Table Of Contents
- Introduction
- 1. Relevance of a subject, purpose and research problem
- 2. Review of thematic literature
- 2.1 Concept of consumer crediting
- 2.2 Organization of bank crediting
- 3. System analysis of process of crediting
- Conclusion
- References
Concept the credit system of the country has double interpretation. In the narrow sense of the word the credit system of the country represents set of credit institutions of bank and non-bank type, for example, pawnshops, the credit unions, etc.
In the broadest sense the credit system represents set of legislatively designated and subordinated credit institutions of the bank and non-bank type functioning on the basis of the credit and forming the credit relations in the country. Within credit system consider a banking system as set only banks. Non-bank credit institutions, without carrying out the third type of basic bank operations – calculations, don't treat banks.
Therefore they aren't a part of a banking system. However, as non-bank credit institutions also carry out credit operations and, first of all, loan operations (though deposit operations aren't alien to non-bank credit institutions), they also form the credit relations in the country and in this regard treat credit system of the country. It follows from this that the concept credit system
is much broader than the concept banking system
and on the structure and a structure and on the volume and nature of credit operations. Therefore it is illegal to identify a banking system with credit system of the country.
The modern credit system is the mechanism consisting of a set of levels, intended for distribution of financial assets.
The credit system consists of the following links:
– central bank, state banks;
– banking sector: commercial banks, savings banks, investment banks, mortgage banks and trade banks;
– insurance companies, pension funds, finance companies, charity foundations, etc.
This three-storied scheme of structure of credit system is basic for many industrialized countries, such as the USA, Japan, the European Union countries. Nevertheless, in each country there are features in formation of credit system. The most developed the credit system of the USA is considered, credit systems of other industrialized countries refer to this system. In credit system of the countries of Europe big development was gained by bank and insurance sectors.
In Germany the banking sector is based on mortgage and savings banks. In addition, the sector of mortgage banks occupies huge weight in credit system of Germany. In France division of the banking sector into the deposit commercial banks which are carrying out investment function, and savings banks takes place. In developing countries the credit system is developed poorly. In the majority of these countries – the two-story credit system presented by the central bank and sector of commercial banks.
1. Relevance of a subject, purpose and research problem
Modeling of business process of consumer crediting is today a hot topic as can form a basis for acceptance by bank of the decision on issuance of credit. By means of the accounting of such factors as the maximum and minimum sums of the credit, calculated individually for each client taking into account requirement of a monthly living wage, this work to allow to reduce risk not return of the obtained credit.
Banks as the commercial organizations which main operations is crediting, settlement, deposit, cash and other operations, bear the risks at their carrying out: not return of the given-out credit, failure to pay percent on the loan, risks settlement, currency, interest rates and other. High riskiness of bank operations is mainly connected with conditions and results of activity of his clients. Main objective of this work is design of business process for possibility of a reinzhiring of improvement of techniques of issuance of credit to the client.
Main objectives of research:
– analysis of process of consumer crediting.
– assessment of ways of crediting.
– search and identification of shortcomings of existing methods of crediting.
– design of business process of consumer crediting.
Object of research: business process of consumer crediting.
Object of research: flowing of business process of the consumer crediting.
2. Review of thematic literature
2.1 Concept of consumer crediting
Now legislative definitions of concepts consumer crediting and the consumer credit are absent. In legal literature of uniform approach to definition of consumer crediting and the consumer credit also doesn't exist. Thus in practice these concepts are often used as synonyms. At the same time it is represented that such approach is incorrect both concepts consumer crediting and the consumer credit should be shared.
For differentiation of concepts the credit and crediting it is necessary to open their contents. It is represented that it is most correct to understand as crediting process of granting and credit repayment, instead of operation on delivery of money. So, according to A.Ya. Kurbatov, in wide value crediting is understood as granting by one person to another material benefits or benefit with the subsequent their compensation or the person to whom they are provided, or other person
According to the credit agreement the bank or other credit organization (creditor) undertake to provide money (credit) to the borrower in a size and on the conditions provided by the contract, and the borrower undertakes to return the received sum of money and to pay percent on it. Thus, the credit – the relations on granting by the credit organization of money to the borrower in a size and on the conditions provided by the contract.
