an integrated, organized whole. Motivated the whole person, not just one part. When a person is hungry, he's hungry all he wants to eat, and not just his stomach.
Most of the desires and motivations of the individual interconnected. This may not be the case for some of the more basic needs such as hunger, but this is definitely the case for more complex needs, such as love.
Most of the previous studies came from the fact that the needs can be isolated and studied separately, in terms of means and ends. A more complete understanding of motivation requires more attention to the fundamental objectives than to the means of achieving them. When the study is carried out on a broad cross-cultural basis, it appears that the goals are much more versatile than the different ways to achieve them elected. While both these methods are very different in different races and cultures, the end goal remains identical.
Motivation comes from a number of people's basic needs peculiar to the human species, virtually unchanged, and genetic or instinctual in origin. This kind of position characterizes the fundamental theoretical position Maslow. Needs, according to Maslow, are not purely physiological, but also psychological. They form a true inner nature of each of the species man
, but they are weak, easily distorted and suppressed incorrect exhortation, habits or traditions.
This indicates Maslow's internal aspects of human nature that culture is only overwhelming, but it can not kill
. Such a point of view, of course, defies the ancient and sustainable conviction, shared by many, that the instincts are strong, immutable and bad. Maslow suggests the opposite: needs are easily ignored or suppressed, but they are not bad, but neutral or good
5. Meeting the needs
Meeting the needs of customers – the core of marketing and market economy. However, modern marketing is often criticized for the fact that he has turned the market mechanism rather creates needs than their satisfying. Such statements relate to the important critical issues that should not be ignored. They come in clear contradiction with the conclusions of the classical analysis of the priority of the consumer, which is the cornerstone of a market economy. It is impossible to justify the social role of companies to meet the needs if those needs have created themselves firm [9].
5.1 Focusing on the production or the consumer?
The need for marketing approach in the activities of any business is indisputable. The main stages of its development, to better understand the essence of the modern processes of exchange products and services.
Marketing of the past and the present century can be called the distribution system. At all times, measures were taken to promote the products, but in the center of marketing activities has been the belief that expanding demand will absorb the output. It was believed that the key to the success of any enterprise are the efficient production and sale of products at lower prices than the competition. Marketing, production-oriented
, was passive. Some businesses are represented on the market products that are practically not in demand, because when choosing a product for the production came from opportunities of the enterprise, without taking into account the real needs of the market.
The primary goal of most enterprises of the former USSR was the implementation of the production plan. As far as manufactured product meets the customer's needs, very few people thought. In the pharmaceutical business was particularly noticeable. Many will remember the half-empty pharmacy and often lack of essential drugs. The user in this case would remain as side was insignificant part in a system for the production of oriented.
Strategy leading foreign pharmaceutical manufacturers is to focus on the consumer. Today, many domestic companies tend to this form of control, despite the fact that it is very difficult in our emerging market. Among these manufacturers – Pharmaceutical Company
, Darnica
, Concern
, Styrol
and others.
At the time, the economic problems associated with the restructuring of our society, have caused a new policy in the sphere of economy – focus on sales. Manufactured products to sell, and if there is sufficient demand, then it should be created. To this end, became widely used by advertising, a means of promoting products and their labeling.
For the majority of the leaders of Russian businesses today focus on marketing – a guide to action, and marketing associated with the sales policy that is embodied in the organizational structure. Marketing departments at these companies have traditionally engaged in marketing and advertising. The question of consumer research neglected [10].
5.2 Customer satisfaction and loyalty
The small difference between a satisfied and completely satisfied consumer can destroy the company.
Loyalty (loyalty) – under the loyalty we mean this figuratively positive attitude of consumers in respect of anything related to the organization's activities, products and services produced, sold or rendered to the organization, to the staff of the company, the organization's image, brand name, logo, etc.
It is the presence of loyalty, that is, the favorable attitude of consumers to the company, product, and is the basis for stable sales. Which in turn is a strategic indicator of the success of the company.
