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1. Aim and tasks

The purpose of work consists in the development of model of personalisation of a site based on the analysis of constants and the current needs of users. For achievement of the purpose it is offered to enter his search profile into model of the end user and to consider search profiles of all audience of a site in personalisation model.

For achievement of a goal not обходимо solution of the following tasks:

1. Undertake analysis of existing services and personalization methods to provide relevant content to the user.

2. To choose algorithm of a clustering of search and navigation profiles of the user.

3. To develop model of personalisation and algorithm of management of a website content on the basis of an assessment of needs of the user.

2. Subject urgency

With development of the Internet the quantity of large sites with a large number of pages, hyperlinks and difficult structure of navigation grows. Information congestion of pages and their high functionality lead to that to users becomes more difficult to be guided, find and carry out a choice of interesting (relevant) information. For modern large Internet libraries, Online stores, the state Web portals, sites of tour agencies, search services, etc. there is an actual problem of effective navigation and search user support. This problem can be solved by contents personalisation according to requirements and features of behavior of the end user.

Personalisation of web pages allows to change cardinally the attitude of a site towards the visitors. As a result, not only the user will "communicate" with the Web page, but the site itself will appeal to anyone who has got to the page, not as a part of the total mass, but as a particular person having a personal interest – personally.

Services in personalisation of sites, their automated adaptation under expectations of visitors in the market of internet marketing exist long ago. However, because of the complexity in the technical implementation of the personalization processes involved in these works is not a third-party organization, and its own programmers. Third-party services fulfill a limited number of actions to personalize the site, which is usually not enough for a noticeable increase in the efficiency of the site.

For high-quality personalisation of a site it is necessary to use information not only on marketing qualities of the visitor, but also information from CRM and other internal databases of each concrete enterprise. In this case there are much more metrics and measurements for the description of a segment of the visitor and implementation of the rule of personalisation.

It is supposed that, visiting a site, the end user tries to satisfy some set of requirements known to it. And one need can have constant character regardless of the frequency of sessions, and others aren't present. Proceeding from it, requirements are shared into constants (not depending on a session) and current (seansozavisimye). It is obvious that approaches to personalisation, have to consider nature of needs of the user.

At the personalisation considering constant requirements, as a rule the history of search queries and the seen pages of the user remains (a navigation profile). Revealing earlier unvisited by the end user pages, but satisfying the his needs constant may exercise taking into account set of search queries occurring at of this or that user with similar.

An example of personalization based on the current needs are currently popular recommendation systems which are based on the search user profiles. Thus often the companies use specially created, recommendatory systems built in the website. Cardinal changes of its control system by data are necessary for integration of recommendation system into the chosen website (CMS). One of progressive approaches to simplification of integration of recommendatory systems with sites is SaaS-technology use (Software as a service).

The disadvantage of existing tools personalization is targeting only the current user needs, which reduces the accuracy of the generated recommendations personalization system. In this regard the problem of development of the combined model of personalisation and algorithms of management of a content of the sites considering constants and the current needs of users is actual.

3. Supposed scientific novelty

Model of personalisation and algorithm of management of a content of the sites take into account the his constant and current needs, based on a combination of navigation and search user profile.

4. Planned practical results

Based on the developed models and algorithms proposed personalization system that can be integrated with web sites to improve the efficiency of access to relevant information for the user.

5. Summary of the results of its own

5.1 Model of personalisation and management algorithm by content of web site on the basis of estimation of necessities of user

The option of personalisation of the website, assuming automatic granting to the specific user of links to pages with interesting his information is considered. By visiting the site the user is trying to meet their needs for information, and some information may be required by him in each session, and to some it may apply only to the current session. Taking into account it the set recommended by a reference system can be represented as follows:

where L – set of links recommended to the end user;

– great number of references to the pages, satisfying constant requirements;

– great number of references to the pages, satisfying the current requirements.

Many links may consist of earlier visited , and unvisited of pages – set of g-ykh of links to the pages seen by the end user, meeting constant requirements.

– set of j-ykh of links to the pages not seen by the end user, meeting constant requirements.

Calculation of accessory of earlier seen page to set encouraged to implement on the basis of linear correlation coefficient between the ordinal session that took place at the end user, and the number of sessions in which the analyzed page has been viewed:

,     (1)

where – coefficient of linear correlation for the page;

b – quantity of sessions;

l – serial number of a session, ;

– quantity of sessions in which page viewing took place .

If there is a pronounced correlation , then in accordance with the scale Cheddoka recorded in the set also it is ranged according to communication size.

Revealing pages that earlier were not visible by a particular user, but meeting the needs of its permanent, can be carried out taking into account the totality of search queries (scan profile) that occurred at other users.

The search query is formalized in a natural language description for the user's needs, so for users with similar needs may include those users who have similar profiles search. It is possible to assume that the most powerful pages which were seen by users with similar search profiles, can belong to the sphere of their general constant interests. To reveal such pages it is necessary to solve the following problems:

Clustering of search profiles, as well as all specified tasks, it is possible to carry out in an offline a mode. In this case initiation of process of a clustering doesn't depend on the moment of the users access. Start of process can be made periodically during in advance calculated periods of time when the server is least loaded. At a choice of algorithm of a clustering it is necessary to consider limitation of temporary and computing resources.

According to features of an array of the retrieval profiles processed by means of a clustering, the following main requirements to algorithm of a clustering are selected: