- Introduction
- 1. Urgency of the problem and its connection with scientific and practical problems
- 2. Analysis of existing technologies and mechanization recess shallow layers
- 2.1. Combine harvester seizure
- 2.2. Plow notch ( and various modifications of the plow )
- 2.3. Integrated and aggregate seizure
- 2.4. Auger hollow
- 2.5. Combined, not the traditional recess, etc
- Conclusions and directions for further research
- Conclusion
- References
Since its inception to the present day mining continuously and intensively. The main stages of its development are the following [ 1 ] :
- machineless coal mining using simple tools and fixtures (the initial stage until 1920.); li>
- mechanized undercut formation Ironman (1920-1940); li>
- mechanized destruction and loading of coal shearers (1940-1960) and plows (1950-2000); li>
- vnutrilavnyh full mechanization processes (1960-2000); li>
- transition to a " deserted " the automated technology of coal mining ( the first proposals from 1960 -70 -ies. till now ); li>
However, despite the rapid mainly extensive development of technology and equipment for the extraction of coal, compared with the initial period of development ( during manual excavation ) modern integrated industrial performances have not improved. If at the beginning of the last century coal per worker was 1.2 t / d, then so it has remained to this day, showing a clear downward trend.
This is explained by the fact that at present the number of mines -functioning in Ukraine amounts to several hundred. And at each mine present a complete staff for normal employees. At the same time, the average production from a single longwall rarely exceeds threshold of 1,000 tons per day. If lava running three stopes, the total capacity of the mine will be only 3000 tons / day. Until a few decades ago the figure of 600 tons / day. with lava considered a record, but today, with the ever increasing cost of the equipment and necessary for the production of energy in the face of fierce competition,
As the effectiveness of existing coal mines affect the following technical problems the mining industry :
1. Main reserves of coal in the Donets Basin are vysokogazonosnyh layers with a variety of geological conditions, by the properties of coal and surrounding rocks ( gas content, dust ? Nnosti, explosiveness dust silikozoopasnost Obvodnogo ? Nnosti ) Donets Basin should be attributed to a very complex on development.
2. Existing equipment and technology of coal mining on thin layers - COMBINE complexes with wide and narrow capture, Struga, Struga, scrapers, etc. - largely exhausted their technical capabilities, and under existing conditions are not able to provide sufficient performance.
3. Technological and environmental dangers of coal mining, which is exacerbated with increasing depth development is unacceptable to modern civilized society (emissions of coal, rock and gas explosions gas and coal dust, fire, caving, high pressure of rock and rock beats, etc.) [ 2 ] .
Ukrainian coal industry requires serious engineering development and proposals for the modernization and creation of new means of intensive mining of thin layers. At the same time central to the technological and design developments should take engineering and technology extraction of thin and very thin layers to (1.0 m). For thin coal seams should look for opportunities to create new recessed art technical level, stable operating in a complex and changing geological conditions with loads of lava at least one 3000-5000 tons of coal per day, while ensuring complete safety of work.
This problem can be solved with the use of machinery and equipment complexes with mechatronic control systems, diagnostics and control.
1. Urgency of the problem and its connection with scientific and practical tasks
The main raw material and energy base for all branches of the nuclear explosion it possible mining. More than 70% of coal reserves in the Uk Rainha focused on seams up to 1.0 meters. Common stocks, focusing primarily (96.0 %) in the Donets Basin, estimated at 110 billion tons, industrial - 7.13 billion Thus, if in the power range from 0.85 m to 1.0 m can be, with a large difficult to find a satisfactory economic lava operation parameters, in the range below 0.85 m do not exist. If mine works off a layer, it is inevitable tailwind rock mining, as modern equipment is not able to work effectively in seams 0.6-0.85 m Some countries do not work in very thin layers, but for Ukraine, this approach is not acceptable. Therefore, justification of the structure cutter machine for intensive mining of thin layers is an actual scientific and practical task. This task today is partially solved using a plow dredging.
