Curriculum vitae

Name Stepanov Dmitriy
Date of birth 05.09.1990, the
Place of birth Donetsk
School High School Donetsk number 70
University Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of Economics, "Banking and credit", 2007-2011;
Masters, Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of Economics, "Innovation Management", 2012-2014.
Average Average during training at the undergraduate - 4.0.
Languages skill Russian language (fluent), Ukrainian (fluent), English (intermediate).
Personal Achievements Announcer of radio
Hobby Autoworld, cinema, rock
Personal qualities Punctual, purposeful, responsible, sociable
Computer Skills Advanced user PC and MS Office
Experience Barman in a movie theater «Mul'tipleks» 2 years
Plans for the future After the master to open your business
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