- Introduction
- Relevance of the topic
- The purpose of work
- 1. Essence and structure of the system of strategic management of the organization
- 2. Modern management
- Conclusion
- References
In view of circumstances which promoted emergence of strategic management, it was treated as the activity consisting in a choice of the direction of actions for achievement of the objectives of the organization in the conditions of an unstable environment.
For the purpose of deepening of the understanding of an essence of strategic management it is considered as such:
- element: as set of elements interaction between which provides formation and achievement of the objectives at realization of strategy of the development of the organization;
- process: as a cycle of development and deployment of the strategy, aimed at achievement of strategic compliance between the organization and environment;
- functional: as an area of scientific knowledge of receptions and tools, methodology of adoption of, strategic decisions and ways of their practical realization.
It is obvious that between these directions there is a close interrelation. Strategic management as branch of knowledge, is connected with practical activities and has to realize achievements of other branches of science. At the same time a level of development of this science is defined by achievements of other branches of knowledge, and also practice requirements. There is also a feedback: strategic management can promote development of other sciences, emergence of new methods and research tools.
Relevance of the topic
Now strategic management is directed, first of all, on the definition of the purposes, global plans and organization prospects that increases competitiveness and ability in due time to react to market changes.
The purpose of work
The purpose of this work is the review and the analysis of strategic management of the company in its modern understanding.
1. Essence and structure of system of strategic management of the organization
The developed interpretation of strategic management can be given, having paid attention to a number of the basic moments. Before introduction of this control system, the organization planned the activity, recognizing that an environment will not change significantly. Strategic management at the concrete moment defines how the organization has to work in modern conditions to reach the desirable goal in the future, recognizing that an environment will change, i.e. at strategic management the current state, proceeding from the future are estimated. Thus not only desirable level in the future is predicted, but also ability respectively to react to changes in environment for achievement of the objectives is developed.
At non-strategic management, development of the program begins with the analysis of internal opportunities and organization resources. With such an approach it can appear that the organization isn't able to succeed because its expansion significantly depends on desires and needs of the clients, and also on the behavior of its competitors. Everything that the organization will decide on the basis of the analysis of the internal opportunities, is the quantity of a product that can be made, and the degree of expenditure, and the quantity of realized production, in addition to its cost will define the market.
2. Modern management
Management has to form today's values, like the directions and traditions of individuals, and the whole organization of society, to make them more productive. In other words, if management isn't able to mobilize specific a cultural heritage of a specific country and its people, economic and social development of the countries and the people can appear under the threat.
Japan, which managed to mobilize a century ago its communal traditions and cultural values for achievement, of its new purposes, of modern industrial production that allowed it to turn into one of the most developed countries of the world, can be an example, of such cases. The position of the Japanese worker can be considered as a product of national and economic development. If its position proceeds from a question "How can I help?", the position of the American and West European domestic worker is most often prone to the answer "It not my business". Two different types of the relations to production, two types of participation of the peaple in a social production, and finally some may find many advantages of the Japanese model of business.
So, strategic management is based on the following preconditions: accurate definition of what the organization wants to achieve in the future; understanding that the main problems are covered in environment, ability in due time to distinguish problems and to possess the mechanism of their decision or reduce its negative impact, adoption of administrative decisions, taking into account compliance between opportunities which are outside of the organization, and its strengths; settings of the current management for a specification of the strategy.
Generalizing the considered features of strategic management and the given definitions, we will formulate the following concept: Strategic management is the activity providing creation and maintenance of strategic compliance between the purposes of the organization, its potential and opportunity in environment.
Thus, the introduction of strategic management in the western countries was not a craze, but the result of an objective need. Since the 50s of the XX century the foreign companies considered as their main objective to profit not only in short term, but also in the long term. At the domestic enterprises of the introduction of this system there is a connection to many problems, in particular; to understand what is required to receive desirable results, it is necessary to solve simultanuosly both current, and strategic tasks. Moreover, the uniform "recipe" of optimum control of the organization simply doesn't exist. It is always necessary to choose which type of administrative behavior most corresponds to a certain a type of problem.
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