Currently, the coal industry has been a downward trend in coal production due to a combine while stocks deposits thick coal seams. According to specialists, seams over 1.2 m will be worked out for 15 years, 0.8-1.2 m - for 45 years, and less than 0.8 m - for 110 years. Therefore, in the future will have to work thin (less than 0.8 m) and very thin ( 0.4 m) layers, balance reserves of over 220 billion tons to a depth of 1800 m, ie more than two -thirds of the total reserves. This leads to the relevance of the research on this topic.
2. Analysis of existing technologies and mechanization recess shallow layers
Undermining realize their extraction from the subsoil as a result of development of the field. There are two ways of production without change and with the changing state of aggregation of the mineral. The first includes the extraction of solid minerals underground, underwater and open ways; second - underground coal gasification. [ 3 ]
Underground gasification is that the stone or lignite by chemically active components - oxygen, water vapor and carbon dioxide are converted in situ into the energy or process gas.
idea of underground coal gasification, expressed Mendeleev, was first implemented in our country, found and tested in a variety of natural conditions, technical solutions foundations of its practical implementation. Now this method is not applicable in the industry, but it can be considered as a promising off-balance for working very thin layers (with a capacity of 0.2 m and below ).
Underground and outdoor methods are traditional, development and widely used. Coal with this method of production is separated from the array due to the power of its interaction with the executive cutter machine, attached to a reservoir of energy - such as hydraulic mining ; impact on the formation extreme temperatures or frost formation, etc.
Modern methods of coal mining method using mechanical excavation machinery in direct contact with the array is divided into the following categories (Figure 2.1):
2.1. Combine harvester recess ; (a, c)
2.2. Plow notch ( and various modifications of the plow ); (b)
2.3. Integrated and aggregate recess ; (d, e)
2.4. Auger recess ; (f)
2.5. Combined, not the traditional recess, etc.
2.1. Combine harvester recess ;
Shearer designed to simultaneously perform two operations process is mined : separating it from the array and fragmentation into transportable pieces, loaded on the face conveyor or other delivery means. [ 4 ]
Requirements for modern shearers are determined, on the one hand, the requirements for its individual components and mechanisms, and on the other - that required by the joint work combine with other machines stope - conveyor, bolting, etc. < / p>
Figure 2.1 - Schematic representation of the main existing mechanization in conventional longwall coal mining technology two drifts along strike.
currently no uniform classification of shearers. Diversity of their structures and diversity of private predetermined classification criteria (eg, type of the executive body, the type of feed mechanism, the view of energy use, etc. )
fundamentally different technology combine work with different widths. By widths harvesters divided into uzkozahvatnye ( with capture up to 1m ) and - Spreader ( with the seizure of more than 1 m ).
2.1.1. Wide- notch combine harvester
Predecessors wide- harvesters were cutting machines (Figure 2.2).
They were used to undercut the coal and shale in complex geological conditions [ 5 ] .main disadvantages of this type of machines is - Minimal automation sewage works ; - A large proportion of manual labor; - Overgrinding coal and machine work in extremely difficult conditions for the work of cutters in cutting conditions blocked.
Figure 2.2 - Example of ironman. a) Ironman "Ural- 33 "; b), c ) the types of manufacturing operations performed ; d) the main types of cut outs.
Currently, this type of machine in Ukrainian mines are not used.
shirokozahvatnymi harvesters
priority in building and industrial applications for coal mining combines longwall (love ) belongs to the Soviet Union. [ 5 ]
first tests were carried out in the Donbass harvesters already in the 30 years of the twentieth century. And in the 50s - this type of seizure received extensive development through the use of it in the complex mechanization and breaking apart just loading and transportation of coal.
main shirokozahvatnymi combines at one time were :
Combine+ MG -70 ( UKMG -3M ) for the power of 0.4-0.6 m ;
+ Harvester "Kirovets" for power 0,55-0,8 m ;
+ Harvester 2KTSTG power for 0,55-0,75 m ;
+ Harvester "Donbass" to the power of 0.8-1.6 m
Figure 2.3 - Flow charts of a wide- harvesters ) "Donbass" ; b) 2KTSTG ; b) MG -70.
main disadvantages of this type of machinery : - to minimize the phenomenon of spin ; - A large area of bare space after the passage of the combine and the need to manually mount it ; - Inability to control rock pressure.
