- Introduction
- 1. Objective and relevance of the theme
- 2. Asynchronous distance learning
- 3. Analysis of existing systems of distance education
- 3.1 Udacity
- 3.2 Coursera
- 3.3 edX
- 3.4 Moodle
- 4. Comparative characteristics described platforms
- 5. List of requirements for the training system
- 6. System Architecture
- Conclusions
- References
Information technology more deeply into people's daily lives. In this increasingly affected learning processes. Study can now be more convenient, fast, mobile and cheap, much easier access to information. All this makes it necessary to introduce new methods of teaching students in our university.
When developing a training system it is important to understand what are its capabilities. Functionality of the system depends on the tasks in the future it will need to perform. The more tasks to be performed by the system, the more features you must lay in its construction.
My work is devoted to the implementation of the integrated capabilities of using synchronous (full-time), asynchronous and asynchronous distance-learning experiences, followed by tests of knowledge, with their homework and assessments, as well as testing the level of assimilation of the studied material to make learning more mobile, easy and accessible to all categories of students.
Objective and relevance of the theme
The aim is to develop an algorithm of asynchronous on-line project, scripts for the analysis of systems, tools and materials, as well as to analyze the possibility of using this system in Ukraine.
Most valuable trait developed system – its educational and practical, because created a working model of distance learning, and investigate the possibility of collecting and processing interactive information coming from both the students and teachers from.
Computer technology at the present stage of development of education are the platform's development, and provide new opportunities for development of advanced forms of education. Leading experts in the field of computer technology training note that in the modern education system and the need arises qualitatively new teaching tools will be given to computer learning systems. It can be assumed that with the development of information technologies and the improvement of the educational sphere computer training systems are the core training and methodological support. The above factors necessitates the introduction of new teaching methods and students in our university.
Before creating systems were investigated and the existing training system developed a list of demands to the learning system. The comparison is performed by various criteria: ease of training, the amount of learning resources, ease of training, the availability of tools for training, functionality, performance, free education, utility. This was done in order to create a new system consisting only of positive qualities of existing educational projects, and what will be its novelty.
Asynchronous distance learning
Asynchronous distance learning – this learning model, which is implemented in the system of distance education. The educational process is carried out mainly asynchronously via e-mail, Web-site. Students are provided with training materials for self-study, as part of the learning process.
Schedule when such training is very flexible, because you do not need every day at a certain time to go online to communicate with their teachers and no one at the same time will not customize the student to immediately read and answered some questions that allow the teacher to doubt that he learned the material. Asynchronous learning allows to choose the time when to learn and how much time to give this. Therefore, if a person has little free time and he never knows what he would do in an hour, the asynchronous method of education for him.
General phrase "distance learning" various authors see their own way:
- Technology as distance learning, in which teachers and learners are physically located in different places. And earlier, according to the authors [3], distance learning correspondence course meant. Now it is a teaching tool that uses a case-, TV- and network technology training.
- Training, which is based on the use of special computer technologies and Internet, providing an optimal (in the sense of teaching effectiveness) control of learning process [4].
- As the learning process based on the methods of teaching in terms of interaction mediated by the student and the teacher, using mainly the means of information and telecommunications (distance learning technologies) [3].
- As a set of technologies, methods and means of providing an opportunity to study without a visit to the institution, but with regular advice from teachers or school officials certified that institution (tutors) [4].
- As a new form of learning that now exists along with other forms of training – full-time, part-time, external studies in continuing education [5].
Most popular universities in the world are creating their online-free courses to anyone who could get a chance to learn what dreams as not everyone has the opportunity to study at a higher education institution, and with the help of modern technology online higher education becomes available to all comers.
Review existing distance education
Subject distance education is very relevant in our time. There are many affordable developments in this area of expertise. Consider the most high–profile projects.
Professor Stentforda challenged traditional universities. His diagnosis – "long, inefficient, expensive" [5]. Udacity – private educational organization founded by Sebastian Thrun, David Stavens and Mike Sokolsky. In the first year of this ambitious project was attended by 160,000 students from 190 countries. Udacity predostovlyaet now more than 14 courses, all of them are free. After completing the course of study, students, on request, can obtain a certificate, the cost is about $ 100. Also available Udacity courses after passing which, anyone can take the exam under the supervision of an invited expert, the cost of this service – $150.