The credit can be considered in several aspects: from the economic point of view, the legal point of view and as link of a financial system of the state. The essence of the credit as economic category consists in the certain economic relations arising between the creditor and the borrower concerning providing the loan in a monetary form.
The credit is a form of the economic transaction on granting on returnable, urgent and, as a rule, to a paid basis of money or other property. From the legal point of view the credit represents the relations settled by rules of law concerning granting by the creditor of money to the borrower according to the credit agreement. The credit as a link of a financial system includes the state and municipal credit.
Legal literature contains a set of definitions of the credit and the points of view on it. For the fullest disclosure of the maintenance of the credit it is necessary to consider it in several aspects:
1) as action;
2) as movement of cash flows;
3) as transaction;
4) as sum of money or property;
5) kind of activity;
6) as economic relations;
7) as trust form.
It is represented that the most complete definition of the credit the following
The credit is money or other things determined by patrimonial signs, transferred (or intended to transfer) in the course of crediting to the possession to other party in a size and on the conditions provided by the contract (credit, the commodity or commercial credit) therefore between the parties there are credit relations. Thus crediting is understood as granting by one person to another material benefits or benefit with the subsequent their compensation by the person to which they are provided, or other person.
The question of difference of the credits utilized by the borrower on repair, construction or housing acquisition from the credits directed on execution of the operating consumer costs is important. For permission of the matter it is necessary to proceed from the content of concepts the consumer purposes and consumer needs.
So, consumer call the loans granted to private borrowers (population) for acquisition of consumer goods of long using. Thus it is necessary to consider that crediting of the population for consumer needs can be both in monetary, and in a commodity form.
The group of authors under the leadership of O. I. Lavrushin notes that the maintenance of the consumer credit is made by the relations at which the borrower is the population
. The concept covers the consumer credit as the credit connected with satisfaction of requirements of the current character, and the credit for construction and maintenance in proper condition real estate.
The credit for the current needs promotes acceleration of realization of the commodity stocks, fuller and timely satisfaction of constantly growing requirements of the population, and also promotes production development in personal economy. In their opinion, concept the consumer credit in a sense conditionally, and more exact is concept crediting of the population [7].
2.2 Organization of bank crediting
Carrying out crediting on the terms of urgency, recoverability, availability at a price and on security, regulating the relations of the creditor and the borrower by means of the credit agreement (agreement), commercial banks seek to allow loans to reliable clients to exclude risk of a default and to provide timely return of the given-out means.
The organizational beginning of formation of the credit relations between bank and the borrower – the appeal of the borrower to bank with the reasonable petition in which are specified: the target direction of the credit, its sum and using term (including concrete maturity dates), and also is given the short characteristic of credited action and economic effect of its implementation pays off. Together with the petition the borrower represents: copies of constituent documents, charters, provisions, lease contracts, registration certificates (certificates) or patents; the documents certifying the right for using the land plot, assured notarially; the documents confirming competency of the client in receiving the credit; the feasibility study on credited action with calculation of expected receipts, from production realization (work, rendering services); copies of contracts, contracts and other documents concerning credited action, due to receipt of funds from which introduction the asked credit is supposed to repay; annual and quarter accounting and statistical profit and loss reports, declarations on the income, statements of the accounts opened in other bank, and other obligations for ensuring timely return of the loan (the mortgage obligation, a guarantee, the guarantee, the insurance certificate, etc.).
In necessary cases the bank can demand from the borrower both other documents and the data confirming security of repayment of the loan, and also solvency of the borrower and the guarantor (guarantor). At the same time for the borrowers having constant credit relations with concrete commercial bank, the list of submitted documents can be reduced.
Process of crediting is connected with action of the numerous and diverse risk factors, capable to cause a loan default in the caused time. Therefore before drawing up credit conditions and the conclusion of the credit agreement the bank on receipt of the petition and necessary documents has to study carefully factors which can cause a default of loans, i.e. carry out the analysis of solvency of the borrower.
