Abstract"Professional selection of personnel in the enterprises"Contents
IntroductionThe basic changes happening in recent years in Ukraine, demand revision of fundamental bases of economic, political and social life of society therefore to serious changes it has to be subject both an enterprise management system as a whole, and a personnel management system in particular. The personnel management system has to have complex character and be under construction on the concept according to which the labor is considered as a renewable resource or the human capital. Selection of the personnel is one of the central functions of management as the personnel provides effective use of any kinds of resources, available the enterprises, and its economic indicators and competitiveness depend on the personnel finally.
Subject is the system of the relations in the organization concerning selection of its personnel. Proceeding from a goal, it is necessary to solve the following main problems:
1 Essence of process of selection of the personnelCurrently on the majority of the enterprises of service of human resource management don't consider this process as a full-fledged component of the activity, along with hiring, an assessment and personnel development, the uniform concept of process of selection of shots is absent, and a variety of used conceptual techniques is quite often aggravated with their mutual discrepancy. Consideration of essence and the content of process of selection of the personnel assumes, first of all, definition of his concept. By the XXI century beginning the concept "personnel selection" was included strongly into the scientific device though unambiguous interpretation of this term in management didn't develop yet. Having analysed I.B. Durakova, O.N. Allina and N.I. Salnikovoy, N.V. Fedorova and O.Y. Minchenkova, A.O. Blinova's treatments and O.B. Vasilevsky, we will provide own interpretation according to which selection of the personnel is a special function of the personnel management which essence consists in a choice of the best candidates for the vacant places, directed on formation of such structure of the personnel which would provide the greatest competitiveness of the organization at balance of interests of the organization and the personnel. Dependence of efficiency of the enterprise on overall performance of subordinates is emphasized by G. Dessler, schitayukshchy that employees not possessing the necessary abilities will work not so successfully that will negatively affect activity of the employer [3]. For effective selection of the personnel the principles have importance, the understanding and which observance will allow to carry out competent selection and it is essential to raise qualitative level of personnel management, to basic of which belong:
2 Organization of system of professional selectionThe basis of successful selection is based on the following principles:
The problem of selection criteria is one of the main problems facing the various organizations at carrying out both of external, and internal recruiting. The following is considered as the main selection criteria of the personnel: education, experience, business qualities, professionalism, type of the identity of the candidate and his potential opportunities. For the solution of specific objectives each concrete enterprise needs the worker with a unique set of qualities [2]. Among the major requirements to which selection criteria have to answer, it is possible to allocate the following:
Irresponsible prejudices in relation to the candidate most often are a consequence so-called of "the transferred delusions" appraiser. Them treat:
Any of these types of delusions can lead to the advanced sympathy or antipathy in relation to the applicant and it to forge objective selection of candidates [6]. 3 Methods of selection of the personnelIn the modern theory and practice of human resource management all methods of the selection applied to selection of candidates, share on two groups: classical (traditional) and modern (nonconventional) [2]. Traditional methods of selection of the personnel, specially developed and repeatedly approved in practice, are: According to the chosen technology of selection, the enterprise most often begins acquaintance to candidates through studying of the primary documentation which has arrived from the candidate: summary, primary questionnaire, autobiography The summary is subdivided into some types which choice is defined by specifics of the enterprise and features of vacancy:
The primary questionnaire is developed by personnel service taking into account specifics of a position and filled with the applicant at the time of the first visit of the enterprise. The questionnaire has a standard form, contains biographic data on the competitor, his education, an experience and experience [3]. Estimation of primary documentation allow to predict:
The analysis of the provided documents is simple, cheap and rather effective method of primary selection of shots. Interview (interview) on selection of the personnel represents exchange of information between the representative of the organization and the candidate for occupation of vacant post. At interview probably following distribution of time:
The most widespread type of interview is interview "in private" during which one representative of the organization meets one candidate. However also other types of interviews which treat preliminary, group (panel), structured or unstructured, situational (hypothetical), focused, and also stressful interview [11] today are used. Besides, according to other classification of interview happen:
Regardless of chosen as the interviewer like interview, it has to consist of several stages:
The assessment of the candidate has to be made directly after interview, otherwise sharpness of perception of future candidate worsens. Testing allows to define a today's condition of the candidate from the point of view of its compliance to the demands made to vacant post, and also development potential. Such methods of testing as are used:
Advantages of testing consist in possibility of an assessment of a today's condition of the candidate taking into account features of the organization and future position. Shortcomings of this method of primary selection - high expenses, often need of the third-party help, convention and limitation of the tests which aren't giving a complete idea of the candidate [8]. The assessment of colleagues means carrying out selection procedures not the recruiter, and colleagues of the candidate. In this case the total assessment represents average opinion of several people therefore this method can also be considered rather reliable and valid, and also has the following restrictions:
The majority of the foreign companies start applying and nonconventional methods, such, as: astrology, chiromancy, socionics, graphology, physiognomics, extrasensory perception, psychotypes of the personality, color perception, numerology, dactyloscopy and many others [12]. Unfortunately, these techniques didn't receive scientific justification and insufficiently reliable. ConclusionThe important task of HR managers and directors consists in optimization of process of selection of the personnel, the maximum increase of its efficiency at decrease in expenses without quality loss. The analysis of various treatments of the concept "personnel selection" and the presented evolution of approaches to personnel management allowed to reveal an essential shortcoming by consideration of this problem: both theorists, and practicians consider personnel selection only as unilateral process in which the prerogative in decision-making at selection is given to the enterprise, and candidates remain a passive side. In the modern theory and practicians of human resource management all methods of selection of the personnel, applied to selection of candidates, share on two groups: traditional and nonconventional. But, despite a large number of traditional and nonconventional techniques of selection of the personnel, most often in practical activities apply: analysis of biographical particulars, summary, targeting of references on the candidate, different types of interviews, testing, estimation by colleagues, trial period as method of selection of the personnel and method of business games. Nonconventional techniques can't be applied as the main at personnel selection, and to be used only as auxiliary methods of an assessment. It is obvious that their application has to be coordinated with the management of the enterprise and is confirmed with practical results. This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2013. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date. References