Speaking of loyalty can also be assumed that can be called a loyal consumers who for a long time (compared with term functioning of the goods) remain with the company and thus make repeat purchases.
One of the foundations of loyalty is a positive experience that got the consumer in the purchase / consumption of this product or services. For example, if you are completely satisfied with the quality of shampoo Pantin
, when all the other fixed factors in the subsequent time you make your consumer choices with a high degree of probability is in favor of the brand. In turn, the choice of detergent, knowing that Procter & Gamble makes a good shampoo, your positive attitude and can be transferred to the cleaners of this company.
Consider how the influences loyalty (ie, the number of regular users among the total number of customers) profit organization. regular customers is mainly those who make repeat purchases of the same brand. Many experts consider this factor (making repeat purchases) as a key in the development of the company. Generally, the longer the user communicates with the company, the more valuable it is for her financially. Such consumers can be figuratively called long-term customers. They buy more, less, require attention in terms of service time and Serviced staff are less sensitive to price changes and help to attract new customers. What is most remarkable about them is the lack of so-called start-up costs at winning their loyalty. Long consumers are so valuable that in some areas the increase of long-term business consumers only 5% of the overall structure of customers increases profits by 100%.
It is clear that loyalty is based on a sense of satisfaction. Therefore, an important issue is how to measure the degree of customer satisfaction and product or service according to what is loyalty.
With the exception of some rare cases, completely satisfied customers are the key foundation to build loyalty and achieve long-term financial success. Managers simply misunderstood the difference between satisfied customers and completely satisfied customers. This is especially noticeable for companies operating in highly competitive industries. The dependence of the loyalty of their degree of satisfaction shown in the chart.
Even in markets with low competition complete customer satisfaction may be the only way to achieve customer loyalty. Critical is the organization's ability to allocate its target customer segment and provide products and services that fully meet their needs.
The quality of products or services is very often not the main reason for the low degree of customer satisfaction. Most often, organizations do not attract those consumers or are not able to return the consumer, after he acquired a negative experience from communication with the company. Therefore, we can speak of two types of customers: the right
or target, that is, those whose needs are the company should be able to meet with a positive financial result for himself and wrong
, that is, those needs which the company can not meet with a profit for themselves. The appearance of the structure of consumer misconceptions consumers – the result of poorly organized process to attract new and retain existing customers. The conclusion is as follows, respectively: quickly identify the wrong
customers and do not spend them human and financial resources of the organization.
Different degrees of satisfaction due to different causes and require different methods of improvement. There are four main components of the impact on customer satisfaction:
- The main features of the product or service that consumers expect from all of your competitors;
- The main product and service system to support it;
- The ability of the company to compensate the damage;
- The ability of the company to compensate the damage;
Although the results of the studies of consumer satisfaction is an important indicator that rely mainly on them can be fatal for the organization. This kind of study can provide useful information sea, but it is not sufficient to determine the organization's strategy or process innovation of new products. Therefore, companies should also use other methods of how to determine the needs of present and potential and former customers. Below are some tips on how to listen to their customers.
At the heart of any successful management strategy addressing the needs of doubt is the ability to listen to customers. Below are the five main approaches to the process of hearing the needs of customers:
The index of consumer satisfaction. Consumer Satisfaction Survey provides managers with an understanding of the situation, what is the attitude of the consumer to the company in general and the specific product in particular. Since this is a quantitative indicator lets you compare readings for different periods of time, between different departments and territories.
Feedback. Comments consumer complaints and questions. The company can not solve the problem if she does not know what exactly they are expressed. A thorough analysis of the feedback is very important to us.
Market research. Despite the fact that companies have traditionally invested enough in this area, they are often overlooked aspect of 2 hearings consumers. It is important to not only listen to those who have just become your customer, but also those who go away from you. The main questions: What are the main reasons prompted you to what you have decided to try to buy our products? and what is most influenced the decision to stop buying the products of our company? The interview process should be carried out by experienced personnel.