The main objective of the analysis of solvency – to define ability and readiness of the borrower to return the required loan and on their basis to formalize in the credit agreement of a condition of its granting. The commercial bank in each case defines degree of risk which he is ready to assume, and the credit size, possibility of its granting in these circumstances.
In the course of the analysis of solvency of the borrower become clear: capacity, reputation of the borrower, capital existence (possession of assets) security of loans, condition of an economic environment. The bank can gather necessary information on solvency of the client from a card file on all investors and borrowers if such card file is conducted in bank, and also to use information accumulated by establishment of bank in passports хозорганов, grouped by means of the equipment, received of official sources. Information on solvency of the client can at desire of bank be checked on channels of external sources of information.
In domestic practice of the organization of crediting of such high-organized and qualitative source of external information on solvency of the enterprises while isn't present. However at interest in confirmation of reliability of the separate moments of solvency of the applicant of the credit demand the bank can receive external information from other banks where the borrower, and also from his suppliers, buyers, competitors, tax inspection addressed earlier.
3. System analysis of process of crediting
The system analysis is the interconnected logical-mathematical and complex consideration of all questions relating not only to a plan, development, production, operation and the subsequent elimination of modern technical means, but also to methods of the management of all these stages taking into account social, political, strategic, psychological, legal, geographical, demographic, military and other aspects.
The system analysis – studying of parts of system and communication between them (identification of internal communications). And also communications between system and the outside world (identification of external relations).
System synthesis – connection of parts in a whole on the basis of the knowledge gained in the analysis.
The main principles of modeling business of processes is the following:
– the principle of decomposition – each process can be presented by a set of hierarchically built elements. According to this principle process needs to be detailed on making elements.
– the principle of a sfokusirovannost – for development of model it is necessary to abstract from a set of parameters of process and to be focused on key aspects. For each model these aspects can be the.
– the principle of documenting – the elements entering process, have to be formalized and recorded in model. For various elements of process it is necessary to use differing designations. Fixing of elements in model depends on a type of modeling and the chosen methods.
– the principle of consistency – all elements entering model of process have to have unambiguous interpretation and not contradict each other [3].
– the principle of completeness and sufficiency – before including this or that element in model, it is necessary to estimate its influence on process. If an element not essential to process performance, its inclusion in model not expediently since it can complicate business process model only.
A design of processes is documenting, analysis and development of structure of biznes-processov, their intercommunications with resources, necessary for implementation of processes, and environment, where these processes will be used.
A main task on this stage is a leadthrough of analysis of the systems, development and analysis of structure of flowing of process of the consumer crediting, with the purpose of further corrections process.
Before starting carrying out the system analysis, the first that it is necessary to make, it to make model the black box
Black box
– the term used in the exact sciences (in particular, system engineering, cybernetics and physics) for the system designation which mechanism of work is very difficult, unknown or unimportant within this task. Such systems usually have a certain entrance for input of information and an exit for display of results of work. The condition of exits usually functionally depends on a condition of entrances. The concept a black box
is offered to U.R. Eshbi. Model use a black box
allows to study behavior of systems, that is their reactions to various external influences, and at the same time to abstract from the internal structure of systems.
To study process of consumer crediting, we will sort model the Black box of system bank.
Entrances in system bank are: clients, money, required services. Exits are: the provided services, given-out money. The bank is system border the territory in which the building is located. And clients of bank, the enterprise with whom the bank cooperates treat environment. The model can be presented a black box
in the following look:

Picture 1 – Model Black box
Further we will develop the contextual chart of process of consumer crediting, we will carry out decomposition of each of blocks, for more detailed studying of process.
At this stage the system analysis of business process of crediting is carried out, concepts of credit system, consumer crediting are considered.
As the master's thesis on the subject Modelling of Business Process of Consumer Crediting is in development, more detailed and final information on this project will be provided after completion of writing of the thesis. Further it is planned to optimize business process of consumer crediting by development of a database on crediting which will be stored on a site and will allow to lower time spent for delivery and registration of the credit.
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