This type of machines, now, just does not apply in the Donbass.
2.1.2. Uzkozahvatnaya combine harvester recess
Creating and widely used since the sixties uzkoza - hvatnyh complexes purification equipment allowed us to solve the problem of rock pressure control. Introduction of treatment with complexes uzkoza - hvatnymi harvesters for flat seams ranging from 0.7 to 4.5 m in the complex allows to mechanize almost three quarters all underground coal mining from sewage treatment works, increase the burden on the lava and productivity. [ 6 ]
Modern harvester has several advantages : simple and reliable con - struction ; high performance and efficiency, intensification of treatment works; provides a recess at full capacity reservoir ; has a minimum crushing of coal and dust generation, not high specific energy consumption ; samozarubyvaetsya an array of coal and coal may make a recess at the end portions of lava without niches; has automatic stepless speed regulation, protection against overloads wide range of applications.
Uzkozahvatnye harvesters may be :
A) With screw IO ;
B) With IE drum ;
B) C IO type drill.
main uzkozahvatnymi combines layers < 1m are :
Combine+ K103 for power 0.7-1.1 m; (screw )
Combine+ KA80 power for 0.8-1.1 m; ( Drum )
+ Harvester MK67M power for 0.7-1.0 m; ( Drum )
+ Harvester 1K101 for power 0,75-1,2 m; (screw )
+ Harvester "Ray" for the power of 0.6-0.8 m; ( Drum )
+ Harvester " 1BKT " for the power of 0.6-0.8 m; ( drill )
+ Harvester UKD300 for power 0,85-1,5 m (screw )
Essential disadvantages combines low power are: - insufficient handling ability combine constructively because of the inability to provide the required cross section of the discharge window that leads to grind coal as a grinder ; - Lesser degree of mechanization than the plow recess ; more complex design and a shorter life ; no opportunity to actually determine the distribution of drive power for cutting and loading ; Harvesters are sufficiently long, which can cause problems for them in vpisyvaemosti hypsometry reservoir rocks at the side prone to vzbuchivaniyu.
Figure 2.4 - Schematic diagrams uzkozahvatnyh combines a) screw ; b) drum.
2.2. Plow notch ( and various modifications of the plow )
Plow recess - one of the most progressive methods of coal mining. Its advantages are the possibility of efficient mechanized excavation of thin layers, simple structure, good grade of coal produced. The largest application in Ukraine and abroad have high-speed gear plow static effect. Cutting tool ( incisors) of these plants as a result of constantly pressed to the bottom of the tension and traction are at work in a constant ( static ) contact with an array of degradable carbon, removing chips coal thickness of 50-150 mm. 0dnako scope of such plows limited. [ 6 ]
Application plow dredging advisable under the following geological conditions : thin and average power ( no more than 2 m) with the strength of the coal seams is not above average with distinct cleavage angle 5-40 ° to the slaughter line and spin efficiency of coal under the influence rock pressure ; Seam calm ; roof is not below average stability ; the soil is sufficiently dense, is not destroyed by the work of the plow.
Application plow dredging complicated and even becomes impossible in the presence of a large reservoir of strong pyrite inclusions, quartzite rock interbeds or have strong seam roof coal layer, which is necessary for the destruction of pre- conducting blasting, which complicates the organization of work in the working face. Presence in the lower part of the formation of strong coal bed ( zemnika ) and weak uneven ground also hinder the use of the plow dredging.
Compared with recess groove combines with a plow better grade coal, lower specific energy consumption and less dusting, as the destruction of Coal is a major cut ( cleavage ) and is carried out in the zone of maximum spin coal ;
safer conditions for practicing formations, hazardous gas and dust, and especially to sudden outbursts of coal and gas ;
possibility of effective seizure of very thin seams 0.4-0.7 m;
simpler scheme of work on the length of lava ; less sophisticated means of complex mechanization and automation of production processes in the working face.