Staff working with consumers. (Frontline personnel) Employees who are directly in contact with consumers, can be very useful as a consumer audience. But to do that they need to be properly prepared, ie know how to do it and how to store and transmit information down the information channels of the company.
Strategic actions. Involving consumers in many aspects of their business. In particular, the development of software companies attract future consumers already at the stage of product development.
High quality products and related services that are based on the needs of consumers, will contribute to a higher level of customer satisfaction. The high level of satisfaction will increase the level of customer loyalty. Loyalty, as noted above, is a key determinant of long-term financial success of the organization.
I just satisfied customers is a choice, that is, when the user just satisfied – this is not enough for it to become loyal. It turns out that a truly loyal consumers can only be called completely satisfied consumers.
How to use the information obtained from consumers about their level of satisfaction.
Information on consumer satisfaction is an excellent indicator of how well or badly the company meets the needs of its customers. It can also show what needs to be improved to ensure that the majority of customers are completely satisfied. Therefore strategically important to properly understand what consumers say different.
The first steps are to control the level of customer satisfaction and retention a priority and make sure that this process is unbiased, consistent and wide-ranging. Very important indicator of the degree of subjectivity, as always within companies, there are forces trying to influence the outcome. The sequence can not receive anecdotal evidence, and build a long-term situation and trends. Allows you to compare the effectiveness of large-scale use of the limited resources of the company in a given region, division or product.
The next step will be to determine the most appropriate strategy to increase customer satisfaction. Table 5.1 provides general guidelines regarding the definition of strategic actions.
Table 5.1 - General recommendations regarding the definition of strategic actions
Situation |
Most of the answers | Strategic actions |
1 |
(unmet) | Providing for the basic (core) components of the product, ie what is expected of each competitor in the industry |
2 |
(neutral) | Ensuring the appropriate level of related services, the development of an active policy of compensation for damage in case of problems |
3 |
(satisfied) | Understanding and meeting the specific needs of the client meaningful to him personally |
All three of the above situation may in fact act as successive stages of winning and retaining customer loyalty. This three-step process has a number of important observations. First, to increase customer loyalty of a number of different products with the ability to meet the needs of a variety of actions are required. Secondly, it is important to perform the steps in the same sequence in which they appear above. Of course, you can make a breakthrough in technology, inventing an entirely new product, to improve services. But, in practice, very few companies are successful in such breakthroughs.
Summarizing the above, we can say that in the long run survive and thrive companies that constantly and consistently pay attention to this relationship between loyalty and the level of customer satisfaction. At the level of the individual consumer, evaluating a particular unit and the major players in its industry.
Horst Schulze, President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the hotel chain Ritz (Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company) on this occasion said: As long as your customers are not 100% satisfied, and not just satisfied, but just in awe of the fact that you have to do, you have to strive for. And if you have reached the 100% customer satisfaction, make sure you pay close attention to possible changes of 100% to quickly change along with them
6.Characteristics hardware market
Global market attachment can be represented as a market of high-tech fasteners and fastener market standard nomenclature.
The market of high-tech fasteners rigidly zaformalizovan industry standards, quality control system, a system of certification and permit system.
These fasteners include: fasteners for the aircraft industry, fasteners for the automotive, fasteners for the nuclear power industry and other industries where there is a strict selection of manufacturers and multi-both internal and external control.
Market fasteners standard nomenclature typically requires multistage quality control. For such a fixture sufficiently demonstrate the quality of the manufacturer, and the creation of an external control or economically feasible, or limited to small samples of quality control.
It is on the market fixing standard nomenclature to develop appropriate mounting production as the most affordable.
The main competitor in this segment of the market fixing is China [12].
![Exports of fasteners from China, 2000 to 2009. Exports of fasteners from China, 2000 to 2009.](images/1.jpg)
After analysis of metalware market and technology in Russia, Europe, USA, Japan, we can conclude that the most dynamic and technologically advanced is China.