Each lesson is built clearly, and finishes available test questions. This is done to check the assimilation of the material studied.
Most U.S. universities and the UK have joined forces and created your project Coursera. On today's time Coursera is a leader among online educational projects, as it offers about 200 courses with an audience of over 1.7 million students.
Unlike Udacity, Coursera works with universities and not directly with the teachers, and also offers courses in 18 different directions. Coursera now works with 33 universities from eight countries, except where U.S. universities also participate universities from Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Switzerland and the UK [6].
Harvard University and MIT, offer its platform edX. It contains 8 courses from 4 universities. This project, in comparison with others, of course, is lagging behind, but still ahead.
This content management system (CMS), developed by the Australian programmer. Moodle – a free Web-based application. This project provides teachers the opportunity to create their own websites for online-learning. More and more higher education institutions are using this system. Moodle, mostly created in PHP, open source, and has many features: students can learn the material, take tests, do homework, talk in voice chat with each other and with the teacher. Each teacher can create their course, which will conduct online-learning of their students. Students can also study in several courses [7]. Moodle system is one of the most popular, but in the post – Moodle is not as common as in the West.
Comparative characteristics described platforms
Udacity are interactive courses that resemble coaching and Cousera, is listening to lectures followed by homework.
In edX planned to focus not only on the video lessons, but on interactivity.
Moodle system includes online-courses with interactive interaction. Moodle has a varied number of modules that allow the student to receive written, voice comments to his work.
However, all these 4 projects are excellent educational platforms.
As noted earlier, each platform has its own system of testing and validation of knowledge.
In Udacity test of knowledge by means of computer programs.
In Coursera check assignments trusted by users, but most of all, students should study the criteria of evaluation, as well as practice on already proven works.
edX, in turn, practicing various methods of testing and evaluation. This machine verification, self-assessment and verification of the work other students.
In Moodle system tasks are usually evaluated by teachers, with further comments, remarks, comments. If the test was carried out in a knowledge test, we used the automatic verification of the results.
Education on these 4 educational platforms for free, but for some courses, if a student wants to take a test to obtain confirmation of the passing of this course in the form of a certificate, it will need to pay a nominal fee of $30 to 200$.
Using progressive international experience and successful teaching methods, the authors plan to develop and test their own system to help full–time education in order to increase mobility and improve the quality of education in DNTU. This system is intended to reflect the features of our mentality and Ukrainian courses students [1].
List of requirements for the training system:
- Simple, flexible, intuitive interface.
- Availability useful for the student information (text files, video tutorials...).
- Adaptability (adaptable) – allows the system to include developing new information technology systems without redesign have built–in methods for individualized learning.
- Durability (durable) – correspond to the developed standards and provide the opportunity to make changes without reprogramming of the total and at the same time with all the modern standards of Web–based technologies.
- Availability (accessible) – a chance to work with the system from different locations (locally and remotely from the classroom or at home ).
- Unobtrusiveness – training should take place in the form of a game and give students an opportunity to structure their own learning based on the requirements of the teacher [2].
System Architecture
Figure 1 shows the architecture of the developed system.
For understanding the structure of the system is necessary to develop its architecture. Architecture is a useful, general guide to understanding learning systems based on information technology, which are widely used and adapted over time [8].
Architecture contains:
- "Module recording and storing data". Before you start training the user to register, and thus the system will receive additional information about the student. All personal data will be sent to the student "DB students", which will accumulate upon receipt.
- "Intermediate module test". After registration, the user will be given the opportunity to intermediate testing to determine the level of his knowledge. The test results and everything connected with them is stored in the "DB test set".
- "Module control testing". After listening to the entire course, you will need to hand over control test + exam. The data are taken from each student "DB students" test data and results are stored in the "DB test set".
After passing the exam, the teacher provides students with the results of the document, which will be considered in the final estimation.
Conclusions. Man is "lazy creation", so it's hard to force myself every day to do what can be done quietly and tomorrow. But if a person has such character traits as tenacity, desire to grow and still have a lot of free time, the ability to adjust your schedule, this asynchronous online-system for it. In the course of such training must, above all, to learn to acquire and apply knowledge, to seek and find the dates for their learning tools and information sources, be able to work with this information [10]. Make a choice and go for it.
Developed educational system is simple and easily expandable to create a full-fledged online-distance education system.
In writing this essay master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: December 2014. Full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his manager after that date.
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