Also, plow installation more simple in design and do not have the power transmitted through the flexible power cable to the moving car.
Given the weight of these benefits should, in all cases where the permit mining-geological and technical conditions applied coal plow recess.
The laws of technology plow continuously developing - familiarize and modernized. In its layout and purpose, the following types of equipment plow :
Scrapers Strug - ram installation complete with individual bolting for mechanization of coal excavation and delivery of very thin and thin seams 0.3-0.8 m with an angle of incidence of 900 and loosely utlyami rocks at the side is not less than the average stability ( US2U etc. );
plow complete with individual bolting for mechanization of coal excavation and delivery of fine and medium-sized reservoirs ( 0.6-2.0 m) with an angle of incidence to 35, with coals not above medium strength rocks at the side not below average sustainability ( UST2M, S075, SN75, USB67M etc. );
plow treatment complexes for propping mechanization of a comprehensive mechanization of excavation and delivery of coal, fixtures and control I rock pressure of thin and medium-sized reservoirs ( 0.6-2.0 m) with an incidence angle of 35 °, with coals are not above average strength, rock walls not less than the average stability ( 1KMS97 complexes, 1KMS98, K1MKS etc.). Plow complexes - is, in essence, with a plow attached to them constructively mechanized movable roof supports ;
strugovye units, usually frontal type intended for the comprehensive mechanization of cleaning works of fine and medium-sized reservoirs with different angles of incidence, the coals of medium strength, rock walls not less than the average stability (ACD, 1ASCHM, 1ANSCH n, etc.). The unit is a set of machines interconnected technologically and cinematically structurally connected basic elements into a single system.
Figure 2.5 - Schematic flow of plow
2.3. Integrated and aggregate recess
Treatment complexes and units allow to mechanize and combine in time all the basic operations of the technological process in working face : coal mining, its delivery, and management of the roof mount. Complexes and units depending on their operating conditions are classified according to the angle of incidence of the formation, as well as power reservoirs in accordance with generally accepted classification of the latter. [ 4 ]
2.6 - The layout of the mechanized complex
shearer and plow systems ( Figure 2.6), depending on the type of cutter machine includes: excavation machinery - Clean -tion processor 3 ; Haul - a mud scraper conveyor 2 ( or when the plow version instead combine and conveyor used plow ); mechanized system 4 ; conjugation with lining face conveyor ( haulage ) / 5 and ventilation drifts ; pumping stations or type 6 SNU SNT ; typical irrigation system with irrigation installation 2UTSNS13 and powertrains. When working on complex forgive Rania - in seams dipping 9 ° and higher airway established safety winch or 7 type LPP 1LGKN. All modern facilities are composed of cable layers 8 Track ( KTsN ) or drum ( KBK2 ) types. The use of modern mechanized complexes defined scope appropriate lining and excavation machinery.
as haul trucks used exclusively complexes Downhole scrapers that perform the following additional functions. First, the function of the pipeline becoming a common base mechanized complex linking through jacks and roof support which support during their movement. Secondly, becoming a guiding bar at kotoroyh moved or which relies ( on thin layers cutter machine ).
layout scheme aggregates. Wastewater treatment systems, providing mechanization and alignment time operation of the process, are not able to work without shunting and terminal operations. Coal mining technology in their application multistage, cyclical and require the constant presence of people in the working face. Creation and use of coal mining units you can go to a production technology of coal mining, coal extraction without the constant presence of people at the bottom.
Forseams up to a meter has been developed a modernized version of the unit (AC -2), and A-2 for testing flat seams capacity 0,85-1,35 m Industrial tests of the first samples of aggregates in the mines of the Kuznetsk and Donetsk basin proved their efficiency and accuracy of new solutions. Further development of the structure of the cleaning unit has received design plow unit CA. Decisive role in the development of unit agregatostroeniya played A-3. Giprouglemash developed. The design of the unit was first used mnogostrugovy CHIPPING - delivery truck ring executive body, closed in the vertical plane.