Today the hardware industry not only produces huge amounts of fasteners, but has great technological potential, which, unfortunately, makes the production of other countries is almost non-competitive.
This fact has made the Europeans and Americans to move the main power is in China, especially since the Chinese krepezhniki provided more high-quality metal for cold heading, produced by Japanese standards.[13]
Over the past ten years the production of fasteners in China has increased from 2.2 million tons in 2001 to 6 million tons in 2010. In 2003, the production of fasteners in China to 3 million tons, and from that moment the Chinese fastener industry has become the largest in the world.
The largest industrial centers, producing fasteners are: Yunnyan city of Hebei Province, which produces 37.5% of the total fixture, and two City of Zhejiang Province - Venchzhou (25%) and Haiyan (18.8%).
More than 70% of Chinese fastener enterprises are located near the sea ports, improving transport logistics for sending products for export.
It is also important to note China's fastener industry - export-oriented, which was a major incentive for the development of highly efficient production with a high degree of use of modern technological solutions.
And although, according to some experts, today only 20% of Chinese fastener enterprises comply with all the requirements of modern production fixing the developed countries, the technological basis of production is considered to be modern, but the backlog is reduced rapidly.
Based on the achievements of Taiwan, the production of fasteners in China in a short time became the largest fastener industry in the world.
![Export fasteners by country, 2009. Export fasteners by country, 2009.](images/4.jpg)
The main area of Chinese exports of fasteners in 2009 - this is the United States. Total exports to that country amounted to almost 282 thousand tons, or 17.5% of total exports .
The three regional leaders came as Japan and Russia, their share in Chinese exports of fasteners was 5.73% and 5.70%, respectively.
The bulk of Chinese exports of fasteners – is the standard fasteners range of commercial quality. It is a significant part of this niche in the global production of fasteners and are Chinese krepezhniki.
However, one should not assume that Chinese companies produce low-quality fasteners.
Greater portion of the fasteners in China is consistent with the requirement of international standards for the group.
China is not only the largest exporter of fasteners. Fasteners imported and China more than 40 countries, and mainly from Japan, South Korea and Germany. These three countries accounted for 70.7% of the total volume of imported products. The main part of the Japanese fasteners supplied to the automotive industry.
The main imported fasteners in China – is a high-tech fasteners for the automotive, aviation, aerospace industry.
Also, you need to pay attention – this is the volume of production and exports in the last three years.
In 2008, production reached 5.6 million tons. Export of this year amounted to 2.69 million tons.
In 2009, production decreased by 100 thousand tons and was 5.5 million tons. Exports decreased by 1.07 million tons. That is almost 1 million tons consumed China's domestic market.
The rapid growth of the Chinese economy has provoked the growth of domestic consumption of fasteners in China, which is confirmed by the volume of production in 2010, which increased compared to 2009 by more than 9% to 6 million tons.
On this basis, it can be concluded that the Chinese fastener industry during the global crisis continued its development, reorienting through government programs to meet the demand in the domestic market [12].
As for Ukraine, the largest and most developed is the LTD Druzhkovsky Hardware Plant
, which manufactures products for the domestic market in Ukraine and abroad. About 50% of production at the plant are exported to Russia and a small part in other CIS countries.
LTD Druzhkovsky Hardware Plant
was founded in the early 30-ies of XX century specializes in producing hardware products: bolts, nuts, rivets for general engineering, fasteners for railway superstructure the way for construction of high-strength fasteners and bridge structures on the normative documents.
Features of the production is the specialization of production, the output of the full production cycle: from metal preparation to packaging and shipment of products.
All the products manufactured by the factory has certificates of compliance. Quality Management System is certified in accordance with the requirements of DSTU ISO 9001-2001.
To date, business partners LTD Druzhkovsky Hardware Plant
are those countries: Russia, Belarus, Georgia, Iran, England, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Turkey, Uzbekistan, New Zealand. [14]
In writing this essay master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: December 2013. Full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his manager after that date.
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