Disadvantagesconstruction aggregates not sufficient controllability, low efficiency of transporting coal along the face chipped, overgrinding coal and, as a consequence - high energy.
Figure 2.7 - Schematic diagrams of some units
2.4. Auger recess
auger excavation method is sequential drilling diameter slightly smaller capacity of the reservoir, separated from one another entirely 0.25-0.3 m wide, without fixing or goaf.
working unit is duplex setting BSHU (Fig. 2.8 ), which is designed for the extraction of coal from the cutting resistance of up to 250 kN / m of reservoir capacity of 0.6-0.85 m, lying at an angle of 15 ° and having unstable country rocks, where inefficient use of other means of complex mechanization sewage works.
Figure 2.8 - Installation BSHU
roadway may be one or two cars. In the former case the installation bore as well to the rise and fall of the reservoir on.
One possible flowsheets reservoir development in the preparation of a panel of a mine field, back -flow ventilation and sequential operation of two plants BSHU one drift is shown in Fig. 2,8.
Size wing panel along the strike of the order 800-1000 m; the distance between adjacent drifts 70-100 m long and well defined, which is capable of drilling rig with sufficient reliability ( 35-50 m ).
To maintainroof pillars are left between wells coal 0.25-0.3 m wide, which as podviganiya extraction front destroyed. This will ensure a smooth lowering of the roof rocks.
main disadvantages auger recess : - a relatively small length burime wells due to technical imperfection BSHU installations ; - High losses of coal in the bowels, reaching 50% ; - The complexity of ventilation and explosion hazard of methane in the wells.
Further improvementauger coal mining technology ( auger installations, transport schemes based on low load on the recessed production, ventilation schemes, etc.) can provide a significant effect on small mines with a production capacity during excavation of very thin layers, namely performance labor, low capital intensity of production, smooth operation of the mine.
2.5. Combined, not the traditional recess, etc.
were considered some innovative proposals dts prof. Sementchenko AK, Ph.D. prof. Gulyaev VG [ 7 ] and dts Litvinskiy GG [ 8 ] , but the analysis of the proposed technological schemes has been conducted. Circuits can be analyzed in future work.
Conclusions and directions for further research :
The analysisplow excavation complexes in Ukraine and abroad was found :
1. Under the existing circumstances and parameters of complex technical performance plow plow complexes operating in Ukraine is only 10-20 % of the theoretical ;
2. The main factors limiting performance plow complex are: time alignment curved line stope ; time shifting of the lining and the drive heads and plow conveyor; breaks for workers and shift change time. etc.
3. By calculation has been proven that reducing these costs would allow time to increase several times the actual performance and bring it to a level of 70-80 % of the theoretical ;
4. Loss of time should be reduced by the maximum degree of concurrency action and forward basic functional operations, as well as maintaining the straightness slaughter mehatronizirovannym and mechatronic systems. Should be provided in the absence of human lava ;
5. As the experience of operating in seams from 1 m to 1.5 m plow actually provided : 3200 m \ d (br "Red Army Western " Donbass ), 6200 tons / day ( br Abashevskaya Kuzbass), 18 000 t \ d ( w. Prosper Haniel - Germany ).
considered available technologies and mechanization shallow reservoirs. Traditional technology of coal mining is not able to provide profitable, or at least self-sufficient work mines operating on thin layers.
were formulated following requirements for winning machine :
1. Working without niches; (provided by the short length of the harvester is required for its exit drift );
2. Small power costs for loading ;
3. The location and the housing bottom part with the ED, ( to allow the pick-up roofing small chutes )
4. Marked supply system ; ( reduces length harvester and increases cutting power )
5. Simplicity of design and reliability ;
It has been shown that the most promising means of extraction of thin layers is plow recess capable of providing intensive production of small reservoirs, even in the absence of human working face.
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